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Ever since Allister lost the gym in a recent League switch-up to Bea, Allister found himself simply haunting Stow-on-Side Stadium from the sidelines. Sometimes the back rooms he still had access to as a gym leader candidate--and substitute if Bea was ever unable to perform her duties--or from the stands as a fan. Shyly lingering in the dark and trying not to be seen much, he kept to himself, silent and embarrassed and wishing for his gym back.

Bea was not exactly gentle about the whole situation. Sometimes, to an extreme. As she headed back to the locker rooms after a fight, she found Allister lingering in a hallway, and she couldn’t help but ride the high of another hard fought victory with a little snippiness. "Another successful defense and I haven't even broken a sweat! I can keep going all day. It's a real change from when you ran the gym and once you won a match the whole place got shut down so you could go hang around a graveyard."

"I had to talk to the spirits." Allister's voice came out weak and noncommittal. He didn't have much presence or confidence in front of Bea. "And I'm doing that right now. Can you please leave me be?"

"There's no spirits here," Bea said. 'What a nerd. You really think there's ghosts in the gym that want to talk to you? Hey ghosts, get out of here! This is a fighting gym now!"

"Please don't anger them." Allister kept his head low, legs shifting awkwardly. "They don't like to be called out like that."

"What's it matter? I'm so tough that I'm basically a fighting type, which means I'm immune to ghosts. But you're not a ghost, which means I can still do this to you." Bea shoved Allister forward. She was a bit too caught up in the high of victory for her own good, falling into relentless bully mode to keep flaunting her victory. It was cruel. It was wrong. Bea knew she shouldn't have been doing any of this to a simple kid, but he was a kid who had some risk of one day getting the gym back over her, and she knew it. Where she was stoic and devoid of weakness in public, she was extra harsh behind closed doors to Allister, wanting to keep him unwilling to challenge her.

Allister hit the floor with a hard groan. He didn't say anything. It wasn't going to help. He just lay there, awkwardly hoping she would stop. That push was enough. She'd go now. She'd stop putting on this act and simply leave him be, right?

"What's wrong? Not going to say anything?" Bea placed a foot onto his chest, standing over him with all the smugness of someone who got too rough in a sparring session and was acting like they won a real fight. "Good. Just roll over and keep letting me do whatever I want to you. The Stow-on-Side gym is going to stay mine, and you shouldn't even bother trying to get it back." But as she stood over him, she wondered if she could take this further. "Actually, maybe you do have a role in my gym after all."

"Really?" Allister asked. He wheezed a little bit, wriggling on the floor and adjusting his mask.

"Yeah. You can eat my sweaty pussy out after a win." Bea pulled her shorts down and shed the bodysuit underneath it, shoving herself down onto his face and yanking his mask away. Allister shrieked in embarrassment as the mask came away, but he had no time to call for any help thanks to the pressure of Bea nestling her aforementioned sweaty pussy down onto his face. "Eat it! Show me that you're good for something and not just a creepy kid."

Allister was absolutely a creepy kid, but now he was left in a state of weird shock and surprise. He didn't know how to respond, but as Bea ground her mound against his lips, he felt the only thing he could do was go along with it. He began to lick, his clumsy tongue having zero clue how to satisfy a woman and fumbling with almost aimless confusion against her mound, exploring now into the panic and the weirdness of something her felt horribly ill prepared to deal with.

"Suck on my pussy. Fuck, come on. Do this right. You aren't going to keep your job of helping me come down from a hot match if you're just going to lie there!" Bea leaned forward, hands settling onto the floor and her weight coming down with the utmost precision and pressure upon him. She knew how to apply her weight for expert effect, and she used it to push Allister to have to learn to pleasure her. She was definitely in too deep now to her bully act, but the opportunity to further push him out of the running was simply too demanding and too potent to resist.

"They don't like this," Allister tried to warn her, but she cut him off, grinding harder against him. A few pulls onto his hair made him feel worse, made him simply have to give in to all these weird feelings. This was a lot, and his frustrations continued to escalate as he gave her what she wanted. His tongue grew clumsier. Nothing was going to make him better at eating pussy. Nothing was going to fix these weird feelings and his growing panics, but he didn't have much choice. He gave her what she wanted, struggling under these pressures and under the continued worry of feelings that persisted.

"'They' aren't fucking real," Bea groaned. She couldn't believe he was doing this. "The only thing that exists right now is the job I'm offering you. Come on, a kid like you is never going to have a cute girl want to sit on your face for any other reason. Do your job!" She barked her way through the bitchy spectacle and chaos of keeping this up, pushing harder onward to continue teaching this depraved lesson to Allister. Excess didn't matter to her now; she wanted him to cooperate at all, and he was holding out too much against her demands. She'd change that.

There was no way it could be enough. She was raucous and chaotic in her bouncing indulgence and fever. She’d get off, sure, but she was certain that Allister was going to prove unable to eat her out to her standards, something she could further lord over him while offering to help him with 'on the job training'. She wanted to shut him down and keep him from ever vying for the gym leader spot again, bullying and berating this boy into abandoning his aspirations entirely. If she could succeed there, then she'd be set as gym leader and have nothing else to worry about. It was perfect.

On a dime, something changed inside of Allister. He began to focus on this more. His licks became more precise and his mouth settled into an obedient, steady groove, a ready push into a subservience that caught Bea by surprise. "Oh, shit," she gasped. "There we go. Are you learning?" How he could have learned that fast, she had no idea, and the pleasure was a sudden, intense spectacle of feelings leaving her with very little in the way of sense of how to handle this. She was just taking it on, just struggling to handle the weird passions and surprises that began to take her. The dizzy pressures were absolutely mad, but she had never felt more ready for this.

Allister's hands settled onto her hips. He was being encouraged to at, and it seemed like he'd been berated into submission and acceptance. He gave up to everything that Bea wanted, pushing forward to satisfy her every pressure and push. He obeyed, to Bea's shock but satisfaction. "Good boy. Good boy. Keep going. Make me cum. Prove you're good for something." She writhed her way happily through whatever she could get. Bouncing, bucking, giving herself utterly to anything she could get, all for the sake of inching toward pure chaos and clumsy madness when finally, it was too much to take.

Bea came hard, loud, and with a senseless rush of molten joy carrying her into ruin. She was noisy and hot and as vocal as could be, throwing herself hotly into the spectacle with a burning, smirking joy. She let down her tense defenses for a moment, expressing very real emotion. Loud, hazy, desperate emotion. She came hard and she came loud, riding his face and letting these weird feelings take her. It was good. It was right.

It wasn't going to last.

"That's it. You finally found something useful you can offer me," Bea groaned. "You finally have th--hey, who's that?" Something grabbed Bea, and she swung around to see who it was, only to see nothing there. Something else grabbed her, yanking her by the hair off of Allister.

"You made them angry," Allister said. His voice was eerily still. He slowly made his way upright. "You said they weren't real. They have to prove that they are."

Bea's limbs were yanked outward. "What the fuck is this?" she asked. Unseen forces were pulling her around, and as she tried to do something about it, another surprise followed. "This isn't funny, Allis--gack glurk gulk gack!" Something filled Bea's mouth and down into her throat. A cock. An invisible cock.

"You angered them," Allister repeated. He pulled his shorts down. "They're telling me that it's time for you to learn to respect them." He shuffled forward, hands greedily starting to feel up her taut body as he pushed forward, groping her small breasts. Invisible hands spread her legs out, and her pussy was bared now to his touch. His small cock begged to sink into her, and he could hear the whispers.





Fear filled Bea deep as she choked on invisible ghost cock. 'They' were a ridiculous thing that Allister sometimes mentioned. He claimed that the souls of ghost Pokemon nobody could see spoke to him. He'd say they were around him in a place, that they haunted the gym. It was made up and stupid, as far as Bea was concerned. Or at least, as far as she had been concerned; now there was a brutal storm setting over her. She stared at Allister--able to see through the nothing on top of her--and she saw him holding onto his cock. She tried to shake her head, but the grip was too tight in her hair. She could do nothing to stop this.

"This is what they want," Allister explained before promptly shoving his virgin cock into her. He gasped in excitement as he sank into the embrace of her slick pussy a hole he'd eaten out and prepared for this. "They want me to make you ours."

'Ours'. That was the scariest word he could have said in the midst of this all, but Bea continued to have no power over the situation playing out so ugly before her. She was stuck here, panic swelling through her body and urging her into a bizarre state that she remained powerless against. What did that mean? What could it mean? Bea was still not sure what was actually holding on to her, so steep in denial and embarrassment.

But as this little boy who Bea was supposed to have knocked off of his gym leader role now rutted into her pussy and had his fun with her, there was absolutely nothing she could do to set things right. Spit bubbled around her lips as she was facefucked by some unseen force, her body trembling through this haze. She wished for stability and sanity. She found neither. These continued demands and pressures forced her to feel too many awful things at once, and she was in too deep to put a stop to it, a struggling mess of worry that swept across her. Allister's dick wasn't big enough to cause her much distress, but a lack of breath sure did.

Ghostly hands groped at every inch of Bea's body. Her taut ass, her sensitive, flat chesty, her muscular core. They treated her like a piece of meat every which way, determined to push her lower, to make her feel the worsening pressures of a heat that couldn't stop. Nothing about this made sense, and absolutely nothing about it was going to get simpler. Further she plunged into miserable spectacle as these spectacle forces objectified and violated her. She was stuck, wishing she was able to fight this.

Allister listened to their commands, continuing to fuck Bea, putting her in her place and indulging amid the spectacular wickedness of something that felt compeltely separated form reason. This wasn't getting saner or simpler, but with everything he did, he was finding confidence and finding control. he continued to indulge in Bea's body, satisfaction surging through him to keep up a pace so mad and so senseless that he just needed to keep it up. "You feel good. Do girls feel this good?" He was clueless about sex, but his ghostly friends guided him through it, guided him to indulge in a mad satisfaction and a fever that couldn't stop.

Bea just choked cock down and struggled, unable to answer or break through the haze of this treatment, her deepest panics wearing her completely down, forcing her to bask in misery and submission. The tugs at her body continued. Gropes and pulls and squeezes, all the persistent work of some force trying to ruin her and burn her up in pure shame. It was working. With no power to make this stop, Bea could do little but slide deeper into these pressures.

Then the cock in her throat came. She could feel some ectoplasmic spunk slide down her throat, filling her stomach and inducing an ethereal delirium that didn't get any simpler with the dick pulled out. She could see her spit strands clinging to something, only for it to vanish away and her spit to fall down onto her body. Ragged, gasping for air, she whined, "Please tell them to stop! I'm sorry, Allister! I'm so sorry! Please, just call them off." She had to try. Begging was all she had left, struggling against the hands. "Please, Allister, I'll do anything to make the--gack glurk glurk gulg."

Another cock took its place. She wasn't getting off that simply. She choked it down, body trembling in shame as she realized what she was in for, as the continued pressures forced her to have to deal with this utter wrongness. She didn't have any way to make it stop. Not now. Allister's thrusts continued, and she wondered if the ghosts were doing this for him, or if he was just an excuse for them to have their ways with her.

What she did know was that the persistent flare of pressure and panic didn't get any easier to avoid. Madness carried Allister forward, his body burning happily. "I feel funny," he warned. he didn't understand what it was, but he found that he felt good, that he wanted to keep this going. "Sex feels really good, but what's happening to me?" In his inexperience, he had never felt an orgasm before, but he was about to learn, and it was about to blow his mind.

"Noff imshibe," Bea gasped. Not today. This was not a safe day, and she wasn’t sure if he was going to cum at all but the thought was enough of a risk to scare her through this panic. "Mo. Hobt bo ib!" But then came the gagging noises again. The struggle and pressure that continued to wear her down and force her into this hopeless panic.

Allister couldn't have understood why it was a bad idea, couldn't have grasped anything on a level that complicated. He didn't even know what he was about to do that she could be so upset about, but the ghosts told him to keep going, not to listen to her, and he knew who he trusted. Allister continued to thrust until the sweet sweep of shock and heat pushed through his body. The sensation sweeping up through him brought on weird gasps from the boy, tingling bliss overcoming him as his little dick erupted with thin, weak cum right into Bea's pussy. His only instinct was to rut greedily forward and have his way with her, and he did exactly that, pumping into her every drop he could.

Another load flooded down her throat again. Bea was deeply, thoroughly humiliated and claimed, and as the ghostly hands finally let go of her, Bea flopped to the floor, coughing and spitting. But the harsh veneer of a ruthless bully was gone now. She had been humbled and humiliated. Reduced to total ruin. She didn't bother to say anything. She lay ashamed and worn down, staring at the ceiling in hopeless acceptance.

"They said you have to be nice to me from now on," Allister announced proudly. "They said I can do this to you any time I want and you have to be nice to me, okay?"

Bea remained silent at first. She'd been dragged brutally down into complete shame, and there was little reason to acknowledge him. But then the hands came back. They yanked her up to her feet and shoved er against the wall, something pressing up against her ass hole, and that motivation enough. "Okay. I'll be nice to you!" she screamed. "I'll be nice. I promise! Nice, and you fuck me any time!" The hands let go and nothing slammed into her ass. Bea was simply left ragged and naked against the wall, having worked up a sweat from fear that was so much more intense than anything she got from battling.

Satisfied, Allister put his mask back on and he wandered off, leaving Bea to soak in her shame all by her lonesome. He didn't even understand the gravity of what happened, enticed toward a new direction and the lingering whispers of a new ghost to speak to.



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