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皆さんこんにちは~Machiです 今月の2枚目も八重神子のバニーガールです!!セックスバージョンです 初めてセックスに特化した構図を描きましたが、差分も会話シーンもたくさん作りました 皆さんに気に入っていただけると嬉しいです~ また、Discordも開設しています! 最新情報を見たい方、または私と話したい方は、ぜひ参加してください~ Link:https://discord.gg/Eyh9bat2ty Hi everyone, Machi here! This month's second reward will be another bunny Yae Miko illustration, this time it'll be featuring some steamy sex! This is the first time I've composed a piece of artwork that's completely focused on sex, I've made a bunch of differences and some dialogue! I hope you enjoy! I've also created a Discord! If you want to catch up on my latest updates and conversations, please feel free to join! Link:https://discord.gg/Eyh9bat2ty Additionally, I'd like to do an extra feedback campaign! Invite your friends to join! ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ How to enter *Subscribers who have subscribed from November 2022 to Feburary 2022 can DM me to receive previous months rewards in the place of the months I was not active. *For those who subscribe in March, you can claim a reward from a past month too! Please remember to include a screenshot of your subscription (Pixiv card or Patreon start date) when you private message me, I will send you a link to the download the past rewards you'd like. 大家好~這裡是馬吉 這個月的第二張也是八重神子的兔女郎唷了!!是SEX版本的 第一次畫完全針對SEX的構圖,也做了許多差分+對話情境 希望大家會喜歡~ 另外我有開設discord!! 如果大家想看到的最新動態或者找我聊天的話,都可以加進來唷~ 連結:https://discord.gg/Eyh9bat2ty 另外為了感謝大家的支持 我想做一個額外的回饋活動!! 趕快邀請你的好朋友一起加入吧⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ 活動辦法 *凡是有贊助過2022/11~2023/2月份的訂閱者 都可以私訊我拿取之前任意一個月份同等的獎勵,訂閱幾個月就可以拿等同的次數 *3月開始訂閱的用戶,也可以私訊我拿取之前任何一個月份同等的獎勵 私訊我的同時請記得附上你的訂閱截圖~我會再傳下載連結給你



