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Hi hi, dear supporters! The February archive with my uncensored drawings for this month is here! As you can see, it's protected by a password, that will be given on 2024.02.28 in a Newsletter post. "What does this mean?" you may ask. It means that if you were not a supporter of the Enthusiast! or higher tier the day 2024.02.28, then you missed the Newsletter post and won't be able to open the zip files. Supporters of the Master! tier will get the password again at the end of every month. Reminder that you have to be supporting at the time the Newsletter is delivered, if you cancel the subscription before, you won't receive it.




When do you normally send out the newsletters on the day of the password release? i’ve been waiting but i haven’t seen a message pop up or anything? i couldn’t have been too late since i’ve been here the entire day. unless you live in japan or other such country this system is not Good. The time difference in the US means that because it’s almost 10 o’clock noon on the 29th there. And i don’t have the money to afford the later tier.


The newsletters are sent when i have time during the day, I usually try to wait until night time to be as fair as possible to everyone. I sent it some hours ago so if it's not in your Newsletters inbox send me a DM.


i tried to send you a DM but it wasn’t letting me. i would press send but the DM would disappear and reappear in the Input box where i typed it.