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Sorry to announce this for the umpteenth time.

We sent out this notice yesterday. At that time, we planned to work only with Fantia, but upon closer examination, we found that Fantia does not accept PayPal payments, making it difficult for overseas supporters to support us.

Based on this, we decided to conduct activities on both Fantia and FANBOX. It will be a lot of work, but we will think about it again at that time.

As for content, content that violates Pixiv's new terms and conditions will only be posted on Fantia. All other content will be posted on both.

The account that will be updated from now on will continue to be the one you are currently viewing.

There will be no transfer to the new account.

We will also introduce back numbers in FANBOX as a measure against this problem. We will delete articles at the end of each month, so if you have a favorite post, please save it and keep it with you.

Sorry for the policy change in such a short period of time.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Shifty Imp

Just PLEASE start a Patreon or a Subscribstar or a Gumroad (←probably the best), you're making things way too difficult and exhausting. If you're splitting up your stuff between Fanbox and Fantia, but Fantia doesn't allow Paypal, then there's no way for us to get to that content. We would HAVE to download it from pirate sites in that case. :( I know those shitty rules here on Fanbox/Pixiv aren't your fault, but please understand that following and supporting an artist shouldn't be something that takes lots of effort. Some of us come home from work and just want to check what's new here every few days without having to check 2 different sites (if we can even access them), compare the differences, etc. etc. You could even upload uncensored on Patreon. Or if you don't want to use Patreon, put all the stuff from one month as a bundle on Gumroad at the end of a month for 990 yen. On Gumroad it can be uncensored as well by the way. I'm not angry at you or anything, just to be clear. :)

Shifty Imp

But doing this on 2 accounts at the same time, with different content for the people on Fanbox compared to Fantia? That's just ridiculous.


I have considered various methods. In the meantime, we will start Gumroad. If we run into problems, we will drop it. ...... but we will give it a try for now.


I am in the process of considering various measures to deal with this issue, but my biggest concern is, as you mentioned, that "Fantia-only content" will be generated. I do not know of many services that allow overseas customers to make payments, so we are currently in the process of investigating various options. If we check Pixiv's new terms and conditions and if "Kemono" are not a problem, all content can be posted on fanbox as before. We are currently in the process of looking into the situation.