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I had to make a quick image to test out these new CMYK screentone brushes I bought. Well worth it if you ask. me. Here's another character from one of the many comic books I've been reading recently, Ezimar, Definitely plan on revisiting her again with a foot worship pic in the future. I just needed a composition relatively simple to test out the brush set.




Gods & Gears huh? I'll have to note that down as well, this girl is freaking hot! this trip through comics I gotta know, are you knowledgeable on Heavy Metal? Taarna is one of my favorites.


I am not, no. But I might be familiarizing myself with older indie comic characters once I have to start tracking down series on Ebay once I finish reading all of Alterna's line-up. If you or anyone else have any good indie comic suggestions, feel free to let me know.


Taarna, Lady Death, is on the top of my head, but if I find any others I'll pass them along to you.