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As a lot of you are aware, i've been planning to move to Subscribestar for a while but for the better part of the last two years or so i've basically had no contact with them regarding the status of creator account. I've emailed them multiple as stated on the page where they line out how to get in contact with them regarding an account review and still nothing, and the rest of their social media seems to be a dead as well. Currently, my only option left is to try and start fresh and make another creator page in hopes that puts me back on their radar. I'll keep you all updated on how that turns out.

The reason i've been trying to due to their less limiting options in regards to the content allowed, the less unstable payment options they allow subscribers to use, and fact that the payment is directly dollars instead of yen, meaning i don't have to worry about the value of an alternate currency going up and down and having that negatively affect myself or you guys.

On that note, this bring me to the main point of this post, I'll be doing some restructuring of tiers near the end of the month. They'll be the same overall as they are now functionally, they only thing that will really change is the cost. When I first made this fanbox the yen prices i put down were a pretty direct comparison to how much they would be in yen, 150 yen being $1, 600 yen being $5, etc,. Of course, if you know anything about japanese economics, (as I'm sure we obviously all do) you know that the yen as steadly dropped in value over the years. This means the prices for tiers are lower than stated, for instance, the $20 tier only costing $11 and change in reality which is almost half of what it should be. I ate the cost of this for months both in the vain hope that the yen would bounce back but also because i figured I could just wait out Substar's approval, but with neither seeming any closer to happening, I can't really justify putting it off any longer. Don't worry, the changes to the pricing will only be to make them accurate I.E. Making the $1 tier actaually cost $1, the $5 tier cost $5, i won't try and nickle and dime you by overcompentsating and raising princes super high. i'll be sure to make an official post about it before it happens so that none of you are put off guard when it happens.

Even still, i imagine I'll be losing some people regardless once the change happens, but I have a plan to make sure people have a reason to resub or even sub properly for the first time around the time of the change.

Until then~



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