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"Just hurry up," Amity groaned as she was pushed up against the wall and her legs were yanked upward. Luz's body was all that supported her as it pressed down tight against her, but as her cock sank into her, the reality of having her girlfriend inside of her this early in the morning was a lot nicer than she really wanted to admit. "Can't believe you're like this first thing in the morning." But then the moan she let out almost immediately let loose a sweet of noise and commotion betraying her efforts to remain quiet, and this was slipping further and further out of her control.

Luz didn't need to be told to hurry. She'd been burning up since she woke up for the chance to fuck Amity, and the second they met up in front of Hexside, she had her on the side of the building, away from prying eyes, for an early morning quickie. She wasn't patient enough to contain herself or act reasonable in the face of sweeping excitement getting the better of her, clumsily shoving her cock into her and starting in on the mad, reckless excitement of fucking her tensions out, knowing how to do only one thing and showing off a remarkable lack of restraint in her desire to get at that one thing. "You like it," she teased back, but as she groaned and grunted her way through fucking Amity, she didn't really have the composure to keep up with all of that.

It had been two weeks since their attempt to spice things up in the bedroom led to a long-term backfiring. Luz had messed with a penis growth spell that was supposed to be temporary, and it had most certainty not been temporary. Not only was she now stuck with a penis, but she was stuck with an incredible overactive and excitable penis that had to be tended to several times a day and ramped her libido up to almost ruinous heights. It left her in a shaky state where all she could possibly do was fuck her frustrations out constantly.

That meant interruptions like this, the sloppy and chaotic, excitement of a pre-class fuck spiraling out of control. It was something that was becoming frustratingly common for Luz, and she didn't know how to feel about that as her body received these wild attentions, pleasure growing in feverish and threatening excitement, keeping her there and keeping her stuck in a state where she could only take it, trying to help keep Luz tended to. It was, after all, partly on her for going along with it and finding the spell in the first place. But being tapped constantly for the cock Luz was stuck with to be stuck in her was always an extra bit of frustration, continuing to build up weirder.

Every clumsy shove forward was a show of wild, wicked excitement, frenzied fire bringing on the madder excitement. Luz didn't hold anything back, throwing herself into the madness and the fire of giving up deeper. She shoved her lips against Amity's in an effort to silence herself and keep from too much commotion and panic, a signal to Amity that she was about to cum inside. And she did. The gooey pumping of cum made Amity shiver in excitement and fever, shaken by the weird and wild panics it induced and feeling herself shudder through her own release in turn, a shaky orgasm she was powerless to fight, wound up and left to tremble through it with no clear sign of what sense there was in trying to hold it together.

Clumsily, Luz pulled out and helped straighten out Amity and her's uniforms, tidying them up so they could pretend nothing had happened.

"Tell me that's all you need today," Amity groaned. "You said you were getting better at controlling it, right? So you won't need to do it all day?"

"Yep, I'm getting way better about self-control. No more under the desk blowjobs during class, I promise."


The hand on the back of her head urged Amity down Luz's cock, making her suck it down while she compacted her body in so that nobody would notice that she was under Luz's desk sucking her cock.

That 'promise' had barely lasted through their first class, and by the start of their second, Luz was frustrated and squirmy in her seat again, and now, with the class fallen quiet to do work, Amity had snuck out of her chair to do what she had done almost every day of school now since Luz first ran into her cock troubles. Up and down her head bobbed to tend to the needy girlcock begging for her treatment. Amity was frustrated as could be, knowing this was not what she signed up for but also knowing that Luz's issues were still more important than anything she could ahve been petty and frustrated about.

There was no good way to deal with the frustrations all bubbling up inside of Amity now as she took to tending to her girlfriend's needs with the heavy, weird weight of pressure now upon her. She had to keep giving in to this, keep feeding the pressure and commotion of something too frenzied and hungry to fight. Luz’s out of control libido was a lot to deal with, but she remained a frustrated wreck way more into this than she should have been, keeping up the pace on sucking her off under the desk and overlooking the pressures and frustrations of everything she was giving in to now.

Luz did a terrible job of focusing on her school work, fingers tight against the back of Amity's head and the dizzy excitements dragging her into a hotter state of pure need, recklessly building up without focus or sense, just needing this above all else. She was in a state of wild, wicked excitement too ravenous now for her own good, and with each passing second, she gave up just a bit harder, ready to embrace these delights and all they could grant her. This was an inescapable, weird mess of commotion and pressure to give in to, her cock pulsating in the familiar warmth of Amity's mouth, and she just didnt' care and hold onto all of it.

Amity couldn't believe the things she was doing for her girlfriend, but she kept on sucking, kept on tending to every hazy demand and push against her better judgment, and when Luz came in her mouth, she held steady to keep taking it all on, embracing the pressure and frustration that came with this all, wishing she was better able to deal with the burning frustrations all getting the better of her now. She couldn't. Amity drank down every drop and shook her way through these weird pressures, all while Luz felt some shred of relief wash over her, a hopeful chance to finally calm down.

But it wasn't going to last; Amity was already sure of it.


"Moan for me, moan for me!" shouted Luz, hands on Amity's ass while she bounced her girlfriend up and down on her cock. "I need it."

"I love your cock," Amity moaned, her frustrations set aside for a moment so she could just give in to this. It was lunch and they had run off to the bathrooms, Luz now sitting on a toilet in a stall while Amity rode her lap, the two locked in fierce groping and kissing while they fucked away senselessly. Amity had a burst of libido and excitement, helped along by the chaotic rush of tension after blowing her under the desk. It wasn't something she was proud of, but it at least gave her the steadiness and stability to start riding out the pleasure, bouncing steadily along and giving in to the chaos she needed, feeding deeper into passion and want and desire.

Luz pulled her girlfriend down harder against her, moaning harder through these wild and wicked passions. "Feels good," she moaned. "Right? Right Amity?"

"Yes, it feels good." The prodding didn't really help her here, struggling harder through the weirder chaos and frustration she just had to deal with. Luz was insistent, prodding away at her and pushing harder in a pleasure and a chaos that she was doing her best to deal with, giving in to the erratic frenzy and fire with little clarity and control, just senseless and weird and wicked. She was ready to keep riding this out, throwing all sense away but finding herself lit up with pure spectacle now.

Luz was shamelessly lost to the greed and passion of feeling her girlfriend up, throwing herself into madder excitement and a persistent, fierce rush of pleasure she wanted more and more of. The insatiable excitement had her burning up stranger, the passion erratic and fiery, bringing on a rush of pleasure she wanted to keep dealing with, giving in to harder, the sensation and chaos and commotion bringing her to want to lose herself harder. Her magic cock wasn't really a plight or a problem for her, something ferocious and wild, wanton in the hungers and the lusts she could continue to give in to harder. Being frenzied and chaotic and throwing herself into the deep end.

Amity tried to stay optimistic for a change and ride out the weird pressures of her hazy pressure, the moment falling away from her and the pleasure coming with orgasmic pressure, a fever and a chaos leaving her shaky and frustrated. She was lost to this pressure, a weird and hazy mess of delight that left her unable to deal with any of this. As Luz came inside of her, Amity rode out the relief of her orgasm and the excitement she needed more of, the pleasure bringing her to want to give up to this all. It was a shuddering, shaky rush of pleasure she wanted more of, and there was absolutely no sense in holding it back now.

"Okay, now you’re done, right?" Amity asked. "You're good?"

"I'm so good," Luz said, smile widening. "That really fixed it. You're the best." She pushed forward to kiss Amity and pamper her with relentless, wild attention, smoothing her over with adoring focus and attention.


"Amity," whispered Luz in that slightly embarrassed but very aroused rumble that Amity knew was danger.

"This is the library," Amity responded under her breath, hissing in pure surprise. She looked over to Luz, only to realize that she had her pants down and her cock out under the table. "Luz!" she snapped.

"Just touch it. It's okay. Please, it's so hard." Luz's thighs shook. "You can even keep reading. I don't mind. I just need it." She was a fitful mess clearly fumbling her way into madder frustration, a pleasure that left her all the more panicked and dizzy.

Amity could not believe tis was happening, but she didn't know how to express this or do anything to really show any outrage over this. "Really?" she asked, but her hand slipped into her girlfriend's lap, a reluctant push into acceptance that left her deeply frustrated by what she was giving in to and the utter insanity of it. She didn't have a good answer to these erratic and weird ideas, but she was giving in nonetheless to them, wrapping her hand around her girlfriend's cock and trying to accept these mad pressures and worries.

One hand stroked along the thick cock while the other held onto the book. Amity did everything she could to act like she was still just reading, having to bluff her way through the utter weirdness and wrongness of meeting these attentions. This was a lot to have to consider, and she was stuck giving up to these ideas, stroking along the cock and giving up to endless back and forth this brought with it. A handjob in the library was a new kind of insane, maybe not as risky as a blowjob under the desk, but she was stuck having to work trough this all, open to the bizarre weirdness and confusion she had to deal with, the frustrating sensation and feeling that she just had to give in to.

She tried to read, but the shaky breaths and silenced moans beside her kept her from beign able to do that. Her eyes shut and she felt the stress bubble up weirder and messier through her. Everything that Amity wanted to work through was only becoming more overbearing, keeping her in a shaky state of absolute frustration. The burning pressure and fever all took a weird toll on her; the pressure was all the weirder, and Amity wondered if she was overthinking a handjob a bit too much, btu she was definitely giving in deeper to these bizarre ideas.

It was more thought than Luz was putting in, as she sat there just receiving these attentions, the pleasure building up hotter as the hand caressed along her cock, keeping her in a state of wild relief and excitement. Her cock just needed to be touched ta all, tended to in a way that could satisfy her dizziest and haziest temptations. This was all just happening so hard, so intensely, and she didn't do anything but happily ride out the desires and depravities it offered her.

The pleasure and the heat built up within Luz, dizzy and excitable and coming with so little control or containment that she could barely wrap her head around all of its desires and temptations. She gave up completely to it, throwing her head back and warning, "It's happening." It was a warning that left Amity panicking.

"What? You're going to cum on the floor." Amity realized this had not been thought out very well at all, but it felt all way too late now for that. This was happening and it wasn't normal or sane at all.

"I'm just--I can't--" Luz squirmed where she sat. "I'm gonna cum, Amity."

With a groan, Amity let go of her book and brought her other hand in under the table too, holding onto it and cupping her cock, making sure that as she pumped her to her gooey, overbearing release, she simply came in Amity's hand instead. She came all over it, which produced a different mess and a different problem, one that she had no choice but to throw herself headlong into now. "Wait, what do I do with my hand now?" Amity asked.

"Just lick it," Luz said, more matter-of-fact than Amity was ready to deal with

"Lick it?" That was an insane solution, and Amity had no idea how to respond to it.

"You already have to taste it when you suck me off, right? It's the same thing."

That was questionable logic. Infuriating logic. But it also wasn't wrong, insane as it was. She winced at the thought of it, but there were simply no other options for her here, so she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, craning her head down so she could lick the thick, dripping cum off of her fingers. It tasted every bit as pungent and salty and bitter as it was when it erupted into her mouth, but somehow also worse in ways she didn't know how to deal with. The weirdest feelings descended now upon her and she simply didn't know how to handle them.

But she knew this day couldn't end soon enough.

It was as she licked the cum off of her own hand that Luz asked, "Are you still coming over to work on the project?" and Amity's eyes went wide in utter realization that maybe the day wouldn't end.


Thick strands of spit dripped from Amity's chin as she gagged down Luz's cock, down on her knees with little idea how to deal with these hazy pressures. Their school day ended and now she was knelt down in Luz's bedroom, choking on dick and at least no longer stressed about the possibility they were going to get caught. But she was also run so ragged already; sweaty and dripping with cum from both holes, no work having been done and the books having been thrown side so that Amity wouldn't be drooling down onto their work.

Instead, she was drooling onto the floor, struggling and sputtering on the cock ramming its way madly down. Luz held onto her head with both hands and used her hips to pound madly forward, not caring about anything but making Amity's nose rub into her needed-a-trim pubes, balls smacking against her chin. It was the relief she needed, even though she had been 'needing' it all day. She was just too hopeless to be able to contain herself, and every slam forward kept up her messier and hungrier pressures.

"I'm cumming!" Luz warned. 'You're the best girlfriend ever for doing this, you're so great!" It was at least a job that got appreciated; Amity still wasn't sure how useful that was when her jaw was sore and her body felt so worked up, worn down and frustrated and plunged into the kind of panic where she didn't really know what to do with all of it, she was just stuck there. This was excessive and clumsy and lit up with a persistent greed that left her powerless against it all.

Whatever the praise was worth or how hollow it may have felt, the flood of cum into her mouth was very real. Amity took it all on. She was confused, frustrated, embarrassed, but she was sturdy, swallowing down the cum and, when Luz back from her, gasping for air under the haze of these weird pressures. "Glad to help," she said, forcing the words out and dizzily trying to center herself when she felt so completely uncentered. She didn't know what else to do.

"Now let's do anal!" Luz all but picked Amity up and dragged her over to the bed, and before she knew it, Amity was face-down and ass-up, biting down on the sheets to try and hold herself together under the mad commotion and frenzy of all these overbearing feelings. She didn't know what else she could have done in the face of these attentions and these commotions. Amity just lay there, her ass taking every wild thrust, her head spinning out of control while she did anything in her power to try and hold firm.

Amity needed to find a way to cure Luz, but when she was too busy getting fucked stupid to be able to research a fix, how was she supposed to find time for that?

"Your butt is so great, Amity! I love fucking it. You should stay over. Let's go all night!"



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