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Stepping into the spirit world alone, Asami felt downright horrible. She didn't want to be here, and she didn't even know exactly what she was doing, but Asami knew she had to. Her entire love life had come apart at the seams thanks to Mayinjing. The horse spirit had left her girlfriend completely addicted to sucking cock. In moments of lucidity, Korra confessed she didn't even know how, and she wished she knew how to make it stop. Said that if a spirit had cursed her, the spirit could break the curse. Those moments were rare, and most of the time, Korra was happily sucking off men left and right, insisting she didn't want it to stop. Asami felt like trying to bring Korra here to put an end to this wouldn't go well, but Korra was the one who could actually fight a spirit.

And yet there Asami was, ready to try and put up some kind of fight against something she knew she couldn't take.

"Mayinjing!" she called, stumbling through the vastness of the spirit world without even knowing how to find this spirit. She was absolutely about to get into trouble, certain she'd be on the receiving end of some bad times in a short moment, but feeling like her only choice was to try. To stand up for herself and stand up against what this spirit had done, even if she was clueless as to how. She just knew she had to. That was all she understood, but in her desperation, she was here to do anything and everything she could to somehow spare herself the greater indignities awaiting her. She just had to try. She had to fight for Korra. "Mayinjing!" she called again. Over and over, Asami kept yelling it, desperate to find him.

She was probably going to regret that.

"Where is the whor--I mean, Avatar?" rumbled a voice behind Asami. She nearly leapt out of her sin in the process of turning around, staring down the giant horse man lumbering over her. Mayinjing was still big, still imposing, and now absolutely demented looking with the smile he wore. "Too busy sucking cocks to come join you on a stroll?"

"Set her back." Asami stood as fearsome as she could with her disheveled hair and the bags under her eyes. Mayinjing's effects on Korra haunted her, but she had to stand strong here, had to fight against the pressures pushing her. She assumed a combative pose and held steady before the horse man. Her electrified glove crackled, and she was ready to fight. "Fix what you did to my girlfriend! I want her back!"

"What's wrong? Is she choosing the taste of cock over you? Is she too busy sucking off every man she runs into to give you any attention? Maybe the problem isn't that I did anything to her. She just realized how much more fun it is than spending time with you."

Being toyed with did nothing to calm Asami. He was fucking with her, and she wanted none of it. "You made her like this!" she screamed, ready to throw down, ready to take the fight to him and rip him apart with her bare hands if it took it. "And you're going to change her back, even if I have to force you to."

Mayinjing offered up a deep, mocking laugh. "Your glove won't hurt me, and you can't--" While he was gloating again, Asami barged forward, her glove crackling and her fist taking a swing up toward the chest of the beast, coming in from an angle as if seeking to punch up through its rib cage. Mayinjing reached for her elbow, catching it and using her momentum to carry her off of her feet and toward the ground, forcing her around and onto her knees as he shoved forward with the most harsh and merciless of approaches. "Did that go well for you?"

The way he held her on made her hiss in pain. She tried to bend her body away to lean into the way her arm was being pulled, but he kept his pressure and reacted in turn. "I want my girlfriend back," she said, a fierce anger in her eyes, every hope she had resting on the idea that she could lash out at him and get herself free. Somehow.

"I can take pity on you," Mayinjing said, and Asami had no reason to trust in it. She didn't have a choice, though; he held tightly onto her, forcing himself forward. "Why don't I let you see what she saw, and then you can reunite?" He laughed louder, and as Asami immediately began to struggle and recoil back from this, but he held tighter onto her. "Don't fight it. I'll make it all easier. Once you have a taste of my cock you'll be right where you belong: on your knees with your girlfriend slobbering all over dicks together! What a happy ending."

The wild and almost violent shaking of Asami's head came with a sense of absolute panic, but as she tried to inch back away from this, she found herself fully unable to deal with him. She kept her eyes closed, which only left her more vulnerable to the approach of his hardening cock shoving toward her face. His flared, equine shaft offered up its wicked, dark warning to her, but she didn't have much ability to push back against him or fight the approach of his worst impulses. When it prodded against her chin, she could feel everything inside of her body churn in disgust. "I won't," Asami opened her mouth to say, but that only gave Mayinjing what he wanted: an opening to ram forward and drive his massive horsecock down her throat.

Instead of speaking in defiance, Asami choked on his shaft. The struggle was immediate and it was completely overbearing, a rush of panic and worry crashing down onto her at once, forcing her to have to deal with the weird surprise that came with it. How she could even handle it was beyond her, and she was keenly aware of the sensation of her throat struggling, getting spread open by his oversized dick and the threat of his touch. It wasn't something she was built to take, and she wished for a clarity that simply wasn't there.

"It will be easier if you don't struggle," Mayinjing taunted, still holding her arm up. His other hand hit the back of her head, gripping her hair and yanking her back a few inches. "Just let me fuck your mouth and you'll stop fighting it once you taste what she tasted. You'll feel better. Trust me." He was all too eager to taunt her with these worst impulses, forcing her head back and forth, threatening her with the fire and the greed he could muster. He took it slow to start with, savouring the fact the woman he left sobbing when he facefucked her girlfriend was now the one to take his cock.

And sure enough, the tears back. The fear and the panic swirled through Asami with bitter and miserable intensity. She'd never felt anything quite so tense and so certainly awful before, and she didn't know how to make this better as she felt these worries hit her. Her lips slid along Mayinjing's leathery cock, her jaw growing sore and her tongue revolting at the taste. She blew Mako when they were dating, but his cock was nothing compared to such a monstrous beast's. That wasn't a compliment at all; this oversized cock was a threat she didn't know how to handle, and her struggles to take his cock down were becoming more and more of a danger, confusion swirling through her body and leaving her with an aimless sense of bafflement. It hurt to even suck on this.

Not that Mayinjing cared. He worked steadily toward picking up the pace, imposing upon Asami the most wicked of pressures, caring only about making sure she was taken to the limit. His intention was clear and depraved, winding up for the sake of forcing her to suffer through his worst intentions, letting his tight grip and the wicked, brutal fever make her shudder into a state of pure worry. Asami's relentless gagging noises only further excited him, kept him ready to pursue indulgence in its most reckless form. He felt powerful here, compeltely in control, and even though she was a much easier woman to dominate than the Avatar was, she represented his successes in an insane way, made him feel even better about the depraved situation he had built up for himself here.

Drool ran down Asami's chin as he got to a good pace. He worked with shameless and rapturous desire to make her suffer, demanding indulgence on her part that felt completely mad. To be stripped bare of all sense and forced into submission on her knees was the worst outcome, and the taste of his cock working rubbing against her tongue filled her with hopeless revulsion. She loathed this, but she felt powerless to do anything about it, forced into a deep and hopeless submission, forced to take this on and suffer without much sense of direction or sense. She had to take it, forced to continue serving him, stumbling into a chaos that wouldn't let up while needing to do something, anything, to help herself.

So why wasn't she? Asami remained in his clutches, doing nothing to fight him off. Not using her other hand to push him back, not biting his dick, not making any effort to fight him off. She didnt even know why herself, but as his cock continued to throb and pulse in its approach at using her, she felt the hopeless flares of heat and wickedness continue, a dizzy wreck wishing for stability and completely failing to find any. Her body was lost to a sense of sweeping heat continuing to rise up through her, and she felt completely powerless here, struggling against the way he took her and learning the hard way that she didn't have any good way to free herself.

And still, his cock throbbed. It ached and pulsed and threatened her with what she knew would be absolute ruin. It was a miserable rush of feelings that all hit her with only one intense and feverish goal to it all: to break her down. she couldn't escape it, growing more panicked and confused with each of his slams forward. The glee with which Mayinjing took to using her was absolutely too much to handle, every ache and pulse of heat through her body feeling now like a threat. An overactive and harsh threat forcing her deeper. Asami stared up at him, seeing him in his most dominant posture, his most wicked and callous intentions crashing down on her with the most forceful and bitter of panics.

Mayinjing continued his wicked thrusts forward. The sensation of him cramming down her gullet forced Asami to deal with the ugly realities of a pressure she was powerless against. At a moment's notice, he was going to cum, and Asami knew that when he did, she'd be hit with all the same things that ruined Korra. It terrified her, and she trembled where she knelt, fearing the loss of control, fearing the addiction and the frenzy that would take her. It was a nightmarish outcome, but no part of her was able to make this stop. She was just lost to it.

Even knowing it was coming, filled with dread but certain of what would happen, nothing could have prepared Asami for what actually followed as Mayinjing came. He erupted down her throat, then yanked his cock back, firing off shot after shot of spunk all the while, gushing all over her, filing her mouth, and then blasting her face with more. It was too much, its worst excesses forcing Asami to taste, swallow, and even just breathe in the scent of Mayinjing's musky seed.

The effects were immediate. A throb between her legs. Her mouth watering. Everything spun around her, and Asami fell into the utter bafflement of certain ruin. She wished she was better able to deal with these sudden pressures, a sweep of ruinous intent washing over her and forcing her to suffer through all the most depraved and brutal of intentions. She looked at Mayinjing's cock again, twitching before her eyes. "It's so big," she whined. "It's so..."

"There you go," Mayinjing said. "Are you ready to go run back to your girlfriend now?" He knew the answer already.

Asami didn't. Asami needed to take a moment to come around to the realization she was transfixed by the sight of his cock. It was too much for her to take; without a second thought, she dove forward, throating his cock of her own volition and plunging into the delirium of letting the fuck go. She gagged him down with an earnest sense of burning passion, ready to throw everything away and embrace her worst impulses, forsaking dignity for something trashy and vile and absolutely irresistible.

"Oh? What happened to caring so much about your girlfriend? Don't you 'want her back'?" Mayinjing knew this was how it would end, and he couldn't contain his wicked mockery, gloating loudly and without restraint as he marveled at the sight of her struggling her way into taking his cock. This was insanity, a show of complete frenzy and panic manifesting without sense or restraint. All he had to do was give up to it now, throwing himself forward and allowing the pleasures to transcend sense. He soaked in the sight of her degrading herself, enjoying the frenzied heat she threw herself forward with, all momentum driven by a desperation and a heat that clearly wasn't controllable a moment longer.

Gagging him down and savouring the worship of this huge cock, Asami felt better than she ever had before. He'd let go of her hand without her realizing it, and with her freedom, the first thing she did was toss her glove off and jam her fingers down her pants. No hesitation, no waiting. Just a mad, hopeless fingerfucking, the driven hunger and heat of losing herself and losing all sense. It was a pleasure she couldn't deny herself, and the chance to fall deeper into this frenzy of devotion and decadence left her reeling. Asami cared about only one thing, and that was slobbering all over Mayinjing's massive cock. Everything she'd come here for, every good sense and thought in her head, all simply broke down completely.

The back and forth of her head was a frenzied, hopeful mess of need. Complete subservience to the pressures upon her left Asami hopeless, a complete wreck struggling to make any sense at all of the feelings consuming her, and with every motion of her head back and forth, she wished for clarity that wasn't there. It was too much, damning her to fate she was too far gone to even care about hating, and with every motion of her head, she let it take her further, let it push her further into this state of hopeless obedience. Mayinjing's cock tasted too good, his musky seed all over her face and providing her with plenty of aroma to huff while she threw everything deeper into the chaos.

"Maybe you never cared about fixing her anyway," Mayinjing sneered.

That was when Asami realized the truth. When the layers of justification and insistence all melted away abruptly and her thoughts simply shut down. Asami came here to fail. Asami came here to end up right where she was, breaking down and turning into an addicted cocksucking slut. It was undeniable to her now. Shutting her mind off and becoming the same sort of mindless creature of lust was what she was too afraid to admit she wanted, but now, jerking her head along Mayinjing's cock and hopelessly surrendering to his dominance, there was no running from that truth, no hiding how she truly felt. There was just simplicity here, just a pleasure and a passion that ripped to the very heart of what she needed most, and it was finally time to give up to it.

Drooling, gagging, struggling to even begin to deal with the sweet euphoria of letting go, Asami gave up happily. Her eyes were blank and rolled back in her head. She felt empty and lost and hopeless, fully committed to a passion that consumed her utterly. She savoured the hopeless devotions behind this treatment, a struggling wreck sputtering on the huge cock she worshiped, lost to the most beautiful of tensions and to a surrender that made all of her thoughts simply melt away. It was everything to her now, a pleasure and a fever so passionate and fiery that she couldn't grasp it a moment longer. She welcomed what hit her, welcomed the chance to unravel here. She needed it.

Those needs transcended everything even approaching reason or sense. To give in like this was sublime, plunging Asami deeper into the hopeless fever and the fire of breaking down. All sense left her, all semblance of reason simply an obstacle. She served Mayinjing on her knees in complete acceptance, craving the taste of his cum again. Once she made peace with why she was here, there was no more reason to think, and so she simply stopped doing so, threw herself into the ravenous acceptance and desire of a pleasure that transcended reason and decency, and she savoured every second of it.

Not as much as she savoured the suddenness of Mayinjing's cock erupting in her mouth, though. This time, he let her drink it, let her guzzle down every drop of his load directly. It overflowed in her mouth, left her drooling more onto her body, but she didn't care, holding tight in the face of it all and suffering to the sloppy service and devotion of letting go. It was everything to her, and she savoured the utter insanity of falling victim to her worst impulses and her most fearsome passions. There felt like no sanity left. Only surrender. Only the breakdown of sense as she chugged his cum down and accepted what she was, eyes bugged out and all restraint leaving her. Her head didn't stop moving, and the thought of going home was one that simply didn't occur to her, and wouldn't for hours to come.


Korra didn't look toward the bedroom door when it opened. She remained down there, working her head along the girthy cock of the man she'd brought home with her this time. She had no idea where Asami was. She didn't care. She just sucked, in her own world and fully fixated on doing whatever she had to do get off. That was all that ever mattered, and she was fearless in her plunge into this madness.

Which made it all the more shocking when she heard, "Move over."

Korra did finally respond, turning her head and catching Asami standing there, her hair a complete mess, her eyes bugged out. "Asami?" The sight of her girlfriend clearly in distress gave her pause, made her snap back into reality for a moment again. "What are you doing?" She pulled away from the man's lap and moved toward Asami. The moments of clarity where she wasn't completely cockcrazed were ones where she felt nothing but sorry for the way she was, and wanted to always do anything she could to soothe Asami's frustrations.

But Asami moved right past Korra, down to her knees, and promptly throated the man herself.



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