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今日はなんか進みがいまいち! 明日までに頑張って仕上げて差分こーしんします!お楽しみに~٩( 'ω' )و





つねみく (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-15 05:36:17 If you don't mind me coming a little late to the discussion: I can certainly agree with most things that my fellow posters Ulver, esc and Romanul have stated. Thank you all for sharing your insights! As being kind of a policy-nut, I tried to aproach the rolling-back of female right from several angles myself - and also failed to make it even half-realistic (@Ulver: Would you be willing to share your unfinished outline with us? I would very much like to read it!). The idea of equal rights is not only deeply engrained into our (current western) political systems, it it also a very much capitalistic ideal (expanding the exploitable workforce, rasing the number of consumers etc.) Therefore a corporate setting indeed makes sense, with a certain degree of blackmail and force but ultimately, the level of exploitation is limited by the demands to keep the company profitable. Even in CR, how to you gain power? By sucessfully completing projects inside the companies materialistics imperative! So unless you leave capitalism behind and move e.g. to a country ruled by religious ideals like islam - where women are locked away at home and the families honour, not their wealth determins their rank in society - it will be very difficult to go back to the 1950ties idea of "barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen" - which would be one potential roll-back scenario. The other would be pure, violent slavery - which would only be possible in a post-apocalyptic setting where the economy and governmental systems have collapsed totally - e.g. in "A handmaids tale", annother religious distopia. To be honest, both scenarios involve a massive decline in living standard - it is hard to imagine working being otherwise. So believe that realistically, SC/CR & white slavery scenarios are only possible on a small scale, for a wealthy and powerful elite. For example the idea of Ulver: I'd like to see a scenario where a small band of females is captured and enslaved in a foreign country - that might be a nice scenario for 10 women or so. But I don't see how these numbers could be increased realistically within the "near-reality" frame of CR. The other option would be change the rules and produce a "alternate-reality" frame, a whole new universe. The questions is: Do we and does the creator of SC want to do that? I would like to propose annother, more relaistic idea: What if we build on the existing trends in media, in fashion, in education etc. and accelerate/push certain trends, e.g. via coporate media influence, all within the frame of the existing political & economic frame? A simple example: Why do women wear pants, e.g. jeans? Because they are comfortable, en vogue and are marketet to them as "trend". So, let's bring advertisement, fashion industry and media together and decide: Women should only be allowed to wear skirts! We start promoting skirts, and only skirts in womens fashion. You won't be able to find a single pair of womens pants in clothing stores from next year on - besides some ugly and unconfortable "token" pants to provide the illusion of free choice. Each and every model in all the teen magazines and fashion outlets would wear skirts. All medical jounals would feature stories how dangerous pants are for womens health... How long woulds it take until 85+% of all young women onyl wear skirts? How many women would wear pantyhose with their skirts if they would cost 200$ - while seamed nylons stockings (and garters belts) would be sold by H&M, Primark, Zara an such stores for 5$ a pair? What if a pair of sneakers would cost 400$ (as certain models already do), but 4inch-heeled sandals 10$? Oh, and if loafers would cost a fortune, but high heels are inexpensive, fashinable and available everywhere, we should all consider making them mandatory at schools, colleges and offices - as a social policy, of course, to prevent girls from not-so-wealthy background to be discriminated against! That, after all, is the idea behind (school) uniforms. So sorry for the long post, I just wanted to get my point across: Let's work inside the system!
2020-06-07 15:54:11 キャルじゃんとでもかわい...恥ずかし顔大好き!
