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Your hand slips underneath Raven's leotard as you creep up on her. She's in the middle of doing her tower chores for the week when you slip in behind her and pull the leotard over her round gray cheeks and deliver a smack to her ass with a solid, "Good afternoon."

With a completely rigid and stern voice that lets slips absolutely no reaction to the way you just hit her ass, Raven replies, "Afternoon. 'Good' remains to be seen." As you pull her clothes further out of the way, she remains fully unresponsive, and that helps ease you further into this, exposing her full ass and pressing your cock in between her cheeks. She doesn't falter or hesitate for a moment, remaining utterly stern and steely in the face of your advance. It's a challenge, and a challenge you feel fully ready to commit to as you draw slowly back and then push forward.

"You make chores seem easy," You remark as your hands settle onto her hips and the steady thrusts forward show little patience or restraint in their advance. You have very specific wants and no intention of slowing the pursuit of them as she stands there waiting for this, doing little to react to your thrusts. The broom and dustpan move along the floor, guided by Raven's magic in a way that lets her largely just stand there and oversee the operation. "Shouldn't you be doing more than everyone else if you don't have to actually do anything?"

"That hardly seems fair, and it would get in the way of my reading," Raven says. She doesn't even look at you amid her guiding of the broom every which way, her posture steady and her footing strong enough to handle the way your hips effortlessly take to working over her body. The thrusts deep into her snug hole all hit her square-on, leaving no time for anything even resembling control or sense. It's just pleasure, just the forceful shove forward that makes everything grow so much more dizzy and forward. "And I like my reading."

Your hips continue their steady appreciation of her ass, nodding along and muttering your way through the continued efforts pushing you forward. "Uh-huh," is the most substance you give her as your hips work into her ass, feeling her soft cheeks squish down under the pressure of your hips as you get into her and really start to sink into these pleasures. Holding back feels like the worst possibility right now, your efforts wearing harder down at her thoughts with a very specific and singular effort. There's a hunger and a simplicity to the way you move to take her, to the claims that guide your hips forward with an intense hunger. Her ass is so snug, so ready, so sweetly tight, and you don’t try to hold it back. Your hips are out for something merciless and hungry.

Raven set a dangerous precedent on that first time meeting you. The game she played only set you up to have a downright insane sort of fun with her, one that you're now able to toy with deeper and deeper as you explore into this. She's got to keep up appearances and still not acknowledge anything you do to her body or the entire game falls apart. It's a corner that it feels amazing to have backed her into, and you're ready to take advantage of it, to use her harder and greedier, hips working stronger through the pleasures you need. Her fine ass is yours to play with, and as long as she doesn't do anything to react to this, you can keep it that way.

"Did you want something else, or are you just enjoying watching the broom?" Raven asks.

"Watching the broom," you respond wholeheartedly, giving her ass a nice, hard slap while your hips continue their mad pushes forward, a relentless descent into frustration and chaos that you simply will not slow down. Your desires are getting fiercer and hotter. Her ass yields around your cock, loosened up around your dick and bringing on pleasures that all keep weighing harder down, keep building. You're out to make the most of this, out to use her harder and greedier, and her body can't help but give in to it. "It's fun watching it move."

"You're not very bright, are you?" Her words subtly goad you to slam into her harder, but she remains so stable and so steady in the face of that all. It all remains the strangest mess of a situation, but you keep savouring how hard this is all coming along and how deep she's falling into the frustrations you demand from her. There's no restraint here, there's just the forward momentum and hunger that keeps her body under your touch, keeps her enthralled by the frustrations that you wear away at her with.

"Not bright at all. I'm a real idiot, but I'm part of the team," you tell her. Her hips grind back against you harder, meeting your thrusts and picking up to a steady patience and fire that starts building stronger inside of her. It's all getting better and hotter. a fierce and ferocious heat that you're ready to continue pushing forward with. Her ass is everything you want, a round and fuckable rear that you just have to keep going on with, throwing everything into the hastier throb and chaos of a passion you can't possibly resist. Raven's resistance to showing nay real human signs only makes this more satisfying, a challenge you can't resist or hold back in your feverish indulgence. She’s trying her best to contain herself, and the hunger you carry on with is all so sweet and sinful, a sweet rush of deliriums that keep you trying to get her off, even if only en route to getting yourself off.

The pleasure is too much to handle, your body tightening under a clenching rush of satisfaction hitting you square-on, bringing with it all a sense of pure satisfaction that hits you just right. Your hips jerk and buck about, throwing everything into the passions hitting you. It's only a few more strokes left until you're cumming up her ass, and you can feel her tense up and shudder against you with an excitement all much too fiery and hungry to be ignored. But she does ignore it, silent a moment and writhing through these shaky pleasures before she finally said, "Well get out of here, you're ruining my focus."

You pull out of her ass, admiring the way it leaks with your cum. "Sure," you say with a shrug, heading off and leaving her to keep doing her chores, not bothering to actually fix her clothes in the process. It's just more fun that way.


Raven liked her reading. She made sure you knew as much, so what better timer to slip into her room than when she was lying in bed, hunched over a book? You slip into her room and don't bother to address her, which means she doesn't address you in turn. Raven doesn't say anything to you if you don't bother to greet her first, at least when you're invading her space like this, which makes it all the better. She has to pretend you're not there as you push your cock forward and stick it in front of her vision, blocking her view of the page. Raven lies there, prone and staring down at your cock blocking her book, acting like nothing is happening. She even turns a page as if she can read fine; it's all theater, but maniacal joys all keep you wanting more.

As nice as holding your dick in front of her face is, it's really not doing much for you; you need to instead guide your cock into her mouth. Her head turns, eyes remaining down toward the page even as she accepts your deep push forward, penetrating her mouth and starting in at the pleasures that you need most. There's no restraint behind the ways you push forward in firm, ready excitement to use her harder and indulge in this chaos. You feel ready to go all out, and your hips can't resist the tempting thrills, moving forward with desperate, jerking thrusts. You don't care about holding back now; the senseless thrill of pursuing pleasure is all you can care about.

Raven's posture moves as minimally as possible while you fuck her mouth. Her eyes focus back down onto the page out the corner of her eye, book nudged and angled a bit for better viewing while she otherwise continues to take you on without doing anything to respond. It's a weird and deranged mess of bursting vigor and fire that you don't want to resist for a second. Your hips pound forward, stubbornly insisting yourself into this moment and trying to keep up with these panics, a pressure growing stranger and more wanton, trying to keep up with these pressures and trying to make the most of this. Raven doesn't need to acknowledge you, but you're not going to show any quarter in trying to make her acknowledge you anyway. There's a need here. A burning, forward passion that demands your absolute worst efforts.

Your hips can't be contained. Desperate slams forward noisily express every burning ache and heat inside of you, burning hotter at both ends amid your desire to make the most of this. Her throat spasms around your cock, mouth tightly latched down and sucking on your shaft and revealing the nature of senseless indulgence that comes with this whole game. She doesn't want to let any signs show, but her desire to go along with this and actively suck your cock while you pump past her lips is there for you to savour, keeping you committed to plunging deeper, pulled into this merciless pleasure by unrelenting pleasures that all keep you giving in harder.

Drool drips from her mouth and down onto the page, splattering down to the paper and marking off little messes amid your relentless desire to keep using her. It's all getting better, more forceful and ferocious with each shove forward. The pleasure keeps rising, building and throbbing and swelling without a shred of mercy to it. Riding these pleasures out all feels better and hotter, your grunts pounding on, but you don’t say anything to her. It keeps the illusion. She's slurping your cock down as you pound her throat, drool dripping onto the paper, but she's not doing anything about it, and you continue to take her deeper, pushing on with less and less restraint for the sake of giving up to this. Nothing can hold you back, and you don't think you want anything to. The passions are only building and rising.

The desperate throbbing of your cock in her mouth should be more of a warning and a distraction that it is, but this is almost theater, and she's holding back against it. It makes you feel greedier and hotter, keeps you ramming faster onward with the singular goal of giving in to this, losing yourself to a very specific and very frenzied need to let it all go. Your cravings push you forward, racing toward an inevitable end, surrendering to the spectacular rushes of passion and want that hit you hard as you come undone at the seams, moaning out loudly in the state of surrender and heat that it offers. "Fuck," you groan, if only to yourself, as you cum in her mouth and fire off every shot you have.

Raven holds firm with it. Your seed overflows in her mouth, drips out and down onto the page, but she holds strong in the face of it all, resisting whatever wants to take her and restraining through the weirdness that you offer. She's too stubborn and firmly composed to let anything show even as you definitely goad a big reaction out of her, but it's still giving you more than she should want to, and still granting you remarkable sway over this situation. You hold firm and make sure you pump every drop down, and as you pull out, some more drips out. She's swallowed most of it, but there's messy strands of spit and spunk connecting your cock to her lips as you pull back. Raven sucks cock hard for someone how’s not really sucking cock.

You don't waste any time in circling around back. Raven doesn't even wipe the spit off of her mouth as you come around behind her, peel her leotard away, and start to sink into the prone girl's pussy.

It's then, leaning forward, that you finally speak up again. "This book looks like trash," you tell her while hunched over her, slamming down into her pussy.

"I don't read these books for their quality prose, I read them so I can make fun of them on the internet," Raven says, cold and detached as your efforts build and intensify, worsening the grand sweeps of frustration and fire that come with them. You want so badly to make this into something that will push her to the limit, and you don't try to contain it all, throwing yourself harder forward and embracing all the most chaotic wants you can imagine. The pleasure is ferocious, forward, and it's only about to get worse.

"There sound like better uses of your time than that," you say.

"Like what, spending time with you? I think I get enough of you as it is, so I'll pass." She puts her book back onto her pillow and straightens out how she lies so she's leaned straight ahead. "I don't know why you're even in here. DO you regularly go invading peoples' bedrooms?"

Her room? At least once a day. You slam down harder into her, keeping up the tireless fever and aggression of wearing harder at her, trying to make the pleasure keep you ramming harder onward, desperate to make this into something completely insane, a deranged rush of passion that your efforts are all getting the better of. It’s too much to handle, wearing harder at her patience with only one goal in mind, and it's all to the brilliant effect of wearing down harder at every shred of patience she may have. The joy of senselessness keeping you fucking your teammate with these insane games is only getting better and hotter, keeping you active without any real sense of control or hesitation.

Whether she ever admits anything aloud or not, Raven's pussy squeezes down around your cock with far too blatant an excitement for you to care. The merciless pace you strike helps bring everything into a tight, snug moment of pure satisfaction. No matter what Raven tries to pretend, she wants this as badly as you do, and the game she's made this into only keeps you vigorous and reckless in seeking out the pleasures you need, every craving met with a senseless answer of crushing ecstasy and surrender. You don't hold anything back as you drill down into her, out only to get what you want and to make her come apart for you. The goal of making her cum is everything to you in this state, a chance to stake your vulgar claim and make her come undone at the seams.

Her fingers keep turning the pages, but they slip and shudder more, struggling to hold steady and brushing against the paper. As faint as it is, the sound of her breath shuddering a little bit continues to encourage you onward; she's barely holding on through all this, and every shred of want inside of you keeps you pounding away, wanting to make her buckle, wanting to challenge what she thinks she can do in holding out against this, and as long as you can continue to take your victory lap over her, there's no reason to contain it. You have her as close to struggling under all this as she can really get, and everything you do wears at her patience perfectly, an expert and ruthlessly executed fit of dominance that you know is pushing her to the absolute limit.

The deep strokes fill her, your cock stuffing into her messier and rougher, forcing her to struggle harder with these pleasures amid your desperate efforts, and you can feel her coming tighter down around you. The sounds of your bodies colliding get more senseless, more ferocious, and it's all taking a toll on her much too grand for Raven to be able to fight. She lets out a tense hiss, spine arching and shoulders tightening. It's all over as she lets herself go, cumming hard from this commotion and expressing more than a little too much surrender for her liking. The squeeze is almost unbearable, begging you for one very simple thing, and you don’t resist it a moment longer. With a decisive and wicked slam forward, you let go, groaning out loudly and pumping her pussy absolutely full of your seed.

The relief makes your hips stutter and slam about, throwing everything into a decisive moment of relentless chaos, wanting only to throw yourself into pure satisfaction. You make sure that every drop of your cum is emptied into her snug hole before you pull back, slow and appreciative of what you've done to her.

"You really love reading time, don't you?" you ask.

There's the faintest little glimmer of something finally open and appreciative when Raven purrs, "I love my reading time more than anything."


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