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I added a new 800 yen subscription tier. This will eventually become the tier required to see artwork early but NOT YET. I still only upload around 3 images a month due to commission work, so I don't feel it's worth it to make the switch now. This year will be my LAST year for working on commissions in the background. And afterwards I will no longer be taking on anymore so I can focus on making my own content, uploading more often, as well as working on larger projects that I have in store (ie comics and animations). Once I finish all of my current commission work, then I will move onto using the 800 yen tier as the standard. I WILL make an announcement when that's gonna happen.

The reason for me making a larger tier is because Fanbox only deals in yen, and right now the value of the yen is continuing to plummet as time goes on. When I first signed up for this site, 100 yen was worth just short of a dollar, making my 500 yen tier worth essentially just shy of $5 a month. Now 100 yen is valued at around 65 cents, meaning despite having many more supporters than I used to have, I'm still making barely more than what I did starting off. In fact one of my largest months ever in terms of supporters, I actually made LESS money because the yen tanked in value a little extra that month.

So for now, the 800 yen tier will just sit there, only being useful for people who feel like being generous. But in the future (when I upload more often) it'll become the new standard tier.

(If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know in the comment section)



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