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Awesome. What I like is that the 15 looks younger than the 20, something I have a problem doing. Would you have any tips on how to convey that better? If it's not too much trouble


What are you curious about? Are you talking about drawing a character to make them look younger?


Yeah, I've always made my characters looking older than what I wanted to convey? Thanks, any and all advices appreciate it


Well, I don't know how to judge because I haven't seen your paintings, but the ways I know. 1. The face should be short and round. 3.The length of the nose should be shortened. 4.The eyes are round and big. 5.The character's lips should be thin. This can make the character look younger. https://archive.org/details/andrew-loomis-drawing-the-head-hands/page/n95/mode/2up Read the books written by Andrew Loomis carefully. It will be much easier to know.


Thank you Also you wouldn't want to see them their hideous 😆