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Happy new year everyone! This is a bit unusual, but I've decided to write a small update about my thoughts on last year and my plans going forward~

First, I'd like to thank everyone who likes my art and supports me! I couldn't have come so far without you <3

2023 was an amazing year for me. I met a lot of amazing people, my art improved a lot, released my first doujin (2 of them in fact!), managed to complete a couple small projects and a lot more! Though not everything has been so pretty. There's some things I'm not happy about, like that for one reason or another a lot of my art ended up rushed, or not up to my standards. I'll be aiming to fix that this year, leading me to speak about...

My silly plans for 2024! You can consider this my resolutions list for the year if you want.

- First and probably most important: I decided I will try to not rush any more art in the future. I'll do my best to make each piece the best it can be! Now comes the ugly part that some of you may not agree with. Making my art better means that I'll be spending more time on each drawing and my art cadence may decrease (or maybe not, who knows). I'm basically exchanging quantity for quality. This may disappoint some of you, given the nature of my art, but I hope you understand and support this decision. As always, I'll still do as much as I possibly can.

- Second! I have some silly little projects planned for this year!!! This includes at least 1 new doujin and something secret that carries over from last year, as well as other silly stuff both related and unrelated to cunny~

- And finally, I'll do my best to have as much fun drawing as I can! At the end of the day, a happy Kan is an efficient Kan! Everyone wins~

I think that should be everything? I wish everyone the best for this year~

Ah, also, I've made another Twitter account since the last one got suspended so I'll just throw it in here as well: https://x.com/orangeswithcat



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