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以前から計画していた、液タブ+フォトショ環境に完全移行しました! みなさまのご支援は、液タブのローン(苦笑)返済の助けにさせて頂きます。本当にありがとうございます! おかげさまで、作業効率が爆上げしたので、今後は落書きを含めてガンガン描いていきたいと思います。もうすこしで絵を描き始めて半年ですが、これまでは「時間をかけてきちんと描く」を意識していました。まだまだ線画も塗りも下手くそなので「きちんと描く」は続けなければいけませんが、今後はプラスで「たくさん描く」を意識していこうと思います。 エロ絵は「毎日のように抜けるのが重要」だと個人的に思っているので、1作品に1ヶ月・2ヶ月かけるよりも、ある程度のクオリティだけどニッチなエロシチュが沢山…みたいな方向でも今後は頑張っていきたいと思います。線画や塗りの方法など、試行錯誤する数ヶ月になると思うので、色々とご意見ご感想いただけると嬉しいです! プラン改定についても、まだ悩んでいるところがあるので、考えがまとまり次第ご連絡します。 画像は新環境で描いているラフです。加藤先生シリーズはしばらく描かないつもりでしたが、結局また「よくない」顔をしている加藤先生です。今度は何をするのか…? あれですね。「一日前」のアレです。本番を描くかは未定ですが、とりあえず新環境に慣れるためにもざっくり一枚描いてみる予定です。 -- I've made the complete transition to a pen monitor + Photoshop environment that I've been planning for a long time! Your support will help me to pay off the loan for the pen monitor. Thank you very much! Thanks to this transition, my work efficiency has increased dramatically, and I'd like to start drawing more, including doodles. I've been drawing for almost half a year now, but until now I've been focusing on "taking time to draw elaborately.' I'm still not very good at line drawing and painting, so I need to continue to draw elaborately, but from now on I'll also try to draw many. I personally think that it is important for hentais to be responsive to sexual demands changing daily. So, rather than spending one or two months on a single work, I would like to do my best in the future to draw hentais with a OK quality but with niche erotic situations. I'm sure it'll be a few months of trial and error in terms of line drawings, painting methods, etc., so I'd be happy to hear your inputs! I'm still struggling with the revision of donation plans, so I'll let you know as soon as I get my thoughts together. The image is a rough draft drawn by the new work environment. I was going to stop drawing the Kato-sensei series for a while, but it turns out this rough that Kato-sensei showing a 'not-good facial expression' again. What will she do this time...? That's 'it,' isn't it? It's the "one day before" thing, damn right. I'm not sure if I'm going to draw an actual sex scene, but I'm going to finish this draft to get used to the new work environment.




That looks so beautiful! Just this preview alone is incredible! Well done! I can hardly wait to see what amazing sexual works you will make with it!


you absolutely have to create a series around rin todo! like she has to be your main character. anyway congrats on the new pen monitor setup! I'll be supporting you!


Thanks for your encouraging comment as usual! The new work setup really stimulates my creativity and boosts efficiency. Let's see what I can make during June!


I absolutely agree with you and don't worry. Rin Todo's piece is on the 'to-do' list for June ;) And thanks a lot for your support!