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I would like to do one more picture for the January art pack. Maybe you can request a character or fanart and I'll give it a shot. Some other artists like to do this with their fans and it seems like a lot of fun. I'll pick one of your requests, so go crazy!

Anyway, after this art pack, I'd like to focus on some DVD+BR chan JK stuff.




1. Anything non-consentual, at any level, would be awesome to see. Whether it's a girl having her clothes ripped off or the demon girl getting a stake through the heart. 2. Rollerskate waitress


I'm not really into gore and death, but I have to concede there is something how about that idea 'stake through the heart'


Ooh, request time. 1. More of Greeny, please. Perhaps her hanging out with Yume or her boyfriend JD. 2. Some more of the demon girl Andrea. Does she have other friends/fuckbuddies other than the Angelboi?


In-front-of-the-class applied sex ed?


You read my mind, that's for the next art pack :)


Cool! Agreeing with UnknownOne, it'd be quite nice to see more of Andrea (or a similar demon girl). Here's a few ideas that came to mind: Idea 1: Andrea summoned Someone trying to summon (with runes on the floor, candles etc) a powerful demon accidentally gets Andrea instead. The summoner ends up submitting to Andrea and has to do her sexual biddings. Idea 2: Andrea in her natural setting Is it some dungeon-y demon-kids' room? Is it a throne room in a castle? Is it a library with fireproof stone tablets with inscriptions (instead of books, which burn) where she's learning more spells? Who knows?


Yes! I've imagined her summoned thru a ritual, like a stellated pentagon drawn on a floor. What if she is summoned accidentally by a hapless guy, seduced by her, fucks her but then is burnt to a crisp by her firey, explosive demon orgasm?


Niceee, sounds great. As long as she gets summoned, it's all good, haha. (And then the powerful demon does arrive and fucks her as well?)