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Dear supporters,

Thank you for your support as always. It encourages me to make gay erotic art very much.

Today, I have a small request to you.

I'm always happy to read the comments from my fans, but could you avoid to write your ideas, expectations, and predictions about my comic, on the comment sections?

Cause I'd like to avoid the risk what someone thinks that his idea was stolen by me, especially since Kyoto Animation arson attack was happened in 2019. The incident was caused by the suspect who thought that the studio had stolen his idea, and it killed and injured around 70 people. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyoto_Animation_arson_attack)

This first massacre to target comic and animation industries made many artists nervous in Japan. And I'm not an exception either. So, I am sorry but I don't want to hear someone's specific ideas, expectations, and predictions about my works, even with good intentions.

For the risk management, and to work with peace of mind, I ask for your kind understanding.


Gengoroh Tagame




I can't imagine someone would threat the greatest BDSM visionary. It must be such a masochism. Anyway, wish all the best to Gengoroh master!


I understand. I hope you well, Tagame-sensei.


Understand <3




Of course!! <3 <3 <3


Noted and sorry my horny brain just gets so excited sometimes, love the work!!


Apologies, will refrain from doing so.


Please continue more on the Daruma comic series. Love to see how the soilder would end up/tortured [apart of being shot].


We won't suggest anything, because you can interpret and recreate our deepest fantasies better than we can.


I'm very guilty of posting ideas in the comment section. 😔 Know that I have upmost respect for your work and my comments were written out of admiration, like a kid waiting for candies. I didn't realize how it had impacted you, sensei. I will stop doing it from now on.


well, I've never thought about this question before0.0. A lot of people giving ideas cuz they want to help you, but on the contrary, it may limit your inspiration and get you into unnecessary trouble. I have to say I didn't think of that.