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"Hey flower slut, come here!" called a voice from the alley. A young voice. Aerith turned her head toward it, knowing what was coming and knowing that no matter how fond she wasn't about being treated that way, that voice usually meant money. A pint-sized brat stood there and a fistful of bills. Behind him, more kids who also held onto money. The oldest, the one in front, was thirteen, but behind him were boys as young as eight or nine. Pickpockets who made their ways up from the slums to swipe the money of richer folk for gangs. They got their cut, and lately, they were coming to Aerith.

Taking a deep breath and prepping herself, Aerith walked toward them. "Good evening, boys," she said. She bit her lip. "It's a hundred gil each of you. I hope you're ready."

"We'll pay you what we want to," one of the boys shouted.

"You're lucky we're paying you at all!"

"My daddy runs this sector and he'd make you my live-in fuck slave if I asked him to."

Aerith was used to the tough guy act. From the little boys who she serviced, and from the grown men she serviced. That was the consistent with just about every man who paid the flower girl for sex; they were all just different flavours of unpleasant. "One hundred gil each," she said, firmer this time. The pickpockets groaned, and each pushed forward their earnings toward her, tossing them into her basket. "Follow me."

They went deeper down the alley, along a few turns, away from the prying eye of the street and anyone who may have gone wandering. Prostitution wasn't legal, but selling herself to little boys was a level of illegal further past that, and she always hated when she had to bribe Shinra officers; they usually took her money and her holes. But once they were somewhere secluded, she pulled her dress up and braced herself. "Are you boys ready?" she asked, catching all their greedy nods and the impolite spectacle of it all. They were so eager, so forceful. Aerith was used to this sort of mess, and she knew what she was about to have to deal with to get it.

Pants came down and she was yanked to her knees, hastily crowded by little boys' dicks all shoving into her face. Some were big for their age. Some were ordinary for pre-pubescent boys. All of them needed attention, and she got herself to work at grabbing two of them and taking a third into her mouth. Right to work. Right to the chaos and weirdness of serving them. They paid her, so the least she could do was give them what they wanted, so long as they didn't cause her any further trouble.

Sucking little boys' dicks was honestly a reprieve for Aerith. They couldn't hit the back of her throat, couldn’t engage too harshly in any roughness that she wanted to avoid. And moreover, anything she did drove them wild; they were too young to know better and too young to have any experience or confidence with pleasure. She was able to take it at a different pace with all this, making for something almost relieving in the way she started at them, hands stroking along two and mouth slurping down around one. The pleasure and the forward attention she provided them were honest, but she knew she didn't need to work too hard to impress them or avoid reprisal.

To keep it fair, Aerith switched around a lot with them, moving her hands and her mouth around to try and evenly take on the boys, trying her best to handle these weird pressures and all of their most bizarre pressures. The attention she received wasn't the most wanted thing in the world, but she felt confident in the pressures she could open up to, strange pressures and desires building up, adding to something stranger and messier inside of her, and she was completely lost to the strangeness it granted her.

There was something about being the center of attention for a bunch of horny little bastards that, in spite of everything, Aerith found exciting, almost endearing. As they bucked and fumbled their ways about, calling her a slut or telling her they owned her now, she found it amusing in ways that she didn't find men five or six times their age doing. Their small dicks were downright adorable, and she all too eager to keep up the praise, to suck on their little cocks and feel how badly they twitched against under even the faintest attention and touch of a woman. They were messes, completely lost to their grandest wants and to pleasures she could keep pushing harder on with, knowing that these pleasures were all leading somewhere, knowing she had this situation completely under her control and indulgence now.

As much as they wanted to talk up a big game, these boys were just that: boys. They didn't have nearly the control and composure over the moment that they imaged they did, and she proved that effortlessly with every stroke and slurp and caress. There wasn't any hesitation or calm to how she moved. Aerith was out to get results, out to make these little boys give up fully to her touch, and she worked to bring them all to their orgasms, their shaky-legged spurts of vulnerability and frustration. They could pull her hair all they wanted; she knew the leverage she had over them in that moment. Most of them weren't nearly as strong as they wanted to be.

Problem was, some of them got extra push about it. "Bend over for me, cunt," one of the kids snarled, spitting on her cheek and smacking her ass. Aerith winched. They weren't all easily worked over and dissuaded from their bastardly highs. Assuming a position on her hands and knees, Aerith bent forward and braced for the attention. There was only so much she could do to brace herself as, coming up from behind, the boy rammed his cock into her. It wasn't that small a dick either, and as he grabbed her brain and yanked harshly back on it, she got to feel the sort of harsh push that could make her be the one to lose composure. "This is our whore!"

The other boys cheered for that. One of them shoved his dick into her mouth. Nothing here had any warning or composure to it, and Aerith wanted to be better composed and positioned than she was, but as the pressure built, she wasn't able to find a good footing. The pulls at her hair continued, a hand even smacking across her face. These boys had learned from the hardest sort of life and taken the most vile lessons from everything that they had lived, and they were exactly the sort of boys who grew up to be the creepy perverts she had to whore herself out to, too. Merciless strokes filled her up, pounding into her both her holes at once.

Control was the problem. When Aerith could dictate the positions and the turns and keep everyone cooperating, she was able to work through it all. When two boys began to hammer at her from either end and fuck her into submission, the simple reality was that she was outnumbered and in a state of panic, trying to navigate all the attentions and pressures from too many boys to not be overpowered. She had to cooperate and avoid retribution, because if they suspected she didn't cooperate, they would get rougher. It was a power dynamic she wasn't fond of, and it helped separate her shotacon tendencies from these gangbangs they paid her for.

The merciless thrusts kept up their clumsy pace, relentless and chaotic in the pursuit of pleasures and attentions meant to wear her down, and Aerith didn't have a good way to deal with them at all. She was falling deeper victim to these pressures, growing more and more panicked with each hard stroke forward of the boys' cocks. They were out to use her, out to get some leverage and power, and she wasn't steady and sturdy enough to really fight against those pressures. Not when they were ganging so roughly up on her and leaving her to simply fumble her way into trying to deal with this.

"You're such a good fucking whore," one of them groaned. "My daddy said you were worth every gil when he threatened to leave my mommy, and he was right!"

Aerith wasn't sure what was more heartbreaking: that this boy was lapsing into these sorts of behaviors and glorifying his father's threats to his mother, or that she was fairly sure she knew exactly who has father was. Shuddering revulsion gripped her even as she came from all the commotion and aggression, wishing she was better positioned to deal with the strange frustrations of it all, and she keep herself together. Not as the crushing pressures got hold of her and she plunged into the embarrassment, egged on by the cocks erupting in her pussy and into her mouth. Thin little boy cum was all she got, but that was enough, in a weird way fuelling the deranged reminders that she was having sex with little boys.

"Why don't we slow this down?" Aerith asked. "I can ride some of you. We're not in any hurry, are we?"

"Yeah, sure, come ride this, bitch." Those words were so confident for a little boy who didn't exactly have too much to ride, but it was at least the glimpse of a moment of calm. Aerith climbed into his lap, stumbling into place and straddling him, but as she did so, she immediately got another boy behind her slamming into her unprepared ass, and no matter young someone was and how much growing they had to do, a surprise cock up the ass was always going to rattle Aerith. She gasped out in panic as the boys laughed harder. "Yeah, ride me! Come on, just like you said. What's wrong, cunt?"

Aerith hissed and started in on the pressures of bouncing and bucking atop the cock, struggling to deal with all these weird pressures, all the grandiose commotion and wickedness of pressures she was completely unable to deal with. Trying to handle the pressure of being double penetrated by a pair of crass little boys out to call her names wasn't something she really wanted to deal, but she needed to bring home the money, so she went with it, struggling harder under the utter pressure and weirdness of these feelings. She had to get them off, had to do what she could to satisfy them, as weird as this was, as insane and frustrating as it could be.

She tried though. "Do my holes feel good?' she asked, hoping to tend to them with enough of these weird pressures to somehow, maybe, against all sense, keep up with this. So many pressures kept raining down on her, intense desperation and frustration pushing her to the limit, and she didn't care about holding it back a moment longer. Not now, while she was coming undone at the seams under these frustrations. She was so ready to try though, desperately seeking some degree of clam and frustration, forced lower and hotter. She knew the hard way how aggressive these boys could be, and she tried to work through that all.

"They feel great, but we don't pay you talk, cunt."

"No, hold on I want to hear it. Tell meh ow big my cock is, whore."

"Your cock is so big!" Aerith tried to keep them happy. These awful boys didn't hold anything back, but she was determined to try and work through this, to try and handle the bizarre pressures that all kept rising and aching through her. It wasn't sensible, a too-insane rush of frustrations and worries to keep falling further into panic over, the disrepair and frustration of these grand pleasures leaving her confused and consumed, the aimless flares pulling her lower, and she couldn't handle any of them.

Wailing along, she laid it on a bit thick, trying her best to keep up appearances and work through these emotions. There wasn't any sense in fighting it. Aerith knew what she was good for to these pricks, and she made sure they believed she was cumming her brains out constantly. Every orgasm felt fine, sure, but it needed to be bigger, needed to draw greater attention and aggression from them as they threw themselves ever rougher into this. She rode it out ass best she could, holding on tight to the strange pressures that it presented her. She tried to find the silver lining in the pleasure behind this, and tried to make the most of it all.

There was really no good way to handle these feelings, trying her best to deal with all these overwhelming pressures. This was a lot of pleasure and heat to try and take on, and she was fully lost to the excitement and the ecstasy of letting it rule her, as long as they didn't get worse. Her climax was sudden and fiery, a rush of pleasure sweeping through her body, and as her holes begged down around the boys' dicks, they happily shot off their loads inside of her too, made her twist and ache through these weird and dizzy pleasures, a growing rush of excitement that she felt lost now to the depths of.

"Can we slow this down a little bit now, boys?" she asked, but naturally, that wasn't going to happen. she looked at them, and she just knew how this would end.

The Rather than slow down, she got three cocks ramming into her holes at once.

The sensation of being so abruptly triple penetrated left her without any good time to brace herself. Her mouth, ass, and pussy were filled up, maybe not by cocks too big to fully handle, but with dicks ready to wear at her hard and to push her to a state of dramatic panic. She wasn't given any warning to it, a feeling of weird, feverish fog demanding that she completely lose herself. It was so much more demanding than she felt like she wanted to deal with, every clumsy ache and panic inside of her begging for these feelings now. There was no good way to deal with it or process these worries, and they weren't about to give her that breathing room.

"This slut is ours!" one of the boys who watched shouted. Another walked up and began to jerk off in her face while it got fucked. Another still grabbed her hand and forced it up toward his dick. The boys were getting worse, escalating more forcefully and aggressively into the wild attentions and fevers and frustrations of trying to get results. Shameless, wicked results that senselessly pursued a very direct need to wear her down. There was no time to deal with these thoughts and pressures, the worry growing stranger inside her and every semblance of thought slowly unraveling. There wasn't any good way to deal with all these feelings, with the abrupt emotions and panics of something that felt completely stripped of sense.

All Aerith could do was take it, suffering her way through delirium and terror, a confusion stripping her thoughts bare of sense and forcing her deeper into worry and confusion. Everything they did forced her deeper, and she tried her best to keep up, fumbling about as she stroked and fucked and heaved about, doing anything she could to satisfy the wort efforts of these boys so recklessly using her. This was too much, its worst excess holding her down and forcing her to deal with these weird aggressions. The boys didn't stop. They had no reason to. Everything they did was rewarded with the direct shamelessness and fever of pressures forcing her lower.

Aerith's struggles didn't feel very rewarding, even with a growing pleasure churning underneath it. She felt dizzy and panicked, struggling to find stability and steadiness while she learned the hard way what whacked out brutalities they were capable of. She felt lost to it, struggling harder to deal with all these worries and wishing she was better capable of handling it. There was no steadying herself, no fighting this. Little boys' dicks crammed into her holes and left her to sort out how she felt about it, increasing the spectacle and pressure sweeping through her body and leaving her with no time to stabilize.

Instead, she came apart. The boys fucked her to a hard, hot, senseless orgasm, and Aerith struggled to handle these feelings. She hated how good she felt when she hit that peak, when she came undone and accepted these bizarre sweeps of pressure and worry. It wasn't right, wasn't sane, but she didn't have a moment of choice here, simply coming undone under these feelings and letting the pressures tear her fully asunder. It wasn't normal or sane, wasn't even remotely right, and she felt powerless to deal with what it offered her.

The boys didnt' stop. They kept fucking her for hours, kept using her and tugging her around, smacking her, calling her vile names while they proved to her just what they thought of her. It would have made anyone go crazy, ands he felt utterly worn down by the exhaustion and frustration it offered her, slumping into shame and worry without any clear idea of how to save herself.

Her reprieve wasn’t better, either. Drenched in little boy spunk, they left not because they were tired or bored, but because of the two guards who came peering down the alley to make sure nobody was doing anything nefarious there, only to find a girl fucking tons of little boys.

There went all her gil.



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