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順調に進んでいます。 そしてリクエストイベントに対するすべてのリクエストを履行することができません。 全般的な要望は参考にしますが、詳細は変更になる場合があります。 なので詳細事項が反映されていなくてもご了承ください // It's going smoothly. And I can't fulfill all requests for the request event. You can only accept the overall request and the details can be changed. So please understand if the details are not reflected. //






Wonderful painting,Sensei.お疲れ様です! And……I understand,It's impolite to force you to comply with a bunch of demands.😥 So I stopped nagging,please do as sensei's idea I'm looking forward to the finished product quietly!😘


僕は構いませんよ、先生を応援してるので! 本日もお疲れ様😘


You can ignore my comment here, But I have a big gripe with this statement "And I can't fulfill all requests for the request event." I can understand if someone wants 100 things that its not going to be possible, but if someone wants X and Y and only one thing but that one thing to be ignored, and sometimes that one thing is added to another image, who didnt ask for said thing. Wouldnt it be better to give the person who requested and those who liked the idea what they actually asked for, instead of only taking the base if it (meaning requesting anything but x with y is pointless). This is something thats been on my mind for a long time, and it doesnt feel right that sometimes it feels like large chunks of a request is ignored and other times they are kept, or things previous requester wanted. Wall of text but I had to speak my mind. Its your freedom to do whatever though.


Because this is not a commission. I have to draw a lot of pictures and it is impossible to put all the demands in every picture. What you're saying is beyond me, so I can't help it if you don't understand.


Tanning, pregnancy, and childbirth are being portrayed without difficulty! Don't worry.~~


No, I do understand. What I'm saying is: It's fully understandable that you can't draw everything someone wants if it's a million things. What I AM saying is that, and I have to use two very recent examples here: If someone requests X with Y, and also says Anal, but you don't draw it anal, doesn't sound like something you can't do, or being too much. If someone requests X with Y, and also impregnation, but you don't draw the impregnation, again, it doesn't sound like something you can't do or being too much. Small things like this happens a lot where some people don't get all the things they want in their idea (even if its 1-2 extra tags) while some people do, and that's the source of my annoyance, the inconstancies with this, that sometimes 1-2 things are "too much" and other times more than that is fine. Again: I fully understand that not everything can be draw, especially when the requests starts getting super detailed, But that's not what I take issue with.


what I do take issue with is all the straight forward requests with 1-2 things that don't get their 1-2 things.