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If you were being honest with yourself, you were pretty sure the entire 'I'll fuck you if we win the Galarian Star tournament' offer was probably a decoy. There was no way Marnie was going to go through with that kind of thing. It was empty talk from someone who really didn't expect it to play out that way, and as you two got back into the locker room, it was in your mind a foregone conclusion that it wasn't going to go that way. And you're fine with that. It's a bit disappointing, but there's no way Marnie is going to make good on it, and that's okay. You still won the tournament, still made some good memories together. It's fine. Everything is fine. You'll move on and you'll live.

But if she's not going to make good on it, why are you backed up against a locker with the punk's tongue move on into your mouth?

The barbell piercing in her tongue applies a weird and unique kind of pressure against your mouth as you fall into weirder excitement, into a delight that leaves you wanting so badly to explore whatever the fuck this is. You can't ignore it, falling into a dizzy state of pure confusion and heat as she starts you up on so many pleasures and worries, feelings that make you want to just let go of this. You can barely wrap your head around all these bizarre pleasures, but they invite you deeper. You have to accept them, whatever they mean, as you surrender to it. There is absolutely nothing to deal with here, a pleasure that makes you just want to give up. You need this. All of it. You can't fight it.

Marnie's insistent and greedy, and it's starting to feel like she really means it. "I owe ya, so just relax," she tells you. "I'm makin' good on that deal. I'm not a liar." She's forward, she's attentive, and she is making you feel the thrill and the ache of pleasures you have absolutely zero idea what to deal with. But you're there, you're ready, you're fucking powerless.

"Really?" you ask. You sound like a fucking goof. How the fuck is this happening? It doesn't sound real for a fucking minute. "Really?" Again you ask it, as if to try and reassert the question and your doubt over it. This is not happening. Not in the way it feels like it is.

But she's there. She’s needy. She’s forward. Marnie has her hands in your clothes, and she's urging you into a weirder state. "Really," she insists, pulling your shorts down and dropping to her knees. You sitll don't believe it. How the fuck can you? But she's pulling your dick out and getting her fingers around it, and you just can't hold back an eager groan as she starts to touch you. "I owe ya a lot for that, so stop doubtin' me and just let me give you your reward, okay?"

"Okay," you groan. You can't help yourself, nodding eagerly under the utter delirium and insanity of these pleasures. Marnie beign into this is a weird surprise, one that leaves you with questions and confusions, but you remain committed to whatever the fuck this is, ready to explore and indulge and learn the weird, insane truth awaiting you. How can you help yourself now?

Marnie is insistent and forward, getting her mouth hastily around your dick and taking you down, open to the wickedness and the passion of giving in. She's as forward as she can be, and you're learning quickly just how much intent is behind her push, how much she really does want to give this pleasure to you. It's a bit insane to feel, but your voice shakes and you feel yourself sinking into weirder pleasures, desire taking you into a state of fire and hunger too powerful to be able to resist now. You crave it. Her hands grip you tight, and the pleasure is simply more than you can believe. She has you captivated and watching everything she does with utter fascination.

Her pierced tongue is a chaotic element in all of this that drives you mad with excitement. The spectacular weirdness of it begs you deeper own, leaves you entranced and needy under the bizarre joys of letting her push your limits. You don’t want anything else in this state, feeling the firm, unyielding metal stud pressing tighter against our dick, complimenting every lick with the much more pointed and firm attention it grants.

Every push forward feels like a bold declaration of intent, like a rush of passion that has you wanting only to lose yourself to this madness. Uncontrolled passion keeps you locked tight in place, makes you feel the burning fire and joy of wanting to let go, and with each passing second, she is wearing you down harder, deepening your appreciation for the mad frenzy that has you craving more of it. "Holy shit. You look good, Marnie. You look--ah, fuck." The pleasure is too much, but you feel like you need to explore this deeper. You have to.

The hastier motions of her head back and forth leave you feeling incredible joys, a rush of delights and frustrations to have to consider while you slide into throbbing joy, into a persistent ecstasy keeping you invested and ignited. There is nothing you can do to contain these possibilities. Not when she is urging you to let go, making your body pitch and shudder through senseless passion. You are powerless to fight the pleasures that take you, merciless desire forcing you to want to just fucking let go. There is nothing like it, and you feel like you just need to break down and accept it, all of it.

Her mouth certainly helps with that. The greedy spectacle of her steady sucking has you melting under her touch. Marnie doesn't look up into your eyes or anything while she works. It's all very purposeful and steady, motions driven by efficiency and pressure rather than any sense. There is only the pleasure and the growing pressure that continues to destroy her thoughts. You don't mound that; it's presumptuous to assume she'd suck your cock because of anything deeper than the fact you won., and if this is a simple exchange of goods, then you don't need to force the illusion of intimacy just to arbitrarily make this moment 'mater more'.

Because Marnie definitely doesn't 'like you' in that way. You're not an idiot. You do your part to just roll with the pleasures that continue to sate your hungers. This feels good, and that's really all it needs to do or be now. You welcome deeper excitement and fascination, letting it push you to more dramatic and senseless places with each passing second. Your cock throbs in her mouth, and the begging heat keeps you wanting more, keeps you struggling to make nay sense of this.

Even if her feelings aren't there, she's sucking you off like they are, though. You're struggling to deal with just how overbearing and exciting these pleasures are, her mouth continuing to treat your cock to a sloppy but effective treatment. She's not the least bit hesitant about the way she treats your cock, and you feel happy to slide deeper into spectacle and fire, into the passions that hold you firmly. You want more of it, finding yourself feeling better with each passing second through it all. It's a lot, and you find yourself ready to give in, ready to fall into a state of pure frustration.

It's easy to believe. It's easy to pretend. Your eyes close and your fingers tangle through Marnie's hair. "You're so good at this. I'm lucky that you... Made the deal with me." You stumble over your words and over what you almost say. Why are you acting like this? This is the time to try and enjoy the pleasures taking you, to satisfy the greed burning through your body and keeping you lit up. You are tightly engaged and utterly confident in your plunge down, and there is no reason to at like this completely normal. You're ready for this, prepared and eager and seeing the pleasures through thoroughly.

Marnie doesn't say anything or react. That's just Marnie, though. An ordinary day for the deadpan punk girl who doesn't do much. It's fine. If she was reacting, that would be a bad sign. She probably wants it over with quickly. Suck your dick, get you off, then go off on her own way. And that's a good dela. A reasonable deal. You feel happy to pursue that deal while these mad pleasures continue to build, and you do your best to roll with them all, happy to find yourself in a good position to enjoy all of this, to give in harder and love everything about the throbbing joys that take you to the limit.

You feel close. Your cock throbs and pulses harder under the attention she's giving you. It's almost too much to keep track of, and you can barely hold yourself together amid the sloppy attentions she gives your cock. Her hot, wet mouth is begging for you to cum inside of it, and you're not afraid of opening up to that. "I'm close," you warn, reasonable and decent enough to give her the chance to pull away and not take your cum in her mouth. She’s probably not the kind of girl who wouldn’t want cum in her mouth.

With a confident push, Marnie takes you deeper, hand grabbing your dick and pumping rapidly, stroking without mercy or restraint en route to making you cum in her mouth, gasping your way through erupting into her waiting, open mouth and filling her up, sending her into a sweet spiral of pure fascination. You can't handle how good it all feels, how direct and deranged these passions are, but you feel ready for them on a level more base and chaotic than you can handle. You let go, and you can't possibly hold yourself together as you give in to it. You fill her mouth up, and the clenching of her mouth around your dick makes clear that Marnie is happily swallowing every drop down in defiance of any and all expectation.

Pulling back, there's still cum in her mouth as she pulls the corners of her lips into a smile, and that cum oozes out from between her lips. "Thank you. That tasted really good. Suckin' your cock is even more fun than I thought it would be." Rising up to her feet, you expect her to wave goodbye and head off, but instead, she hooks her fingers into her pink and black shorts. "How do you wanna fuck me? On the bench? I like the idea of lyin' on the bench."

You don't answer for a second. Even with your cock glistening with her spit, it seems weird to think she's asking you. But she has to be. There is nobody else here for Marnie to fuck. 'Yeah, that sounds great," you say, not even really understanding what she wants from you as you push off the locker and just try to seem animated. It's all you can really do to make sense of this commotion and weirdness.

But you’re ready. Fully committed, you embrace the weird pleasure now on you. You watch as she peeks her shorts off and lies on her back atop the bench, her lean legs spreading out to invite you in. You're moving almost automatically, not sure there's nay intent behind the way you get onto the bench and between her legs. When her hand reaches out for your cock, she confesses, "I wanted you to fuck me for a while now. Glad the tournament matched us together and gave me an excuse."

"You wanted to fuck me? Why?" The words come out sounding absolutely ludicrous, but there's disbelief in them as you begin to thrust into Marnie's pussy, guided into her and starting up on the wild pleasure of fucking her. Deep strokes quickly sink your dick into her, filling her up and getting hard to work at the weird pleasures and fires that await you. You feel the pressure upon you like never before, senseless spectacles and fires begging you to just give in, and you feel like you need to do your best, need to accept the groove of your wildest, maddest delights.

"That's a good joke," Marnie replies back, keeping her legs spread out so you can come bearing down upon her. "And your dick's feelin' pretty good, too. Go for it. I’m your trophy, and I want you to treat me like it."

That's a request you don't know if you can fulfill even while you're fulfilling it. Steady strokes back and forth begin in earnest, the weird pleasures escalating inside of you without any real sense of how to handle it. You feel hungry and feel the pressure take you. It's a desire you just have to accept, ahve to sink deep into and let rule you now. With steady motions back and forth, you accept that you are in a position too mad to be able to fathom. You're just here, indulging, letting it push your thoughts around harder. How can you not?

Your hips work up to a steady pace that feels right, feels urgent enough that it's all coming apart at the seams in your greedy push onward. The pleasure is unreal and the burning fire keeps you in a fascinated state so strange and so messy that it doesn't seem real. Nothing about this is normal, but with every passing second you're lost in a dizzy rush of entrapped joy, a passion that holds you firm and makes you just want this. You're ruled by the passion, by the burning frenzy and joy of giving in so hard. Your hands find Marnie's slim waist and you pull her in.

"Do you really mean that?" you ask her, looming over her in surprise.

"Your cock's inside of me right now," she replies, voice mostly her steady and usual deadpan, but there's a breathiness creeping in. "I just sucked your dick! Do I really need to spell it out for you?"

Her pussy squeezes down tighter around you. Every sign that she's giving you is one screaming of a fondness deeper than you could have ever imagined, but as you quicken your thrusts and the frustration builds, so does the ache of something deeply frustrating. "Spelling it out would be nice, actually, yeah." You have to hear it. You have to let these pleasures push you deeper. There isn't nay reason to deal with the uncontainable bliss carrying you deeper, and you find yourself in a better, hotter position by the second, craving only the chance to unravel.

"I ain't gonna say it, then, "she moans. Biting her lip, she pulls you in tighter. The moans she lets out express a deeper frenzy, a fascinated want that has you craving some sort of answer, but she's denying you of one. "You can just figure it for yourself if this all doesn't make it clear." A devious smile unassisted by fingertips spreads across her face, and you feel the frustration rise, a maddening rush of weirdness and frustration to have to consider. There's really no normalcy or sense to save you from ruin. Not now. The chance for frenzy and chaos keeps you lit up and invested only in giving up, in finding out how far down you can slide into this bliss.

"Marnie," you groan, pleading, but all she does is shake her head as you race closer to release. The pleasure burning you up is making clear just how desperate you are, but she doesn't budge. Your thrusts quicken and the burning joy keeps you in a state where can barely hold it all together. "Marnie, just say it."

"Cum inside of me and quit complainin'." Marnie isn't budging, but as the pleasure pulls you in, you can't fully contain the excitement of letting loose anyway. Wit a hot gasp of pure joy, you slam forward, feeling her pussy squeeze and beg and finally be too much for you to handle. You cum inside of the devious punk, giving up to the game of pure sensation and frenzy, and she looks absolutely overjoyed with herself in the aftermath of it. Twisting happily around, she expresses her hottest of wants, a pleasure and a fire that doesn't leave you any time to think. You fill her up, and as she cums too, she moans with more passion and intensity than you could have ever imagined, a weird thrill and excitement that makes everything feel utterly perfect, a spectacular mess of desires beyond sense.

Lying on the bench, Marnie looks up at you with a smug delight. You hang over her, still buried inside her, cock pulsing. You don't know what to say or how to handle the confusion and frustration keeping you locked in such a weird state.

It seems to only entertain her more. "I wonder if you'll get how I feel by the time you wake up in my bed tomorrow," she teased. "Or should we get engaged right now? Will you get the point then?" She's making a game out of your doubts, which by itself should be its own obvious signal, but on the off chance she's fucking with you, it all feels so weird and so mad that there's only one thing you can do.

You roll Marnie around, set her face-down onto the bench, and slam into her again. "I'll just fuck my answer out of you," you promise, deciding to join in the game rather than being a frustrated victim of it.



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