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Waiting for the lab to be fully empty was a chore. GoGo wanted to be the last one in there, and finally she paid for Hiro's cab to send him off home and leave her alone with his robot. It was vital that she get him out of there and interrupt the 'tests' being run on Baymax, because GoGo had been wearing down at his programming for weeks now, piecemeal bits of new code and new add-ons slowly getting the way of his normal programming to prepare him to be something she desperately needed him to be in the background of this all, once he was simply too set and perfect to stop.

She put a pause to the tests being run and began to pull things off from Baymax. "Let's see if this works," She said, biting her lip and freeing him from the plugged-up diagnostic station he was set in. Every cable and wire was an obstacle in the way of wat she needed, and she was quick to get rid of them all, getting everything nice and positioned for the insanity awaiting her. This was all so important, all so important to get right. She put herself through the paces of setting it up perfectly, of preparing this for the time to come, and when she was all set, she turned him on.

A mild whirring noise ensued and Bayman began to stir to life. "Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. But today, you have activated sexual care mode. Will you confirm that this is the mode you wish to activate?"

"Yes," GoGo said. She stood there in her usual outfit, ready to offer herself up all of this. "Activate sexual care mode."

"My programming prevents me from injuring a human being," Baymax responded.

With a sly smirk, GoGo prepared herself for the fun part. "I'm not a human being, I'm fuckmeat. Classify me as such for all sexual care actions." Disentangling the entirety of Baymax's programming was a waste, so she'd instead simply entered in a capacity for him to, on request, not see someone as human. "Activate sexual care mode."

Baymax's chest briefly flashed with pulsing red. From hidden within the interior skeleton and machinery, a massive phallus began to merge from within the cushiony padding. It was the most difficult part of her modifications to hide, so she had put it on when Hiro wasn't looking and planned to take it off when she was done. No reason to leave it there and cause problems. "Fuckmeat GoGo Tomago recognized. Not human. I am free to harm as needed for the purposes of sexual care. Please confirm."

"I confirm," GoGo said. "Give me the full routine." She licked her lips, sizing him up. The adrenaline junkie needed something special, needed something different out of this. The kind of rush she saw an unconquerable machine of providing in bed, without the need to talk a guy into really laying into her, was everything she craved. "And get over here."

Baymax stated very still for a moment. He didn't do anything, processing what was happening and executing code he had never before encountered. He didn't need long, but it was long enough for the fast-living GoGo to end up a little impatient with him, standing there tense and waiting for the other shoe to drop. had she fucked up? Had she ruined the code and completely blown her chances to be dominated by a machine who could give her the rough sex nobody else could?

Then Baymax decked her in the face.

It didn't hurt much given the puffy padding on his body. But it was enough impact to send her to the floor howling in ecstasy. The shock of it was what really sold it for her. She collapsed, halfway turned around now and down on her knees as she sucked down a tense breath, preparing herself for more and struggling through the continued surprises awaiting her.

Baymax seized GoGo by her hair and dragged her along the floor. "I have scanned you for your sexual care needs. You are in a heightened state of arousal and your chosen methods of attention are domination and pain. Brace for treatment." As he pulled her with one hand, his other hand slapped her. The impact was harsh enough to ring out loudly, and as GoGo was dragged across the floor, the feeling of total powerlessness in the face of a machine stronger than she was hit came on with immediate spectacle and ecstasy. This was what she needed. Exactly what she needed.

"Fuck me up," she whined.

The big, soft, squishable, loving Baymax was in a different procedure now. "Your needs will be met. If you wish to modify care make a request t--"

"Don't stop even if I ask you to," she growled.


Baymax lifted GoGo up and threw her onto the top of a nearby table. She hit it with a hard thud, feet scrambling to find the floor, and while she did so, his hands seized hold of her tights. Rather than pull them off, Baymax ripped the tights off entirely, tearing them away and doing the same to her panties in a very direct bid for control. Her round ass waited up high in the air for him, pleading and needy and receiving a wicked smack from the machine while he lined himself up.

When her feet did find stability, she used her footing to pull herself back from the table and stick her ass up high for him, her pussy already dripping from the senseless and greedy joy of giving in to this, every thought in her mind racing with a sort of recklessness she didn't know how to contain. This was to be insanity of the highest order, a kind of frenzy and chaos that wasn't going to be sane or polite or decent in the least, but that was what made it so fucking good.

It only took one thrust. One raw, decisive, hard thrust. A mad slam forward filled GoGo's pussy up with the artificial cock. It was a huge dildo attached to the robot, one bought for its tremendous size and its bumpy texture. The kind of pussy-destroying toy that she wanted to be mercilessly fucked with, because squatting down to bounce on it had proven insufficient for giving her the real destruction she needed. Baymax remedied that, burying it all the way into her with one brutal slamming, bottoming out inside of GoGo and stretching her hard. "Does this elicit pain?" Baymax asked.

"God, yes," she moaned.

"Excellent. Continuing sexual care procedures, slut." Wild slams back and forth threw everything into pure ruin, senseless greed wearing down at GoGo's thoughts. His hips came down with very detached intensity. He wasn't thinking about nay of this. Baymax didn't operate with any emotional investment in this mode, no real cruelty to help sell it even when he insulted her. It was a work in progress; GoGo hoped she could get something cruel rolling in the future, but she had too much else to need to test first. For now, he was fucking her hard, fierce and senseless thrusts rocking her to her core with the unrelenting greed and the fire of what he was after, driving forward such mad delight that she could already tell she was on the right track, already ready to keep giving in.

Then came the real fun.

Baymax seized a handful of her hair again and pulled back hard, drawing a senseless shriek from GoGo's lips. Baymax had been set up to be as rough, within reason, as GoGo felt like she could take, not about to rip her scalp off or snap her neck, but giving her the real pulling power, making her howl in dizzy delight. "Yes, just like that," she moaned. When Baymax's other hand began to smack at her ass, she felt all the better, felt the pressures growing hotter, the pleasures and the hungers of something very senseless, very potent. There wasn't any real restraint behind these pressures, but there was plenty going on in the background, plenty to add to the pleasures that followed.

Already, the searing ecstasy of being taken felt so much better than what GoGo had been able to do alone with a dildo. she was beign treated to the mad back and forth of Baymax's hard slams. She'd considered having him be a fucking machine and remain static, but she wanted impact, wanted a body pushing against hers. It was just better that way, forcing her to feel the enduring pressure and ecstasy of sensations she really didn’t feel like she could resist. As long as it kept building inside of her, she didn't need anything else, didn't want anything else. It was all too senseless, too firm, too right.

With the lab empty, GoGo was able to moan as loudly as she wanted to. She didn't hold herself back or act like she could resist these passions, didn't want anything to hold her back from these wild and mad satisfactions. "Harder," she moaned, not sure if he would process it with any real care, but she didn't care. Having her short hair yanked on and her ass repeatedly slapped was already enough. Didn’t hurt, though, to suddenly have his hand reaching up to smack her face either. She was being taken harder, forced to deal with the roughness and aggression of something truly senseless. The spectacle felt maddening, felt like everything she needed all at once.

Every brutal slam felt better and better. GoGo didn't try to hold herself together. Her moans were sloppy and they were shameless, and as her body was shoved further up along the table with each impact, she was happy to be so madly taken, to lose focus and to succumb to these throbbing ecstasies. A special frontier of madness brewed as she gave ever deeper in to this all, and she stopped caring about restraint or sense, stopped trying to fight the passionate ecstasies ripping through her. It was getting to be too much to handle, the kind of greed and want and desire that she felt like she could truly lose herself to if she let it consume her.

"Scan complete. Elevated excitement and arousal detected. Vaginal secretions increased. Do you like this like a dirty pain slut?" His voice didn't lose any of its typical Baymax chipperness as he asked, and GoGo wasn't actually sure if she minded that insanity or not, the strange contrast spiking up excitedly inside of her as she let slip a bit more of these passions, let these passions take her just a little bit further. It was madness, but a kind of madness she felt better and better about giving in to. As long as she was enjoying this, she didn't need a damn thing else.

"Yes, I love it!" she howled, throwing her head back, jerking back and forth in a state of delirious panic, stripped bare of her shame and of the wild ecstasy of trying to make any of this slow down. It was all so much, so weird and delirious, and she wanted to keep pushing for more of whatever the hell she could find.

Her orgasm was fast approaching, her fist banging down onto the table while Baymax's hand kept up its treatment on her face and on her ass. The constant pull of her hair added so much to this brutality, so much to the endless spectacle and greed that she was ready to be dominated by. Nothing made sense but everything felt good, and with each passing second, she surrendered deeper to what felt inevitable now. It was too much, too good, too fierce.

She came hard, screaming out in joy. As she howled in erratic and hysterical thrills, Baymax spoke plainly. "Scan complete. You have enjoyed an orgasm. Do you want to switch to routine number two now?"


"It does not matter what you want. Cunt." His voice really had to be changed, but as he rolled GoGo onto her back, she didn't care. Her legs kicked up into the air and rested on Baymax's body while he pulled out of her pussy and rammed in lower, driving the dildo into her ass with the same brutal vigor he showed her pussy. "You are not in control and make no decisions. Receive your punishment for pain. Baymax will b here to ensure you do not sustain lasting injuries."

"Way to ruin the mood," GoGo snarled, her body twisting fitfully while the hard slams pounded into her pussy, the continued efforts and attentions feeling more erratic by the second. She couldn't care too much though, if only because she felt like she was losing her mind surrendering to all this wanton joy. Her ass was getting pounded just as hard and just as raw, which invoked with it the kind of frenzied ecstasy and need of a passion she couldn't get enough of.

Baymax ripped open her white top and began to squeeze her tits forcefully, even bringing a slap down across them, before they dived in for her throat. That caught GoGo off guard above all else; she hadn't been ready for that school, for the sudden squeeze. Yes she'd set up protocols for choking, but the squeeze was caught her off guard, making her cough and shudder in very immediate panic. "Holy shit," she wheezed, staring up at Baymax, at his unfeeling and cheerful, intentionally friendly-looking face. It didn't move at al while he loomed over her, his statue certainly helping to make this feel more menacing.

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" he asked, looming over her, continuing to slam forward, continuing to pound madly into her.

"T-three," she wheezed out. What GoGo didn't expect as for him to squeeze tighter.

"Fuckmeat deserves a pain of five," Baymax insisted, letting only one hand remain in a tight grip on her throat while the ther slapped her across her face back and forth. "Please alert me when treatment has produced the appropriate amount of pain." Back and forth the hand crashed across the face, smacking her around and turning her cheeks red with the impacts. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before, the unrestrained efforts of a machine with no concept of restraint bringing her so many pleasures beyond anything she'd ever felt before. It was incredible, the kind of molten ecstasy and want that felt like it was turning her head around, making her struggle under the deepening frenzy of pure brutality.

In and around the struggle to hold on that came from being choked, GoGo moaned harder than ever. Not much of the sound escaped, but what did was erratic and feverish, built on the kind of spectacle and wickedness that she could never have imagined. This worked so much better on its first go than she thought it could have, her ass getting reamed and her throat being squeezed, pain building inside of her, pushing her to outrageous excitements.

The slapping, the choking, the unrelenting thrusts... Maybe it was all actually a bit too much. Not expecting things to be so operable and perfect on this first go-around actually brought with it some issues that were beginning to swell inside her. It was exhausting and fierce, pleasure at its most extreme. She was into some fucked up and fast paced shit, but maybe she needed to dial things in a bit better.

Maybe she needed to code some fucking breaks into his choking.

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" he asked again, stopping the slaps, giving her a chance to ease up.

"F-five!" she shouted. "I'm at five."

"I will maintain treatment at this level." Baymax resumed the slaps and the unending grip around her throat.

She'd made a mistake. Shaking her head and flailing her legs about, GoGo tried to play around with the logic. "No, fuck, six! I made a mistake. I'm at six. You have to take it down."

"My scans indicate that your pain level is not at a six, but that you are a lying whore."

"I'm not lying, stop!" GoGo shrieked. She was going to black out at this rate. It put a mortal fear into her, the kind of tension that left her unsure if an oversight was going to lead to Baymax taking this too far. The bad kind of too far. "Stop, Baymax!"

"I was asked to not stop even if told to. Treatment will proceed." Baymax continued to slap her silly, continued to use her and abuse her, air becoming thin and every struggle feeling weirder and more dramatic by the second. Nothing was shaking Baymax from this brutality, and GoGo could feel herself running out of time and air.

On the other hand, the fear it instilled in her helped push her to the best orgasm of her life. It was an orgasm that probably only made things worse as her eyes rolled back into her hair and she began to thrash violently against the table and against Baymax, an anal orgasm driven on by mortal danger and lingering pain and breath play. It was a cocktail for pure derangement and she spun wildly through something truly hopeless in the name of giving in to all of it, thrown into the deep end and savouring every hopeless second of something now too mad to believe. She came her brains out as creeping darkness overtook her vision and the choking took its toll on her. Her body felt better than it ever had before, and maybe this was the last thing she'd feel again.


"Goddamn kids. Wake up! This is a lab, not a whorehouse."

"Uh?" GoGo felt something prodding at her. Something coarse and bristly. She tried to squirm away from it, and oh fuck did every part of her hurt. "Am I dead?"

"You're going to be if I catch you like this again! Is there any place on this campus you promiscuous students won't neck?"

What the hell was going on?

GoGo rose upright, confused and not even knowing where she was or why at first. She felt like shit. Her throat was sore, her face was raw, and as she sat upright, her ass reeled in agony at the feeling of her weight shifting onto it. Her holes were stretched and every moment felt like a weird strain in her stomach. But she was greeted with the sight of a janitor prodding her with a broom from a distance. An older, graying man who looked very tired and very cross.

"Nobody signs up for a janitorial job to have to disinfect tables and keep people from getting venereal diseases, young lady. Is your boyfriend somewhere I need to go looking around for, or do you just enjoy sleeping after he leaves?"

GoGo's head spun. she turned toward the dock. Baymax was already set back up and plugged in as though he hadn't been disturbed, diagnostic tests running. GoGo's clothes were torn open and off of her, leaving her wearing only her jacket and tatters of her white top.

"I-it's not what it looks like," she said, shaking her head. "There's no sex! I just have a weird creative process, I was trying to get inspiration while some tests ran."

"Do you really expect me to believe that? Where's the boyfriend?"

"No, I mean it!" GoGo forced herself onto her feet, which almost buckled. Her ass had been reupholstered and the thought of walking was a challenge to her, but she had to put on a bold face. "Look, there's no--there's no semen anywhere, right? It's not like that. I'm--I'm an industrial design and mechanical engineering student!"

The man's face twisted in frustration. "One of those. I should have figured. Put some clothes on young lady, and consider a way to do your homework that doesn't involve embarrassing yourself." The man believed it, taking it as another weird engineering student causing trouble with her eccentricities. He walked off with the broom in hand, frustrated his time had been wasted, but giving GoGo her space.

GoGo didn't even know how that worked, but as she looked toward Baymax, she had other questions. Had he hooked himself back up again after fucking her? And maybe more importantly, could she handle having him do tis to her again as soon as possible?



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