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Heyo everyone! Finally getting around to posting the requests from this month's stream. Took me awhile because my power went out midway through the final request, so I had to find some other time to finish it! It's finally done, so here's the post ^^ There was no theme this time, although California TF was still heavy on my mind so we got a few more of those going! I still need to get around to doing a sequel to the original california Fayne. So much to do, so little time! :( Either way, I hope you all enjoy the requests from this stream! 1. Request for SnufferinSnagglepuss! Kaetaro California-fied! Put a bit of my own experience in LA in the dialog for this one :P 2. Request for Benji! He adopted one of the fem-men I drew last year as his own OC, meet SILVIO! 3. Request for TheSippel! Mental Masculinization via Popsicle! I was worried I wasn't gonna be able to pull off the idea of a "gender brainfreeze" but I think I did! So now we have a hot woman who thinks she's a man! 4. Request for Goldnight Angel! Pallate swap TF! I've been thinking about this concept for ages, but never sprung on it cause of the difficulty. I finally tried it out here, as a request, but in order to make it work as a request I had to use the same pose for all 4 panels. I'm not gonna make another request this big for a LONG time lol! 5. Request for Phones! Noel californiaized!! I had to change the restaurant from Whataburger to Inn-N-Out, because I confused Whataburger to be californian XD 6. Request for Tina! Fanter-Mod californiaized! I wasn't sure about whether or not I should do this one, but I did so- Here's the first ever sketch request featuring me as the character! That tanning oil sure has gotten around, what did you expect that I *wouldn't* use it on myself??



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