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Status update Feb 2023 Almost done with the current commission list, so I am planning to open the next round. I have been thinking about it, but am currently unable to think of a good way to do the commission list. The last list is easily done, but ran into a couple of issues, namely there are some who put in submissions for fun, but are not willing to make payment, thus needing to be replaced, as well as limited slots making it so that the list is quickly filled by people who happen to be awake and near their computer. I had considered some other way, like collecting all the submissions for a day before using a number generator to determine the list, etc. But in the end, I think I'll try something else. My plan for this round would be to use a google sheet to collect the submissions to track time easier, as well as telling you guys in advance, in the hope that it'll help with people in different timezone and whatnot. It's not perfect, but hopefully it'll be better then the last round. Currently I plan to start the submission on 1st March 2023, 12am midnight UTC+8, and open it for one hour. Due to the previous issue of people not willing to pay, I'd ask for upfront payment first, though of course I am open for discussion as always. Which means that whatever number of submissions I get would be the next commission list. I expect about 50, given that in the last round, the 20 slots were filled in about 20 mins, so that seems to be the right number. I also plan to work on some projects I'd like to work on personally, between commissions. These would be for G9, as I'll like to try that out. - Gotham Knights - Bayonetta 3 - Marvel Midnight Sun - Final Fantasy 7 remake - Anything else I happen to be interested in. I'll post the link to the form here, though it'll only open during the stated time above, at least if the add-on works. https://tinyurl.com/35scnhad Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for a better system.


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