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There will be a slight change to the rules of downloading and using my converts. - Do not sell my converts. I provide them for free, so if you want to distribution them, do not charge money for them. The reason for the change is detailed in the post linked here, if you are interested in that. https://www.deviantart.com/shinteo/journal/Rule-change-to-my-converts-897674362



You can file a DMCA complaint or just tell renderhub that "do whatever you want with them" doesnt equate a granted cc0 license. Also adding this license under every of your converts might work https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/


Also, once you publush someting under certain license you can't take that back from people. If for example, you officialy published an asset under a cc0 license anyone can sell it wherever and you cannot take the license back. ( for example you can sell blender or hdris from hdrihaven on gumroad and thats perfectly legal)