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明けましておめでとうございます、去年は本当にお世話になりました! あっという間に一年でしたね、2020年はほんと長いようで一瞬でした、ほとんどどこにも行けず、人生にも色んな打撃を受け、今でも打開策に必死です…しかし同時にみんなからの救えと支えのおかげで、なんとか生きてこれました、本当にいくら感謝して足りないくらいです。 今年の目標は、去年より効率と作品数を上げること、本気で技術力を上げること、できればR18創作をメインにして自分を養う仕事として取り込むこと、あとは人生の大事なこともこなしておきたいとささやかに願っております… もちろん全ての前提は世界が安定することです、早く色々良くなるといいですね… ところで、これから暫くは自分のことを一切喋らないことにします、みんなに自分の人生をシェアすることで満足感を得られることができ、そうしたい気持ちが山々なんですが、訳ありでこれから暫くは控えることにします、ネガティブなこともあんまりみんなのところで発散してもらいたくないし、ということで、本当に信頼できる方々の間だけ自分の居場所を作るつもりです、もし私ともっと近くになりたい、知りたい方がいらっしゃればグループにどうぞ参加してください。 それでは何年前から誕生した娘の一人、あんこちゃんを紹介致します~ご覧の通り萌え萌えの中華娘、タイトルは古い言い伝えからのインスピレーションでした、本にする計画は随分前からなんですが、みんなはどう思いますか?もし興味がある、好き!と思う方がいればコメントでどうぞ~ いきなり大変なんですが、今年はなんとか…神様に良い年を授けてくれることを心から祈っております。 Happy new year, thank you very much for last year! 2020 seemed to be really long and also moment in a blink , I couldn't go almost anywhere, I was hit by many things in my life, and I'm still desperate for a breakthrough ... but at the same time, Thanks to the support and saving from everyone, I managed to survive, and I'm sincerely thankful about that. This year's goal is to increase efficiency and the number of works from last year, seriously improve technical skills, if possible, take in as a work to support myself with R18 creation as the main, and also start to handle my important things in life if possible ... Of course, all the premise is that the world will be stable, and I hope it will get well sooner ... By the way, I will not talk about myself for a while, I can get satisfaction by sharing my life with you, and I have a lot of desires to do so, but for the time being, because of some reason. I'll refrain from doing that,also because I don't want everyone to disperse negative things, so I'm only going to make my own place among people I can really trust, if you want to be closer to me, or want know more about me please join the group. Now, I would like to introduce one of my daughters, Anko-chan, who was born many years ago. As you can see she is a Moe Moe Chinese girl, the title was inspired by old traditions, I have been planning to make it a doujin for a long time. What do you guys think? If you are interested, or like it ! please leave a comment ~ Al though It's hard from the beginning, but 2021 ... I sincerely hope that God will give us a peaceful year. (修正により、一部を削除して再投稿しました。)




Happy New Year BM! I'm glad you were able to get through all the hardships of 2020 and hopefully start 2021 on a high note. Now you and I both know that I prefer shota over loli, but I have to say that these sketches and drawings are really nice. I'd love to see more of Anko in the future. If you desire still, I think you should make a doujin featuring her. Also, I really don't mind hearing about your more personal side. I think it's good and humanizes the artists. So if you want to talk about things, my door is always open. But it is good to see you back and creating art again this year.


あけましておめでとうございます。今年に入って更新がなかったのでちょっと心配してましたが何かあったのかもしれませんがとりあえずご無事で何よりです。 今年もよろしくお願いします。


I'd love to see a doujin featuring Anko-chan! She's cute! And looks to want to serve her customers with all her might~ Happy New Year, and here's to 2021 getting us past 2020!






Finish ver. Plz!;)