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Shikamaru's worn-out sandals give off a strong and erotic odor.

Sandals off version! Revealing his sweaty and musky ninja feet inside.

■ There's a second work, it's currently in the making. I thought I could finish it this month but I haven't been feeling well. But even if you're not subscribed next month, rest assured you can have access to the finished work on July's link. So please be sure to visit it before July 10th.

■ [Sneak-peek] One of August's works will include this work featuring Naruto and Sasuke. I wanted to make two panels to finish this work. It seems that for the past 2 months I have been publishing on Naruto content, please bear with me a little more!

*second batch of Google Drive link for copies without bars/unc*nsored will be distributed shortly.

Thank you as always!





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