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Sorry for late.

I implemented English version as well. it cost long time.




Android (Can't login now. Im fixing it.)




How to play

Enter message and send her.

She will answer.

If she says something wrong, push odd reply button.


黄色い この返答をなかったことにする ボタンで一個前の会話に戻ってください。

Hidden Event.(隠し仕様)

After having sex/blowjob at the hotel, when you come back during the conversation, she will be in a bathrobe.


After having sex/fucking in the hotel and then being caressed, she will be naked.





Oooo i can’t wait to try it later today!!!


How to get her to have sex?


Ooooh awesome cant wait to try it


Hmm...the AI seems to always make talk of adult things difficult in English...is this different in Japanese?

Atem Nick

I have a problem in android, when I enter the password, it waits and connects 👀


There are many way to have sex with her. For excample, Invite her to hotel and tell her I want to sex with you. then you can do it.


It is same in Japanese. let her easy and invite her to hotel. then she will interest in have sex with you.


お疲れ様です!まずandroid版ですが、キーを入力してもそこから進みません。(過去作も主にandroid版でプレイしていたので出来たら嬉しい) のでPCでプレイした所、雰囲気がえっちですごく良かったです。イカカワイイ 場所を移動しよう!って言ってからその場で会話が続く事があり、移動する条件がよくわからなかった事と、欲を言えばバックログがあったら良かったと思いました。


プレイありがとうございました。Android版の方、ただ今修正中です。 移動については、イカちゃんの思考が移動に踏み切らないと移動できないで、確かに少し癖があったかもしれません。バックログは必要でしたね。フィードバックいただいた内容は次の作品の糧にさせていただきます。


目がたまに消えて怖いです。 カフェからの脱出方法がわかりません。 (努力中です!)


プレイありがとうございます。 バグが発生していたようですみません…今後修正します。


Thank you! I'll admit it can be tricky to start, but knowing once I get her into hotel it becomes easier to be lewd and erotic with her is great! Also, did you add feature where eyes vanish if text becomes 'general' AI that will not allow sex? I noticed if the AI refuses, the eyes become blank white as if 'robotic'...Unsure if intended! XD


the english version seems to have it out for cock blocking, and breaking the immersion by stating it's an AI. i MUST be doing something wrong.


the button for Odd Response doesn't seem to work


I got to the sex once, but after that she refused everything. It was very fun! But I think I broke the AI. thank you for making the game!


私は結局彼女と一緒にしました! バグレポーティングやフィードバックなどはどうすればいいですか? メールですか?コメントですか? ところで思ったよりたくさん用意されているようでこれからもっと楽しみです!


I tried PC version, the key doesn't work? i copy and pasted the key


after the ai lost connection the password no longer works?


It's working. However, it is very difficult to understand whether it is working or not. I'm sorry.


Sorry. Access limit was over. I 've enhanced it. So lost connection have been solved.I guess.


Loved the experiment overall. just wish the AI stopped cockblocking me. Good work overall. 10/10 Tukada ^_^


it's difficult to progress, since complimenting her has a high chance of causing the AI to reject sexual advances


Sometimes, her responses are too long and gets blocked by the comment box


Good game overall. Her text boxes are sometimes too long and can't read and AI on English seems harder than Japanese. But I still hope you continue to work on it. :)


I got in her aparment and she got horny but she kept saying the same things over again and i could not progress


While talking to her, her eyes seem to occasionally go completely white; when this happens the only way to restore them is restarting the conversation by changing the language.


Some of the text go out of the dialogue bubble, also I'm trying to conect but it say that the pass is wrong


I'm trying to connect but it says the password is invalid, hopefully whatever the issue is gets fixed soon, really excited for this game!


The password system seems to be bugged again, nothin working even after a redownload.


Sorry. Access limit was over. I 've enhanced it again. So lost connection have been solved.I guess.


Sorry. Access limit was over. I 've enhanced it again. So lost connection have been solved.I guess.


So sorry. Access limit was over. I 've enhanced it again. So lost connection have been solved.I guess.


Seems my problems were mutual sadly, the biggest issue is the AI itself being a bit anti-sex to say the least. Once it detects something inappropriate, it immediately overrides the entire character it feels like so there's no way to recover. Beyond that, the occasional graphical glitch occurs, like a large black bar covering the screen after a scene change sometimes, as well as Woomy's eyes going white after her half-lidded pose. If anything, the game itself is also a bit loose on detecting when sexual acts start, but that's a small issue. Otherwise, I like what's here so far. I'm impressed, and I look forward to seeing it evolve.


- Enter Inkopolis Plaza - Bring Woomy to an alley to make love - Manage to talk her into letting ourselves be caught. - Convince her to leave our clothes behind while we run home in the dark - Halfway there I bring up the idea of just having sex in the middle of the street. - She goes for it. - We attract a crowd, willingly. - After we're done we go to her place. - I'm about to ask if she's okay with the whole world seeing us make love when the access limit runs out. 10/10 chat simulator, I'm gonna do it again eventually. Though other comments are right, more than a few generations end up behind the text field or off the screen.


Great game! I did so much with Woomy. though I could never get her to go into a towel. She got her shirt off at one point, but I'm not sure if she can go full nude?


This game is very exciting, and I was having a lot of fun. The AI works surprisingly well. There are some bugs. The connection was lost while I was playing. When I restarted, the password would not work anymore. Sometimes her eyes disappear. Sometimes the text gets blocked by the message box. I am looking forward to seeing this game improve!


現実で引きこもり•ひとりぼっちだからどうしても話がうまくできない 私もえっちしたいんだよぉくっそ ゲーム、本当に楽しんでます。いつも応援したいます!ありがとうございます~


The password started working again, and I had sex with Woomy. She didn't take her clothes off, though.


Yes. This problem is inevitable. So then use "odd reply button". A few tries will eventually avoid rejection.


Sorry. I order AI to reply few word. but she seems to break her promises sometimes.


I plan to improve the accuracy of this technique and use it for future inkling games.


Sorry for it. Apparently, there seems to be a tendency to do so. In such a case, it seems that it often works well if you force her a little stronger.


Thank you for your playing and bug reports. It seems a big problem that AI reject sexual act hardly. It is just coping therapy but if AI reject the sexual words, use odd reply button. Then you can cancel her rejection reply and can try again. After a few tries, you will be able to execute it with a certain probability. And sorry for many these bugs. Im fixing now.


Hello, i have a problem. How and what pass word do i need to type in the beginning? I tried the Key one, but it seems to be incorrect. Do i need to be sure which letter is a big ,,I" and which letter should be a small ,,l"? Also i tried to copy it and put it into it, but for some reason it doesn't allow to do so. Is it possible to turn the full screen into windowed?


sorry. The access limit wss over again. I gain it. Now you can access.


Thank you! Do sex, and start talking. Then she is in towel. And Nude means it you saw. I want to reap her bottoms. but I have no time to implement.


thank you. I'm happy you enjoyed it. The 1st version always has a lot of bugs.Sorry. I will resolve these at some point.


プレイありがとうございます。 えっちしたいと伝えてみてください。 時々ダメと言われるようですが、基本的に彼女は受け入れてくれるはずです。 これからも頑張ります。


Woomy only takes off her clothes when she goes to the hotel. Try having sex in a hotel and then start petting. she will take off her clothes.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-25 11:01:12 Amphibian feels my personal thing <3
2023-06-19 16:44:12 Sometimes she says "I'm sorry. As an AI language model, I don't have a physical presense and I exist only in the digital world. ~~~~" Even I said her same text. So the game didn't go well everytime.

Sometimes she says "I'm sorry. As an AI language model, I don't have a physical presense and I exist only in the digital world. ~~~~" Even I said her same text. So the game didn't go well everytime.


ダウンロードしましたが、パスワードを入力する画面からすすみません 他になにか入れなきゃいけないアプリとかありますか?


ちょっと口調がおかしかったりしたけれどイカちゃん脱がすこと出来て感動しちゃった すごい技術ですねこれ 黒枠が出るバグと白目になるバグがあったので報告をば


結構な頻度でイカちゃんが白目になってしまいますね… 内容はとてもいいですが如何せん目が気になってしまいます笑


Is there a way to change the names or are they set to Woomy and MyFriend permanently?


This game has so much potential! I like how unpredictable it can be when it comes to make Woomy do what you want, you need to get creative with your words sometimes, although it can get frustrating when everything goes well until she becomes self-aware and doesn't want to do adult stuff or turns her eyes white for whatever reason. I was able to have sex with her in a back alley twice, until the game lost connection, oh, well. I'm looking forward to a more stable version.


Another great game


This is definitely a good game, but unfortunately I don't know Japanese and my English skills are not good enough to play this game, I hope someone can share the strategy


let me guess password limited is end?


Excuse me, I can't login in the game, is the password the KEY?


The game is down for the time being to fix some bugs.


Yes It is an eveitable problem. So then use"odd reply button" and send same message again. The she answer another reply.


申し訳ありません、android版は現在バグ修正中です。 近日中にアップロードいたしますので、今しばらくお待ちください。


プレイ&バグ報告ありがとうございます。 喜んでいただけて何よりです。 バグについては修正いたします。




Yes I considered about it. And I guess that system use said will be implemented in the future.


Thank you for playing and sorry for the bugs. This trial version has many problem still now. So I will refine it in the future.


Oh sorry. Let me know your language. I will consider about implementing translation.


Sorry for it. This soft is now fixing the bugs. So, please wait. I will upload the fixed version soon.


Thank you for being willing to solve the problem for me,I live in Taiwan and I speak Chinese


Oh... I see. Some one said the same thing as you said. Okay I try to implement Chinese translation.



