Background Character Poll 現在、提案を: 受けてます (Pixiv Fanbox)
次の作品で見たいキャラクターは誰でしょう? (誰とセックスするのとどうやってするのかを、俺が決めさせていただきます) 提案が少ない場合は、自分が描きたいものを選ぶかもしれません。
Well these Shingle Anti-Viral Meds are really kicking my ass lol. Most of the bad side effects were over once the weekend ended (constant fever and body pain since Wednesday, throbbing migraine). Now its just occasional migraines~ (though I need my pain-blisters to go away....)
Basically, I didn't work as fast over the weekend. BUT!! Open character suggestions for 2-3 background characters in this illustration of Askr (Fire Emblem Heroes) x Bernheim (King's Raid)
I'll think of what they're doing, but I just want to see what characters anyone would like to see in the background.
Keeping it either in Fire Emblem or King's Raid. You don't have to give characters from both if you're unsure of either series. Poll will be up for like 2-3 days before I have to draw them in.
These aren't the only options below, I'm just giving examples. Any male from FE or KR are eligible.