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Friends, very sad news..( My account in the "Mega" cloud was blocked, all the videos that were previously published on my FANBOX were lost. I am very sorry that this happened, I can not restore old videos. If you still have my old videos, please contact me so that I can re-publish them. From this day on, I aim to make more progressive new animations.



I have a few animations. Not all.


what progressive animation means?


i have several of them


I just found your page today. If I become a fan, are you able to still send your previous videos to me or...?


What videos are you still missing? i have some


I have them all but only in either 720p or 1080p I think.


Waiting to see. I really want to see your old works. just discovered you.


Hi, please write where I can contact you. Do you have a discord or telegram?


Hi, please write where I can contact you. Do you have a discord or telegram?


Hi, please write where I can contact you. Do you have a discord or telegram?


Hi, please write where I can contact you. Do you have a discord or telegram?


Oof probably should have waited before paying that sounds buns. Hope you can get em back soon would like to see the rest of the older ones


Ouch! And I just supported too. It can't be helped though. Sometimes this happens. Just when you get stuff back let us know where we can go to get it and make sure you keep your work in a safe place offline too. Best of luck!


Any news on this? Would love to see the old animations again..


Alright I'm unsubscribing


new level 2 subscriber, only now saw this. You ain't joking when you said you got them all?


Sorry I am so late. If you still need help I am @Lelsalvador on discord


Hi, I still need some help. You entered your Disocrd nickname without a tag, so I can't find you. Try to find me in discord, my nickname: superweb#6326 Or write your nickname with a tag at the end, you can see it in your discord


just to say, if you make content to upload here, you gotta have an alternative backup method, like copying the finished stuff onto an external storage medium like a portable hard drive or some-such, so stuff like this can be avoided


yeah, that @Lelsalvador tag for discord didn't work dude. On a whim, I used that for twitter, but it led to a banned twitter account. tried the discordhub website, but no user by that name. The so caled search option only looks for users in discord channels im already a part of, of which Lelsalvador is none. So if you do indeed have the videos and are willing to give them to superweb to host somewhere else, or to others that are subscribers, how do we even find you?


and cmon semis, I subscribed to superweb to check out their content, and here I see you hold the rest of it, hoarding. Please just send the stuff to superweb so I can get what I fan'd for


I subscribed anyway, but did you make any progress on restoring the videos? I've seen that multiple people said they have them, so when can we expect to see those videos again?


I'm not hoarding. It's his content. I'm glad I have it to give back to him but I have real life to live as well. I don't get notifcations on here and only remember when I manually search. I will message him to facilitate something.


hope you managed to get all your old content back, because the wait for it all is starting to get ridiculous


He's never tried to directly contact me. Its not like they can't DM me on here and ive tried discording aswell. No luck.


how do we get the old content?