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Lighting in Daz can be really a headache. Since Iray simulates light like real world, all convenient (unreal) lighting methods are invalid, including self-illumination(ambient), wall through light and so on.

I have tried all kinds of lighting methods, HDRI, headlights, scene lights, ghost light...Basically all of them aren't ideal. In the end we have to return to the most primitive lighting equipment, which is the old school way- The-three-point lighting method.

But the three-point light system is very troublesome to operate, it's easy to be stuck in the scene, blocked by object. It's basically only suitable for portrait photography, or a movie who have a whole lighting professional responsible for film. How can you expect a lazy 3D comic artist that is proud of low cost production to be willing to spend time there?

Elegant is the whole thing! After countless studies and tests, I finally found it.

Bois and gal, I present you—Pisanto E Camera!

I'll quickly explain how it work, and you can make one your own (if you're interest).

Three major thing in this system:

Camera (Parent all)

LightGroup (Key&Fill light as a group, Rim as a group)

Section Plane (4~5 section plane set at camera's back)

As you can see, this is a traditional three point lightning set, parent under the camera, so if there is a camera, there is light.

However if you just simply parent light to camera, it will follow camera even while you adjust the focal, too close or too far to subject will mess up the light.

So, what we gonna do is to use ERC freeze function, link "LightGroup: Z translate" with "Camera: Focal distance" (make them opposite).

After set, LightGroup will always stay at where your camera aim at, no matter how far or near your camera!

In this way, every where your camera aim at, there is a three point lightning shining the target.

Simply rotate the Key group can change the key light direction, easy to make catch light.

And to ensure Key light won't be blocked by scene's object, make 4~5 section plane just behind your camera, which will hide all the stuff will never show up in your shot but can still mess up your light.

...However, this only work with Key and Fill light, Rim light still have a chance to stuck in scene, to solve this, one way is shorten the rim light distance, or simply render twice, one with the background, one hide it.

First Render, rim light blocked.

Second render: hide scene, have rim light.

Combine them with photoshop.

That's all I got for now, not a best way to lightning, but sure is elegant.

Alright, happy rendering :^).




Thanks for the explanation, I'll try it out


膜拜大佬……我再去试试。然后,erc freeze的具体操作上,开启edit mode之后,是选择相机的z轴去erc freeze灯光,还是选择灯光去erc freeze 相机z轴


ERC的用法我也說不清,記得應該是控制者先選,不是相機Z軸,是相機的focal distance,然後記得要讓兩者的關係處在相反狀態,Focal distance為正燈光Z軸為負