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In Hentai, the importance of liquid is indisputable, of which semen is a very key role, a good semen can make the picture erotic degree increased by 200%, as a facial enthusiast, I have been constantly researching how to make semen, but there has not been a very satisfactory results.


There are three main types of semen that I have tried so far:



1.3D model

The advantage is that no matter which angle the camera turns, there is no problem. The disadvantage is that due to the limitations of the model itself, it is difficult to achieve a perfect shape and it is easy to have a stiff edge, so you can see that it is a 3D model.


用Bump map、Displacement、Decal等方法,直接在材質上製作精液的效果,好處是方便快速,且能完美貼合,壞處是沒有真實的立體,受限於攝影角度,無法做出重量感。

2.3D Texture

Bump map, Displacement, Decal and other methods, directly on the material to create the effect of semen, the advantage is convenient and fast, and can be a perfect fit, the disadvantage is that there is no real three-dimensional, limited by the camera angle, can not make the sense of weight.



3.2D post-production

Post-production of semen texture to the picture, the advantage is to be able to make the largest adjustment, and according to the situation of free increase or decrease, the disadvantage is that every picture must be repeated, and because it is a post-production on the shape and color is very difficult to perfectly fit the picture, more or less will see the sense of unnaturalness.


So far I use the most is the 2D post-production practice, even if it is the model or texture method are more or less will mix with post-production, but 2D post-production semen effect is still very limited, it is easy to see the flaws and sometimes looks fake, so recently I have begun to study the practice of 3D model again.


Here are the latest findings-

精液模型部分使用的是dbxxx的Cum PRO Pack,不過我自己改了shader參數,以及最重要的改變:邊緣淡化!

The semen model part uses dbxxx's Cum PRO Pack, but I changed the shader parameters, as well as the most important change: the edge fade!



On the left is the model in its original state, and on the right is the result after the edge fade.

You can see that in the original state, there is a very serious sense of edges, which makes people realize that this is a 3D model. After the edge fade, it blends better into the object and has the feeling of being attached to the skin.


By the way, let's talk about what I think it makes semen look more erotic. First of all, the shape, the natural fall due to gravity emphasizes the sense of weight, the bifurcation and traction emphasizes the sense of viscosity, and then the color, the all-white with a little bit of yellow added as well as the transparency, based on the real semen, with a little bit of exaggeration.


Currently, I'll probably use all of them together, the texture is used to make a large area for the base, the model is to complement the sense of weight and appearance, and then 2D post-production will be used to adjust any shortcomings.


如果是unity的話,我知道有人寫出"Alpha blend"的shader,可以自動將模型接近其他物體的部分降低透明度,但是我不會寫shader所以我是用比較陽春的暴力解法,簡單說就是做一個透明度權重貼圖來讓模型的邊緣透明程度較高。

About "Edge Fade":

If it's unity, I know someone wrote "Alpha blend" shader, which can automatically reduce the transparency of the model part which close to other object, but I don't know how to write shader, so I'm using a stupid simple solution, which is simply to make a transparency weight map to make the model's edges more transparent.


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