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This time i try not to merge too much during my painting progress, so i hope it helps you guys!

Personally i doesnt use too much layer effect except the starting color thumbnail or final refine, I love select color and straight paint on top because it feel alot more freedom and easier for me to mix my color.

I always started with 2 tone, seperate the light and shadow in different layer so it is easier for me to select the part i need when i am painting

I love using a soft gradient here so when i add in the base color they will have a very soft color changes, which helps makes my color looks more interesting.

then i will use either Multiple/Overlay or Color layer effect to add in the character base color.

Then i will start painting from here, since i have every color i need so i doesnt need to use any layer effect anymore, just happily paint on top!

I find the overall detail is lacking and not interesting so i add in some hair to emphasize the depth, and some torned stocking so i can have more shape changes in my drawing.

Then i will merge everything together from this stage and do a final refine like emphasize the thigh squeezing, lineart and add in more atmosphere

And thats all of my usual painting progress! I hope it helps

See you next time!

inner 3




you are a god amongs men


Hello! Thanks for another great post! This is how your illustrations turn out...! It's a great reference! My question is, what pen tool are you using for your line drawings? I'm fine with your availability, so I'm waiting to hear from you! I am very much looking forward to your next illustration 🥰.


This looks incredibly helpful, and I appreciate the extra effort you took to not combine the layers as much!


I used Found Pencil from clip studio asset (ID:1876673) and default preset darker pencil


Hello! Thanks for the very sexy and good illustrations! What pen do you use to color? I would be happy to contact you. I look forward to the wonderful illustrations in the future!