Jan2023 (Pixiv Fanbox)
Update for some of you who haven't joined the discord:
Jan2023 Fanbox will still have no content. Feb2023 things will resume. My other part-time job starts next week. So with Christmas Presents, Commissions, and getting new content ready (while working another job) the next week and January I will be busy.
Reminder, Patreon will come back again Feb2023. The exact same content. Both places you get access to the SAME rewards in Gumroad. The only differences are:
Patreon will cost more to pledge by a little.
It's Patreon so I can post things uncensored (though at the end of the month, the same rewards are given out).
Fanbox is still more open about content being posted (2D Fictional Incest, Tentacles, Goblin Mobs, Mobs etc) . So I will have to hide it on Patreon and you'll have to use your brains to figure out where the rest of the stuff went.
Also the commission tier will be different. Fanbox will have the detailed colored-sketch commission while Patreon will have the Line-Art only (still only 1 character).
So if you're able to, and want to still support me 2023, I would suggest maybe getting off Fanbox (though still follow for now) and go to Patreon (though the price will be up a little there).