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總之我花了兩天的時間,總算把人物風格調整回令人滿意的程度了,我本來有著一個自己的信條E.A.S(Elegant, Affinity, Style),我現在決定把Balance也加進去裡面,平衡才是最重要的!

總之我花了兩天的時間,總算把人物風格調整回令人滿意的程度了,我本來有著一個自己的信條E.A.S(Elegant, Affinity, Style),我現在決定把Balance也加進去裡面,平衡才是最重要的!

So I spent two days to finally adjust the character style back to a satisfactory level, I had a creed by my self named E.A.S (Elegant, Affinity, Style), now I decided to add Balance also into it, balance in all thing!



The changes made this time, mainly to adjust the face back to close to realistic proportions, also to correct the messy hair bangs, and added hair strand, about lighting and retouch, it's just return to the early settings, which is reduce the scene ambient light and flat light retouch.

Actually the hair is the one took most time, really put up a hell of a fight, but they say hair is a woman's second life, I think it is worth spending some time :^P.

好了總之,目前應該就這樣不會再改了,接下來就是把漫畫重製啦,追回失去的進度~Let's go!

Anyway, that's it for now, it's time to remake the comic, to recover the lost pages ~ Let's go!
