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This is the winner of this request!!!

Again, animal-related suggestions have been reduced a little!!

Instead, I chose suggestions that would be interesting.

Especially those who have never won before!!!!!!!

The new request suggestions will begin in two days, and we will get a lot of animal-related suggestions from now on!!

Thank you so much for always supporting me!!!






Ah, figures.. Finally managed to get Rias have the most likes only to got shafted. for more gangbang.. I'm a bit annoyed honestly.


Ah great more gangbang, not like this is also overused af but no apparently its only animals


Get your rules finally sorted out and organized honestly such bs with the "I pick how I feel everytime".


当たった方、おめでとう👏 楽しみでしかない! 次こそ当たりますように!😣


Such entitlement from you and Polar, you're here to support an artist you like, not have things commissioned. An artist choosing what they want to do and not what they feel like that HAVE to do is a happy artist = better work. Stop bitching or go somewhere else. Honestly.


Imagine thinking this issue is about winning and not more than that. I've supported Powzin for a really long time and if you are blind to the obvious decline in quality in both how the requests events are handled AND the art, then I don't know what to say. It's up to you. I've stopped my support now though so I don't really care. See you around


It has nothing to do with entitlement, or me wanting shit commissioned. It's about these completely random and unorganised rules that change on a wimp, as he says one thing in the request and then, in the end, decides to make something else. It's about this sort of mess. I have no problem with him doing what he wants to do, but if that's the case he should stop doing this stupid requests or make the rules clear that he looks at them and picks and not the whole "most likes win" and then picking something completely different. Just have clear rules is that too hard to understand? But I guess your simp mind doesn't understand something like that. Cause his work arguable has declined and the fact I pay money to him monthly does certainly give me the right to criticise or complain about certain things. I'm no blind fucking yes sayer like almost everyone here seems to be.


And just to add, the fact all we have here is "request events" makes your entire argument about commissioning completely invalid. As the only thing happening here is literally people commissioning stuff just that you have to gamble on getting it commissioned. As there is literally non of his own work or ideas since everything is requests.


We lost again.... But it was different from the decided policy, so it was inevitable. I want to win next time. I'm looking forward to the illustrations of the winners.


just like its name,fanbox is more like a platform to support the artist you like,here is not a factory to produce what the sponsers want,this thought deviates from the original intention of art. Stop your complaining and threatening my friends,maybe powzin should leave a place for commission ,but that’s up to the editor. After all,we are her to support a artist we fond,not for self satisfaction


Sometimes you win even if you get a lot of "likes" and sometimes you lose, because it's clearly stated that the number of "likes" isn't everything. I also got 12 "likes" this time, but I lost. Everyone here is paying for the same thing, and we don't get preferential treatment just because we've been supporting them for a long time. In fact, if you are given preferential treatment every time just because you are a regular, it may discourage new supporters. The next event is said to be preferential for long-time supporters, so you can claim to be a long-time supporter if you are there. I think powzin isn't just a slave to illustration.

