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Aaaaaaand that's all folks!~ With this post I'm officially and FINALLY done with the SFW commission queue! Peak at the bottom of this post for a in-depth post mortem of my feelings, but for a TL:DR, I had a lot of fun experimenting with doing SFW art on commission for the first time ever! SFW is definitely just gonna be something I offer occassionally going forward. Especially since, sadly, (TMI warning?) the truth of the matter is that I'm not constantly and consistently horny anymore. My libido used to be one of the main sources of my motivation, and it still is often at times, but these days now it sometimes just does nothing for me. That being said, I've discovered doing SFW commissions helps rejuvenate and recuperate that part of myself! So, prepare for a bunch of the HORNIEST STUFF IMAGINEABLE after this post. I think I'm boutta go insane TBH!~ Without further ado, here's all of the SFW commissions for batch 2! 1. Commission for Tera Tyrant Shadic! Tera and Avery eating ice cream on the beach! Poor Avery is upset about how he spilled his vanilla soft serve on the sand. When Tera offers him some of his orange creamcicle to compensate, he scoffs at the offer of charity from someone below his station! After all, how dare a PEON like Tera offer the disgusting indirect kiss of patronization to someone of Avery's stature!! On second thought, maybe Avery deserved to drop his ice cream. At least he got one bite out of it though... I was really happy with the render on this, especially with how quick I was able to put it together. A beach, an ocean, and a PNG of some grass and trees to cover up the transition between sand and water. It works surprisingly well, especially when you consider it only took me about an hour to add! 2. Commission for Enid! Enid is her tomboy OC! Enid was the only person to commission a sketch character sheet, so here's the only example we have of what that would look like! I think it looks pretty alright, and the best part is that it could always just be colored later! 3. Commission for Juan Castellanos! His Succubus Sona at the gym! Quit staring at her breasts! Can't you see she's just trying to get her LIFT on?? Ugh... she never had to deal with this shit when she was a man... Except for those fuckers on way too much protein powder and lean, them fuckers are funny enough to stare at ya while gooning in the- Anyway, gym trauma aside, this was a fun commission. It's not everyday you get to draw one of your best friends as a succubus :P 4. Commission for StarGazer! Ayame Shaga and the twin sisters Kyou Sawagi and Kyou Sawagi from an anime called Ben-To! I have no idea what this anime is about, but drawing the characters was fun! I tried my best to replicate the anime's art style, and I think I did an okay job with the twins! The center chick though... Well, it's really hard to draw forward facing anime faces :,< I do wanna get better at drawing in anime art styles, but something about anime just eludes me. Its something to do with the face structure and the eyes. I'll figure it out someday!! Either way, this was a really fun commission! The background is really esoteric, but I think it looks okay. There's a speedpaint version of this comm in the discord server! 5. Commission for Cammi Cutie! Cammi and Fayne playing video games together! It's not a stretch to say that Fayne's exposure to first person shooters lacks a lot of the well... Perspective. He just doesn't play them! When Cammi invited him to play Call of Duty, he was hesitant, but yet wanted to have fun with his friend so he bit the bullet. Experiencing new things is the spice of life, after all! Or something like that... For her part, Cammi didn't really mind. She loved playing practically any games! But, not even Cammi expected Fayne to be *this* discomforted by the screams of the damned... To be fair to Fayne, it would be kind of disturbing to a person unexposed to this kind of thing... After all, who knows what those zombies are saying!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojxUmsC-2Pg >:P 6. Commission for Demothesis! Fox boy Zyla and goat boy Zho out on a jog! Poor Zyla, Foxes are made for speed and dexterity, not stamina and endurance! (Having shorter legs definitely doesnt help :P) This was a fun one, it's rare that someone commissions something in active motion. I'm honestly not the best at it, but this was great practice! I think the key to fixing this will be learning how to add motion blur to things. Currently, I have a way to do it, but I don't really know the ins and outs of it. Something to experiment with in the future! 7. Commission for Phee! Two "girls" out on a date! These two characters are from a previous request made by Phee, that I don't expect anyone to really remember. The commissioner really liked the characters, so here's their first big appearance! Nothing like a nice Gyaru boy to help you get in touch with your feminine side, am I right!? This was a very fun pose to draw, although I almost ripped my hair out while trying to draw that dress. Either way, this piece was a fun one! Maybe next time I draw them we'll come up with some names for em too :P 8. Commission for Vivian! Ian caught red-handed! While snooping around where he really shouldn't, Ian was caught by Alice's sister, Luna! After giving him a stern talking to, she decides the best form of punishment for a sneaky boy like Ian would be to have a tea party with Vivian! What a wonderful idea! There's no boys allowed in this house, after all... I had a lot of fun constructing the background for this one. People rarely pay extra for a proper background, so it's always nice to get some on-hands experience drawing them! I learned a lot by doing this, especially with how to use symmetry to make drawing backgrounds easier! For instance, I just copy pasted the windows 2 times to get all 3 of them LOL 9. Commission for Gunzil! John possessing Leona from Student Transfer! The Makeup tutorial he was watching made this look so easy... So why was he struggling so hard with this!? It's just makeup! Women do it all the time! It was so infuriating, this was the third time he had to start over with the lipstick alone, so don't even get him STARTED on the eyeliner- Oh, the EYELINER! What HORROR! Even though his struggles were left unacknowledged, at least the boy was gaining some valuable perspective in life. He had been excited to be in her body at first, but now that he's having to maintain it... Well, John gets to learn first hand that beauty IS pain... I saved one of the best ones for last! This commission stretches the definition of "SFW" a little bit, but the alt version without John's is a lot less loaded, so I think it still counts! This was by far the MOST fun background to draw. When I found the tiles for the walls it made it 1000% better instantly, I was kinda shocked! Definitely wanna do more backgrounds with perspective in the future! AAAAAAAAAAND THATS IT!! That's all the SFW commissions! 26 comms in total! Only took me 5 months... *sigh* ...Alright. So, it's time for the SFW COMMISSION QUEUE EXPERIMENT post-mortem. Forgive me, I hope this isn't too much of a RANT. Without further ado, here are my ramblings. The sebattical from TF commissions gave me a lot of perspective and other things to think about. Namely, it showed me that there's not much of a difference between drawing SFW and drawing NSFW. By far the main benefit was that I didn't have to think about fetishy/lewd implications when I'm not feeling it (which happens a lot more these days as I get older and my libido calms down), and I don't have to feel guilty about being a degenerate outcast from society while I'm drawing them. That being said, neither of those are particularly much of a benefit. I only feel bad because there other people in my life view it as bad, when honestly TF and NSFW are not. Lewd art is a healthy form of self-expression and escapism where no real people can be hurt, and If helping people express themselves is part of my job, well that makes me extremely happy! Helping people is fun! That's all that should really matter. Alas, to some others, it just doesn't. It's all about *appearances*, money, and judgement to those intolerant few... I've just gotta do my best to push through it and prove that I can do this to the naysayers! Regardless of that though, a fear of mine that I was worried about, was that I was gonna fall in love with doing SFW and never wanna do NSFW ever again. This would be a problem, since I kinda need to do this to make money and survive. I'm happy however, to discover that this wasn't the case. If anything, I just wanna do both NSFW and SFW on rotation now to add more variety to my life! There's nothing saying I can't, after all! Even though my fire doesn't burn as brightly anymore, I'm looking forward to several more years of NSFW and kink content, but now with some added SFW sprinkled in to give myself a little extra breathing room!~ Originally, I planned to have all of these commissions done in 3 months. I had hoped that my ADHD medication would help me get em' done quicker, and it DID help, but unfortunately as some of you know already, I developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome back in June. As far as that goes, it's been improving, but it's been a hell of a slog. It's hard to determine which stretches work, and which don't, and when. I at least have enough feeling back in my drawing hand now to feel how much it hurts, which is definitely an improvement. I've regained full range of motion too- It just sucks because I can't even take a break from drawing to play games to give my wrist a break. Using a mouse is HELL now! It sucks! I have to put heat on my wrist for 15 minutes, do some stretches, then put ice on for 20 to prevent inflammation. I have to do that 2-3 times a day, and then also a bunch of other stretches 5-10 times a day- Needless to say, It's really frustrating. All of that being said, I feel the need to clarify. My wrist IS feeling better. It's not fully healed, and I'm not sure it will ever fully be 100% again, but it IS getting better. I'm just not the youngster I was when I first started this career. I can't be a legendary hero artist and draw nonstop for 12 hours straight anymore. I have to take regular breaks every hour, on the hour, or else I run the risk of deteriorating again. It's been hell for my workflow, and my mental state. Especially during the times when the stretches seem to do absolutely nothing and I can't figure out why. But I'm working through it! I've at least proven that this won't be the end of me making art forever to myself, when for a bit I thought it was. There were times where the pain got so bad that I didn't even wanna look at my discord notifications, because they'd make me remember how I couldn't draw because of how much pain I was in. The motivation was there, but the hand wasn't. All of that was... Harrowing, to say the least. The one thing that I think keeps me going though, that keeps me coming back regardless of the carpal tunnel, the neighsayers, the art block, is ya'll. Sincerely. The generosity you all show me on a day to day basis is the one of the biggest and only reasons I'm still sane. If I'd never become FanterFane, I honestly don't think I would still be "around" today. I have all of you to thank for that! Your thoughtful comments and generosity have kept me going through the darkest of times! It fills my heart with gratitude to say that I can only hope to humbly repay that kindness for many more years, and keep making and drawing and creating and having fun with all of you! Now that all of that is out of the way, I wanna end this out with a brand new mission statement. A new direction, if you will. I think we could all use a little direction, so, let's all continue having creating and having fun together! The most marvelous thing I have discovered about TF and other forms of kink content, is that TF is self-exploration and actualization, refined to a brain-rotting, thought-replacing science. Transformation is change, and learning to change is a part of life. So, I, as FanterFane, am hereby dedicating myself to that pursuit. I'm here to have fun with ya'll and find myself, and hopefully help ya'll find yourselves too along the way! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all!! XOXO, FanterFane.



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