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Hello everyone. Thank you for the support this past year. As there are currently about 13 more items on my backlog, I think now is a good time to give an update on some changes in the coming year. My little experiment on unlimited commission opening shows that it's clearly not sustainable, so in the future, I plan to limit commissions intake to 20 each time, and removing the boosted section as that would (hopefully) not be needed anymore. This should allow a monthly cycle of commissions, so people no longer need to wait for a year for their commissions, as well as allow me to work on the unpaid section of my list as well as models of my own interest. On the suggestions and comments of some of my supporters, the commission price would be changed to 5000 JPY per model, starting from the new list onwards. I'll also adjust and simplify the commission lists on the various sites I am on as well on 1st Jan 2023, so please make your own adjustment on the tier you are currently on, if necessary. What I am currently thinking is a 2 tier system. - 500 JPY for access to all models. No changes from previous system. - 5000 JPY for a model commission. All the other tiers would be remove as they are obsolete to my current workflow. Let me know if you have any questions or comments for me. And thank you all again for your support these past years.


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