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As of today (April 30th) the previous 300 Yen "All Content / すべてのコンテンツ" has been discontinued, if you had subscribed last month, you should already be receiving the Google Drive link (which will expire on May 2nd). I would like to thank you for all the monetary support on TERM 01. I'm happy to know that there is a market for someone that draws mainly niche fetishes like myself! Even if you will no longer participate in TERM 02, I will always remember and appreciate you!

From now on and for an indefinite time, all FANBOX content can be accessed with 500 Yen. I will commit to at least publishing two FANBOX illustrations a month. On another note, if you had been following me for awhile, you will notice I'm not very fond of sequences but I can understand the appeal to some - So I will try to produce more variations/sequences.

Keep in mind as of May 2021, I will no longer provide Google Drive for uncensored files from previous months. If you subscribed for that month, consider it a monthly exclusive. This is final, so please do not ask for uncensored files of previous months. The censored files of previous works will always be available on FANBOX. I am also currently working on replacing mosaic censoring to bar censoring on previous published works so it will be less annoying to viewers.


Previous announcements:

[500 Yen] 21/04/16 - End of Term 01

[All Users] 21/04/12 - Works Leaked + FANBOX Changes



I’m so glad I made it back on your fanbox here’s to supporting you for more months to come! ❤️


Hey how do I message you? I want to commission something from you? 💰 💰 💦💦💦💦


Do u have cash app