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まず二つの作品が完成です!! 確かに3枚より2枚ずつ完成するのが少しましなようですね。 次の作業は今回完成できなかった'プリンツ'と'バーガーキング'の優勝作品になるでしょう! また優れたアニメーションの力を借りて過去作品の中の一つがgifファイルで公開される予定です。 最後に2月からは私のリクエストイベント方法とティアの報酬などたくさんの変化がある予定です! 詳しい話は後日詳しくお知らせします!! いつも後援してくださってありがとうございます!! // Two works were completed first! It's definitely better to complete two sheets each than three. The next work will be the work of Burger King and the 'Prinz' And with the help of an outstanding animator, one of the past works will be released as a gif. Finally, from February, there will be many changes such as my request event method and tier rewards! I will announce the details later!! Thank you for always supporting me! // Hi-res Files : https://mega.nz/folder/vY8gSTjD#Vf0rWsPKG1NhgSyPLAO_NQ 7+ Rewards : https://powzin.fanbox.cc/posts/1361705 15+ Rewards : https://powzin.fanbox.cc/posts/1361697




gifファイル楽しみすぎる🤤 2月からも頑張ってくださいね!😎


잘 보겠습니당


Good god so amazing fischl !.


It's a shame that we can't see Fischl's anus anymore, but instead his breasts and expression are quite stunning! Very nice job!

Love these a lot! Looking forward to seeing your work animated too, exciting!

Shido Live

Nice work! Just a quick question, if I've been selected in the past, how long before I can be selected again?


Looks amazing!