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地獄のハードワークから解放されたと思いきや、新しい業務を投げられて死んでいました。4月初旬の引っ越し準備も重なり、進捗ダメダメです…涙 継続でご支援いただいている皆様にも大変申し訳ないです。ちょっと個人的にダメダメすぎるので、来月の更新(したい!!)を無料でご覧いただけるように、パスワードを配布します。次回更新時に無料公開でパスワード付きZIPかパス付きのファイル共有サイトのURLを共有しますので、その際にご利用ください。お手数をおかけして恐縮ですが、メモしておいていただけると嬉しいです。 パスワード: doPx80328CPN 4月から東京に住みます! やること沢山ですが、わくわく! (どうでもいいですが、梱包中にメインPC壊れた疑惑) I thought that the hardest part of my work was done. However, it continues til now (fortunately, it has finally got calm). Plus, I need to prepare for my relocation in April, which all in all makes it hard for me to draw hetains... I really feel sorry for those who support me monthly. I think it's not really acceptable (in my own standard), so I would like to issue a password that will be used for the next update. I will upload a zip file or an URL to an uploader that will be opened by this pass in a free Fanbox article (hopefully in April!) so that you can enjoy my new work free one time. Sorry for bothering you but please note the password below: PASSWORD: doPx80328CPN I will start living in Tokyo in April! A lot of things to do but exciting! (My main PC seems to be broken in the packing process through...hope not!)




wow, cant wait!


No worries. We all still have faith our God Rin will return. And she will be even more stronger and awesome!

