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Hi Friday

From what Yor and Muay-kun did in YorMuay04.

[Sub] Yor and Muay 04

Hey! What are you doing!? We are in class. Get back to your seat! That's a short conversation I heard from my side in classroom. There's something happened? What's that? Enjoy! Previous ep here: English No text

Yor goes to the toilet to clean himself. He goes in the toilet but...somehow Muay-kun also gets in the same room~






I love Yor and Muay together hehe. They're both so cute and hot! I've been enjoying the series with these two a lot. Awesome work Tadow :3


Another excellent Yor and Muay set, very much appreciated 💗 if they ever play again in the future maybe next time it'll be after school at one of their houses so they can really have fun~ would be soo hot if they can have fun while naked wearing just their socks~