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たくさんの推薦を受けたリクエストを選択することはあってますが上位 5つのリクエストの中で私の気に入るのを選択します

リクエストイベントは競争ではなく、私がうまく描くことができてこそ作品の品質も上がるからです。 そしてこれは2020年のルールに戻るということです。


ゲームの開発と絵を同時に進めようとしたらストレスがとてもひどいですね。 それで僕も少し敏感に反応したようです。


いつも僕を応援してくださって、 本当にありがとうございます。


The winner of the request event.

The fan box selected 17 recommended requests without any difficulty.

Substar selected the second request.

The most liked received request is no character request, so I chose the request more clearly.

In order to select requests as fairly as possible, I based it on the number of liked received, but I saw people who misunderstood this as competition or abused the rules, and were disappointed when they lose the request.

In addition, as mentioned above, I was attacked for deliberately fabricating the vote...

This is completely different from my intention to do my best to draw the picture you wants.

From now on, I will change the criteria for selecting requests a little more soft.

I can choose a request that what have received a lot of recommendations, but I will pick my favorite of the top five requests.

This is because the quality of the work will improve only if I can draw it well, not compete. And this means going back to the 2020 rules.

I'm having a hard time this month.

It's very stressful to develop the game and proceed with the drawing at the same time. So I think I reacted a little sensitively.

However, I ask for your understanding as this is to eliminate unnecessary conflicts in the future.

Thank you so much for always supporting me.




Oh... no...


I love your work, keep it up


I don't know if you're watching, but the most recommended requests always require the same character. I feel the need for this to be adjusted fairly. My request doesn't seem to be won, but it seems that popular characters such as Wonshin and Byeoknam Passage always win.


I agree. Especially among some users, there was a situation where liked were exchanged. Strict procedures are needed to prevent this, but it is practically impossible. Therefore, I changed the rules a little more smoothly, and I will prevent abuse of liked for specific users or characters.


Please don't take it too hard. I'm rooting for you.


なんで絵師さんを攻撃するのか……(泣)(゜o゜;) パウジンさんがやりたいようにするのが1番だから今年位はリクエストからパウジンさんが選ぶでも良いと思いました(@^▽^@)


POWZINさんは1つも悪くないのに攻撃するといった行為は許せませんね😠 POWZINさんが描きたいものを書いてこその投票だと思ってますので、どうか無理だけはなさらず😓 ゲームとの併用もありますから、 ストレスや疲労も一入だと思います、体な心身を安らぐためにもきつい時には遠慮なく休んでくださいね🍵😌 今回はご報告感謝します! (2名の優勝した方々、おめでとう🎊)


When you first started sponsoring powzin, I would just write and submit if there was an open request. Although it may not be selected, I told myself to open it and write a request for the role I love. If someone else is unhappy, just call him himself. Just paint. I only pursue the role I love, request azur lane or phantom of the kill, etc., write it and press it as others like it. Many people in large numbers think that every time I sponsor you, I have not written a request, and then it causes uncomfortable later. Later, I keep sending sponsorship money.


It depends on how the other person wants to understand

I think this is the best possible outcome. This supporter sounds like a self entitled ass. You are your own artist so you should always have the final say in what you draw. Comparing likes only helps you decide among what you like. We should support you because we like your work, not because we expect to be getting specific rewards, that's what comissions are. And it is very true that an artist that draws what they want to draw will always enjoy their work more, and their work will grow better because of it. Keep up the good work Powzin sensei!


That's right. I hope the request application will be made more fairly. I wish I had a chance.


Game development... that's a very interesting story! I wish I could see you if I had a chance


If there is too much competition for fanbox, it is not bad to move to substar. In particular, the Last Origin was mostly selected from Substar!


The best thing is to draw everyone's requests, but it's impossible, so I draw a lot of highly recommended requests first. thank you so much for understanding me realistically!


I think it can be because of disappointment if I am not chosen in the request. But every time this happens, I can't do this anymore, so I think I reacted sensitively. I will work hard for a better picture. Thank you!


毎度ご理解ありがとうございます。 とくに投票操作をしたという話は、私の業務全体を否定するものなので、もっと敏感に反応しました。 これからもよろしくお願いします


こんなに理解してくださってありがとうございます! これからは人気キャラクターだけでなく、もっとリクエストをされそうです!




Well i like the idea that you select 1 of the top 5 and the most popular. Because is YOUR art, and dont forget that you development a game, anyway is your decision and i hope you dont sick for this random comentary.