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"You did great today handling the shop. I'll catch you later, little guy." Wendy's fingerguns may as well have been real for the effect they visibly had on Dipper, for the way he stumbled his way through agreement and goodbye. The twins had helped out around the Mystery Shack while Soos was dealing with a family thing and Grunkle Stan was sick, but as far as Mabel was concerned, the whole thing had basically been Dipper bending over backwards to eat his own ass in proving to Wendy that he was mature and able to do things, to so ridiculous an extent that he had butted in on what were definitely Wendy jobs to do them too and prove how effective and good he was.

It was a little bit much.

The door closed, and Dipper looked like he was going to slide right to the floor. "That was a good day," he said, airy and delighted, the wistful joys of what he'd done clearly leaving him excited for more.

The jealousy burning inside of Mabel wasn't healthy. She knew that. Letting her worst impulses get the better of her was a lot to have to deal with, but just about every time that Dipper got so dizzily head-over-heels for Wendy, it infuriated Mabel, left her wondering why he couldn’t look at her like that, why he was so caught up on a girl who was clearly not interested in him. It was the worst thing to have to deal with, the worst feelings to have to fumble her way through, and today, she'd been stuck being exposed to it for hours. Hours of Dipper clearly being all wound up over his crush on Wendy and unable to say anything. It was infuriating, and she didn't know what to make of it, but something inside of her had just had enough. Had enough of all of it. Needed to respond and to respond drastically.

So she threw herself at him.

As Dipper turned around after locking the door, he found himself thrown against it, Mabel's body pinning him up against it and her lips mashing against his in a fitful show of ravenous desire. She wasn't subtle about it. In this state, Mabel couldn't be subtle. She was after only one thing, and her hungry lips sought it with reckless efficiency, adoring him while sucking away at his lips, clinging tightly to him in a show of desperation and heat and desire so strange that she didn't understand how to contain it all. Everything Mabel wanted was right here, the passions surging up across her body and bringing with it a ruinous sense of utter joy. In her boldness, she left her brother pretty much frozen, left him unable to think or respond with any coherent sense to what washed over him.

The confusion throbbing through Dipper was intense. Borderline maddening. He knew something was weird and amiss here, and he found himself struggling through the confusion it offered, knowing this was insane but having no clear idea how to argue against the pressures it imposed upon him. Finally, he managed to find his bearings and push her off of him as little bit, getting away from the kiss and gasping, "Mabel?" with all the panic and bafflement he could muster.

"Sorry, Dipper. I just can't keep watching you fawn over a girl who's never going to notice you." Mabel looked into his eyes, feeling as grave and as serious as she ever had, before shoving forward again, imposing herself upon his kiss once more and desperately seeking to get him to give up to this. She was desperate for his attention and his acceptance, the pleasures all twisting through her with overbearing delight, making her throb under the tension and heat of giving him all she could. It was too much to handle. She needed to make her move, needed to prove her drastic point.

There was no way to argue against the sudden pressures sweeping up through him. Dipper was powerless here, trapped in a baffled state of desperation while his sister held him against the door and forced her kisses upon him. He didn't understand this at all, didn't know how to contend with her adoration and her clumsy affections, but she was overbearing and hungry and made his head spin. This was wrong, and he mustered the strength force her back away from him, now more audibly panicking. "You're my sister! I don't want you to notice me."

"Wendy doesn't want you, but that's not stopping you from following her around like a lovesick puppy all day." Mabel was surprised this was all coming, and coming so harshly, but she was deep in the thick of it now. She'd committed. If she pulled back now, it would have all been a waste. She had to double down and push harder forward. "Someone has to love you back. I've always loved you back."

The deep confusion and discomfort racing through Dipper didn't manifest as anything strong enough to stop her from these consistent shoves forward, especially when she got her hands at his shorts and began undoing him, moving forward with her efforts and leaving Dipper deeply baffled under all this attention. "Mabel," and, "No," were the best he could offer while squirming against this attention, feeling her pulling his shorts down and trying whatever he could to avoid the fate slowly creeping up on him, but he was completely hopeless here.

Mabel gave a slow pull back from the kiss, a bridge of drool strands connecting their lips. "When I do this for you, you'll look at me that way," she said, insistent and firm before dropping to her knees, taking her brother's cock in hand, desperately starting to suck on it. She had no idea what she was doing as she easily pushed on to take him into her mouth, the reality of her inexperience leaving her wholly unprepared to face these sudden spikes of excitement and heat. She didn't know exactly what she was doing, but she knew she had to try and work through it all. Somehow.

"Don't. This is wrong, get off of me." Dipper said a lot of things, but he didn't do a lot of things. He stood there helplessly while Mabel's mouth wrapped around his shaft. The sensation of her tongue slithering arounds inside of it left him shaken, her head relatively static while she focused on licking around him and warming him up. "Mabel, I don't love you that way.

Mabel didn't care. Holding firmly forward, she kept up the sloppy praise of his dick, adoring him with sloppy fire and an intention that wasted no effort in making sure that he gave up to her demands without hesitation. Mabel wasn't putting up with his responses. She didn't want those answers. They lacked what she wanted, so she simply dismissed them, brushed aside all of his concerns and his resistances to cut to the heart of what really mattered to her. Drawing back, she licked his cock all over, moaning out, "Your dick is so nice. I'm not the only one who's growing!" while slobbering all over him. The loving, sloppy licks didn't waste any time in pushing onward. She was her peppy self, ready to throw into this chaos and ready to prove herself a stubborn bit of a mess with each shove forward. Mabel needed this. She craved it. Every dizzy ache in her body begged for her to simply succumb to her deepest wants and lose herself to what they offered, and she stopped letting anything else be in her way as she fell further into it all. it unraveled her, made her head spin, made her body burn.

Why wasn't Dipper fighting this? He remained baffled and compromised while losing himself to these deepening sweeps of chaos. He kept letting it happen, offering up no fight to the ways she tended to his cock, wishing he was strong enough to shove this all aside while having absolutely zero clue what to make of it. she was so forward, so messy, so unable to hold herself back at all, and Dipper was losing ground to her licks, struggling to deal with the strange pressures she imposed upon him, and he found that the more he wanted to pull back from this, the more forward she was about making him lose himself. This was insanity, every sweep of heat and want pushing harder onward, making him lose to this.

Clueless as she was in how she worked at his cock, Dipper was just as helpless. Everything Mabel did to him, clumsy as it was, hit him with an intensity and a pressure that he was stuck unable to resist or deal with. This was all getting weirder and worse, all pulling Dipper into deeper reaches of confusion and heat where he didn't know what to do with it and was drastically slipping into panic. There didn't feel like any good way to resolve this, and Dipper's continued half-hearted efforts failed to do anything to stop her. Mabel was aggressive beyond all sense, ready to keep up this wicked pace, to push and overwhelm and rattle him to his core. There didn't feel like a good way to approach this, but in his indecision, he just let her keep pushing him.

To let this keep happening was insane and dangerous and so risky that Dipper should have known better. His body wriggled through the spectacular rushes of excitement that they offered him, coming deeper into a state of worry and heat with each gesture forward, but he found himself unable to fight this. Mabel's sloppiest efforts were out to ruin him. Her head started to bob along, experimenting with things and coaxing sudden gasps from her brother that told her exactly what he was going to like. So she worked her head harder back and forth, lips around his shaft, taking him in as far as she felt she could and hopelessly seeking out the ravenous passion and pleasure she knew was going to make him surrender to her. This was too much, and the satisfaction she built up with over time was taking him to the limit.

"If you don't want it, why don't you stop me?' she asked, turning outright defiant. Dipper did nothing even with her all but daring him to. He just squirmed through this, clearly struggling with that very issue amid his hands fumbling around and the confused stutter of his hips. He was getting into this in all the ways he didn't want to, and the confusion began to take him further, began to wear at his focus and his thoughts, pulling Dipper into a state where he was absolutely miserable, wanting to be better, wanting to resist this. But even called out for it, Dipper let his hands fall slack, weakly allowing her to keep sucking his cock, weakly accepting whatever this insanity brought him with absolutely no diea how to stand up to this. It was embarrassing, a deeply trouble rush of panic and weirdness keeping him stuck in place while wishing he had the wits about him to act better.

Mabel got wetter. Mabel got sloppier. Her praise of her brother's cock was as overbearing as she could make it, and the end result was pure ecstasy. Dipper's hisses of pure shame and heat burned through his body, the searing panic of cumming in his sister's mouth. Especially when Mabel yanked back moaning, "Tastes great!" and clutched at his thighs desperately.

"I shouldn't have done that," Dipper said, his voice quivering under the utter panic of what he'd just done, knowing full well how badly he had just fucked up. "No. NO, I shouldn't have done that."

"Too late, you came in my mouth!" Mabel said, pulling back. "Wendy didn't get a taste before me, and I like it! Now you have to give me some too, though. I wanna get off, and you're bad as a brother and a boyfriend if you don't!"

"Boyfriend?" Dipper felt his brain shut down entirely with that word.

"You'll get it soon," Mabel teased, hiking her skirt up and turning around. Her panties came down over her cheeks, and she lined herself up, pushing against his sitll-rigid cock and forcing herself onto his dick. The overbearing effort with which she began to throw herself into this chaos was absolutely ruinous, but Mabel didn't care about restraint or sense now. She had very specific, very shameless needs, ready to do whatever she could to pull him in. Impaling herself on his dick, she moaned, "Now neither of us are virgins!"

Still pressed against the wall, backed into a state of absolute panic with all these pressures, Dipper stared in utter confusion at his sister's ass bouncing on his cock, his thoughts trying to piece together even some of what this was. He didn't want to get it soon. He didn't want to get any of this, but his hands felt weak and confused as he tried to push her back, fumbling at pressing at her hips and her ass, making Mabel moan as though he were feeling her ass up instead, and she didn't have the footing and stability to fight this off. "You have to stop before someone catches us."

Mabel held all the power in her hands. The desperate throb of Dipper's cock inside of her brought her something utterly spectacular, and she refused to slow down her mad pace, refused to contain herself amid these wild spirals of chaos and heat. "If you don't want to be caught, then you'd better finish fast." All the power was in her hands here. She was able to keep pushing it, keep using it, keep pressing an advantage that had him weakly accepting everything she wanted from him. It was insanity, and the pleasures were all pushing her to a state of complete surrender and chaos too wild and desperate to comprehend. Mabel felt good, and she knew if she could wear him down enough, Dipper would concede to these pleasures, she simply had to make sure she blew through him and all of his defenses.

When Mabel's moans began in earnest, confusions bubbled up through Dipper with such venomous intensity that he didn't know how anyone could have handled it all. He burned under the strangeness of these attentions, feeling his sister wear at his thoughts harder, his whole body pushed into the dizzy state of confusion and worry where this all stopped seeming real. He was just giving up to this all, struggling harder to make sense of what she was doing to him, all while she got more and more out of him. His body shuddered under this attention, burning through the weird excess and the foggy heat of giving up deeper. His cock ached inside of her, and the pleasures burned through his body with undeniable fire, with a fever he knew he was powerless against.

His hips began to buck forward. Clumsily and reluctantly, but they did it. A senseless rush of pure passion ripped through him without much sense of restraint, his body not wanting this, but moving without his input. He was fucking his sister now, thrusting into her harder, giving her the pleasure and the excitement she wanted while spiraling into this weird heat. Dipper should not have been letting this happen, but now he was leaning into it, encouraging it, losing himself to the chaos and fever of his hips at work, and this was all getting him further and further removed from anything decent. Why was he letting this happen?

"Who needs Wendy when you have a sister who loves you this much?" she asked, letting her jealousy burn through again. Mabel didn't care how she sounded; she'd gotten her victory here, having Dipper unravelling under her touch and giving up to these weird spectacles, all while she fed into the chaos, working back against him harder, refusing to let up on the heat and wickedness of her touch. This was Mabel's time and she took firm advantage of it, shoving forward to make the most of these burning pleasures. "You can stop hunching over at night jerking off and trying not to moan too loud. I always hear it, but now, you can just cum in me instead." The deranged joys of pushing onward were everything to Mabel, who remained utterly certain now that this was the best way forward. Maybe the only way forward. There was no containing herself now. Not when this pleasure was finally so close.

The stubborn pressures kept Mabel hammering about needily, pressing against him. His moans were getting louder, a more vocal desperation ringing out brightly as Dipper fell victim to these passions. he didn't have any way to handle his worst desires, all these joys stripping him of reason and control. "I don't want this," Dipper said, but his fingers squeezed against her hips now with much more intention and desire. he was letting this take him a lot further for someone who didn't want it, letting himself fall victim to desires racing through him without sense or calm, a passionate and overbearing rush of senseless want simply pushing him to the limit.

Dipper came inside of his sister. He wasn’t proud of it, but he couldn't help himself, pulling her ass in against his lap and pumping her deep. The load set her off in turn, Mabel gasping loudly and surrendering to these pleasures. He didn't have a choice, and the burning pressures were simply too much for him. He let it take him, let the pressures hit him head-on and induce complete panic. This was insanity, but as he shuddered his way back to normalcy, all Dipper could feel was the weird and shaky sense of total panic taking him by storm. The pleasures ran their course, and now he found himself utterly unable to handle himself.

Mabel pulled off of him, his cum oozing out of her. "See? Doesn't that feel better than cumming into some kleenex?" she asked. "You have a new girlfriend now, and you never have to worry about a girl who doesn't deserve you not paying enough attention." She leaned in tight against him, eyes starry and deranged as she pressed up against his body. "

Dipper was breathless, baffled, and deeply embarrassed, but as he looked at Mabel and all the shaky realities set in, something desperate came over him. He threw himself forward, locking lips with Mabel and accepting this in a fit of panic and worry. Maybe Mabel was the best he was going to get. Her words rang true. Wendy wasn't going to reciprocate. Driving her to the floor, scampering on top, and thrusting forward, Dipper let himself get carried away, and Mabel's wild gasps of pleasure rang out brightly as the two descended together into new frontiers of pleasure together. There was just no point in fighting it.



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