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I know that many of you have asked to add real sounds, real voices to do the dialogues. I know a few of you have offered to do it but I'm not excited about depending on someone to deliver my animations. It takes a certain talent to voice characters, you have to know how to modulate your voice and most of all you have to have a good tone of voice. I would have to find a good actor to do it and honestly, I'm not interested. I don't want to negotiate with another person either. I'm already under a certain amount of pressure to deliver on time, I don't want to be under any more pressure because I have to wait for the actor's voice files - or have to negotiate because he didn't meet my expectations. You have to negotiate rates, send the script to the actor, answer the actor's questions, wait for the audio files to be finished and delivered, listen to each audio file again, make sure everything is being said correctly, go back and forth with the actor. It's a lot to deal with and I don't have time for that. I hope you'll understand that my art can't evolve in this direction. Thank you for your understanding. Shotaro Kaneda




There is nothing to worry about add real sounds, real voices, etc. to be adding. As for me, I don't have any problem with that. Watching videos without sounds will be fine. So don't worry Kaneda, just create video either with or without sounds and voices.


By the way, you can release videos without sounds, and you can add voices later soon. Take your time, and I know it is not easy for working so hard.


I think there are other reasons real voices should not be used, legal reasons. I think you are wise to steer clear of that; and for your own reasons we agree and understand 100%. Keep up with your own great stuff; we think your awesome!


Other choice is using a voice synth ai which you make the voices yourself and then just add the text you want the voice you created to speak be cool if you did but can tell you don’t want the extra work


Real sounds are very very different from real voices. You will need a letter or release just to start. I thought your recent work showed amazing progress with using a capella box. Stick with building your own skill set.


I'm really sorry for being selfish.I'm sorry that I can't support you every month for various reasons, but I love your work.I can clearly understand how you always try to deliver as many works as you can.Originally, I liked the expression and breath of pleasure more than the voice of the receptionist, so I ended up being selfish. I have become a big fan of you, who explain your current feelings and situation carefully.I will continue to support you as much as possible! Thank you for telling me♥️


but....Perfection always takes time