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Hello, It's been a while.

Happy Holidays to you all!

I'll be posting quickly some changes on plans.

Before: All Access / オールアクセス

Same as previous plan but with Access to all videos (including past months)


After: All Access / オールアクセス

Same as previous plan but with Access to all videos (including past months). Access to Bonus Videos


Bonus videos are mainly for additional content with a bit higher price than usual. Although some request can be made freely, still. Supports to various Patreon / Fanbox creators are increasing so have to adjust as well.

Patreon account is UP!

Recently, I've requested for Patreon account but took an entire week for approval. This will have the same content as this Pixiv Fanbox but have a bit higher pricing until prior notice.

Link is here.

Videos with sound

I've been thinking for past few weeks if I should change the Videos are working. Plotting sound is longer as it consumes a lot of time. Some scenes from other creators have sound embedded but some do not. It takes a lot of time to plot for one so I'm thinking to remove it for longer ones and add sounds mainly if Loop videos. What do you think?

Thank you for understanding

Hope to hear feedbacks on you all soon,

Have a good holiday ahead!

- Hei



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