February Update Log: Next animation and more (Pixiv Fanbox)
Hey there! This is an update log for the fanbox I'm goingto try and do monthly. Basically just a bit of housekeeping and trying to keep everything up to date, espcially with so many new fans and followers recently. If you're only interested in the content I produce the TL;DR is more stuff is already in the works and I plan on doing more to take in fan suggestions and give more benifits to the tiers. If that's all you really care about knowing you can skip this, but I do recommend giving it a skim at the least.
First off: Thank you so much to all the new fans and followers I've gotten the last couple days! It's been really invgorating to know people really like my work that much, and I hope you'll continue to support me as make more art and animations. Speaking of which...
Second Point: The next animation
The next animation is going to be an one starring Undyne and Frisk from Undertale. There are already some roughs and drafts of it floating around for $10+ fans to see in the backlogs. Production on it was stallled to make room for the Command Grab animation following a vote on which one would get completed next. I'm going to try to have sound in it as well, though my library of sounds is a little small. If anyone has a hot tip for sites I can get general sounds for a NSFW animation feel free to tell me in the comments!
Third Point: Future animations and projects
I plan on opening up some kind of submission post once the Undyne animation nears complettion for future animations to do. I already have some in mind I plan on doing, but I think it'd be good to have your guy's input on what you'd like to see. I'm not sure what tier it'll be tied to yet, I might start it at just $1 and see how many people respond and go from there. I also plan on doing more votes on future pieces of art as well now that there's a few more people safely in those tiers.
Fourth Point: Future Benifits
Beside working on personal artwork, I also do commissisons, however they've been closed for a while since I ended up falling behind on them. I should be done clearing enough of them to reopen comms again soon, likely later this month! I recently heard of another creator giving out discounts on comms to fanbox supporters and felt like that would be a good reward for all of you as well! I haven't decided on the percentages yet but all tiers will get a discount if they get comms from me once implimented! Just be sure to have the name you're supporting me under ready so I can double check if you contact me through other sites.
Fifth Point:Everything else
Again, I just want to thank all of you for your recent support and encouragement! I tend to get a bit self concious about my work and worry the range of people who actually enjoy it is small, so it's nice to see so many of you also like it! I hope to continue to please our collective taste! Speaking of which, expect more drawing soon. including more Steven and Lapis and more Lucoa, I have a few skecthes I've been sitting on for a while, again due to the Command Grab animation.
Til then!