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-Android playability bug(androidプレイ不可の不具合を修正)

-Defect that causes the whites of the eyes(白目になる不具合を修正)


-Windowing button has been implemented.(ウィンドウ化ボタンを実装しました。)

-Wait a bit for the Chinese implementation.(中国語の実装は少し待ってください)

PC version


Android version


Last time, the access capacity was exceeded in one day, so if you have already played last week, it would be helpful if you could refrain from playing until the next demo. I would like to ask those who have not played it first.













Publication temporarily suspended due to a notice from Open AI regarding sexual content.

You can still download it, but you will not be able to access it.

Open AIから性的コンテンツについてお達しがあったため一旦公開停止。





we need chinese in this please


開発ありがとうございます。 いくつか報告です(全てフルスクリーンモードです) ・エッチシーンの画面切り替えがブラックアウトしてそのまま戻らないバグがありました。街角青姦→ホテルのルートで発生しました。) ・デート中(カフェのみ?)会話するとWoomyの言葉がが途中で途切れてしまったり、/の後にコードが発生したりします。オープンAI系に触ってみたことがあり、おそらく稀に起きるAI側のバグのようなものだとは思います あと、何かしらの方法でチャットログが見れる機能がもし追加できましたらお願いしたいです。ブランドとか映画タイトルとか捏造されたりして記憶できなかったり、セリフが一瞬で飛んでしまったりして読めなかったりすることがあるので…… 今回が初プレイになるので報告済バグなどありましたらご容赦ください TUKADAさんのイカちゃん大好きです、応援してます (今後他のバグなど見つけましたらこちらのタブに付けさせていただきます)


Is it a glitch that part of the screen blacks out during a sex scene?


Ah, a shame I should wait until the next demo. Oh well, it's still sounding promising!


I think it does that for imagination purposes. If you end the sex scene the screen should return to normal.


i tried to have sex with her, but every approach i have tried, made her say were just friends, or most of the time just start stating that she is an ai, so i have no idea what to do to get to the sex part


I feel like the dialouge box progresses too fast and I don't always have time to read all the text


nevermind, i managed to do it by deleating and redownloading the file


プレーを我慢しなければならないのが残念です。 今回は非公開でオープンしましたので、需要もチェックするのに良さそうです。 multi langに対する需要があるようです。 イカの量が言う部分がtextareaのような感じでcopypastができれば、この部分に対するニーズはかなり解消されると思います。 (根本的には使用中の言語モデルが支援するのが良いですが、この部分は難しいと予想されます。) また、フォントにも問題があります。 現在使用中のフォントは一部の言語がサポートされていません。 もちろんkamiの余裕が一番大事なのでmulti langはnever mindしてもいいです。 いつもありがとうございます!


I like this idea where you can engage with Ika-Chan in any way, especially when it comes to sexual stuff. Though it was a bit tough to get a scenario going with anything R-18 as I do get hit with literal rejection by the AI itself due to its restrictions on what it can or cannot do or it tends to steer towards friendship and platonic relationship. However, I understand this is more of a ChatGPT thing and not the author itself, plus there are ways to get a scenario by being subtle with your message. Another thing I want to point out too is that using this with an android, the chat box tends to go over the border and behind the 'enter text' box, plus it's hard to keep up as it disappears too quickly. But overall, It's a great software and I can't wait to see more of it.


・GalaxyS8 ・Android 9 以上の環境でAndroid版をDLしたのですが、apkを開くと 「パッケージの解析中に問題が生じました」と出て インストールできず、遊べません… 「パッケージの〜」が出たときの対処法(Playプロテクトをオフにする等)を試しましたが、それでも改善されずです。これはOSのバージョンが古いのが原因なのでしょうか?今作はもしかして古いのは対象外なのでしょうか…前3作はAndroid9でも問題なく動作していたので、非常に悔しいです…。 また、PC版でやりたいのですが、当方はMacなので、 対応版が出ることを切に願います…


ブラックアウトはエッチシーン中は解消しません。(左下のステータスがセックス中、フェラチオ中) また、セリフに不必要な文字が発生してしまった件についてはすみません。なんとかします。 チャットのログ機能については了解です。次バージョンで実装いたします。 プレイおよび、バグの報告をいただき、誠にありがとうございます。 これからも頑張ります。


いつもありがとうございます。次バージョンをお待ちください。 私はmulti language を実装したいと思っています。 特に、中国語の需要があるようなので中国語を実装したいと考えております。 これは設定のファイルを各言語用に翻訳する程度のことができれば実装できます。なので、次回バージョン等では中国語も実装できるかと思います。 ただしフォントについては、中国語はサポートされていないのでどうしても別フォントを利用することになるかと思います。


Thank you for playing. I am very happy that you like this initiative. When you let go of something naughty, the AI ​​will reject you with a certain probability. That is the big problem in this 1st version. However, I'm thinking of some solutions for this problem, and will try them for the next version. And I will fix UI problem. thank you for reporting.


今回、解析対策としてソフトの出力方法を変えております。おそらくそれが問題を起こしているのかと思います。なるほど、古いOSバージョンだと動作しない可能性があるのですね。 従来の方法で出力してみました。 https://mega.nz/file/YHBHlbgQ#M65uUO5Cl5DRy1Q_Mh-kM9D4Zotl8jCieGi8vwsyvkE ひとまずこちらを試してみてください


ありがとうございます! 早速DLしたのですが、状況は変わらず…ますます原因が分からなくなりました。 他に引っかかる点はなかったか考えてみたのですが、自分の環境だと解凍の際、何故かパスワードを聞かれることなく解凍されました。これは他の方々も同じなのでしょうか?コレが原因でapkファイルが破損した状態になってしまってインストールが上手くいかないのか、はたまた自分の環境が悪いだけなのか……謎が深まるばかりです。他のAndroidユーザーはインストールの時どうだったのか、色んなサンプルと照合してみないと解決策が出ない感じがします。


As a Korean, it is very unfortunate that there is no Korean. :( But the game is always fresh and fun. If you support a lot of languages, you won't be able to make a new game, which is a big problem. I am extremely attracted to your work and am willing to provide more support! I'll always look forward to good works. And... I hope there's a save and chat log... When I move on to the next stage of the game, One bug causes me to start from scratch. I'll look forward to your great work in the future.


おや、こちらもダメでしたか・・・ 出力方法を変えれば実行できるはずなので、自分の設定の問題だと思います。もう一度確認してみますね。 パスワードはゲーム内で必要になるものなので、解凍時には要求されません。


Anyway of getting the ai to not reject ATM? I've been trying for hours

Tricky Boi

I love this AI, but I do want to report a bug. In the early stages of being intimate with Woomy, the black box in the middle appeared (I assume it's there as a transition of some kind), but never went away, even after the intimacy was over. I've also seen posts and comments about how Woomy gets naked and/or uses a towel after sex but those things never happened. I'm sure it's a texture error, but I feel like you should be aware of it. Keep up the amazing work!


So after playing with the ai a bit, i have learned that it acts different during sex (its either random when i log in or its the specific way i use my words), she either acts like a fanfiction character, or an educator as she starts listing up facts and information about sex, partners, prevency etc. However, i found an easy way to make her horny, and im also suprised that when the ai thinks its an horny fanfiction character, it plays along with some really kinky things i type in. The ai sometimes also gets horny on its own, and the most suprising thing to me, was when i ordered curry, she wanted us to fed each other with our mouths. So far im really excited to see the final result!


Has the password changed or does it take awhile to log in when you first try it out?


対応遅くなり申し訳ないです。 旧設定に戻して再度出力しました。 https://mega.nz/file/oWhFyBQB#Sd63znmnzhcsdXSlbwQFvfrnXyVeq7oxw-DDCJYOKH4 こちらでどうでしょうか。


i have no club how to have sex with her, i suck :P


I dont want to be rude, but i think this version is a step backwards, because the english version sometimes start with japanese sentences, the word layout also seems to be broken (location, emotion and action), and the inkling girl appears to be rejecting the player more than saying its an ai and that it cant fulfill such request, because every move i tried that was successful before, does not work now because the ai just wants to brush it aside and chat about something else.


Agreed, something broke it more ruining the English version and Lewd, I do still have hope that it will get better.


Yeah, the emotion system seems to be broken and does not update when it should. That is making it harder to get to the lewd sections. The AI just keeps rejecting any form of relationship beyond casual friendship.


The game is really cool but it's pretty buggy in English and doesnt work most of the time. You have to restart it a couple of times before it works in English and all systems are in place. I had one very good session when I ended up making the inkling fall in love with me and enjoy the night in my bedroom but sadly the screen was entirely black for that section :( Otherwise, even then, it was hard not to say something that ChatGPT would reject as inappropriate. It's very filtered and maybe instead of using a GPT AI that is very against mature and roleplay content you could research some other AIs that are much more open and don't filter conversations? Most of the time, the roleplaying gets ruined by the self aware AI or just straight up refusing to generate any explicit content (i would have to avoid using sex words while the AI was clearly roleplaying having sex, which was pretty funny but also kinda frustrating). Best of luck with this project, it's certainly the most interesting!


I don't know Japanese, and my English skills are not good enough. it is good game. I like to see want it finish.


Thank you for playing. Yes localize has big volume to do. But there must be any solution to solve. And thank you for your advice.


Thank you for playing and thank you for bug repporting. Okay. I will fix it in next version. I will keep my best in the future.


Thank you for playing. I'm happy you had fun. Yes it has a big potential I guess. Finally, I will make it best game.


This is a cheet tech, but it seems that she tends to accept it easily when suddenly forced to have sex.


Sorry for inconvenience. Apparently, there are some things that don't go particularly well with the English version. Randomness is involved, so you should be able to do it after a few tries.


Apparently there is a big difference in the results between the English version and the Japanese version. The Japanese version is currently doing very well, but the English version seems to be more strict with the AI ​​rejection. I don't know the cause because it is a problem inside GPT, but I will try to improve it in the future.


don't worry try to your best of your game. I do not want to make you hurry to much about make game because more hurry more mistakes could happen.




ご不便をおかけしました。 当方で確認したところ、現在正常に機能しているようです。 接続エラーの可能性もありますので、お手数ですが、もう一度試していただけると幸いです。


pc版です sexに誘っても全て断られてしまいます。一度デートで好感度上げないといけなくなったんですか? 後、Woomyちゃんのセリフが途中で切れていることがあります。 いつも楽しく遊ばせてもらっています!応援しています!


Someone help me, i cant get her to leave the starting location, or get anywhere at all. is there a easier way to lead her to the good stuff?


Someone give me more direct hints, nothings happening, nothing changes, and I dont know how to get ika to the actual sex scenario


Hello, Im sorry to ask but i have been stuck on the password page for awhile i dont if its my wifi or?


Is there a picture or something of what we're supposed to see in an H scene? I've only managed to convince her 4 times since June and it's always been a black box blocking everything