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First and most importantly, my video card won't be available to me for at least two weeks. So all work on the sequels is on hold. As soon as I can, I will continue working on it. Secondly, as you can see I'm still digging into neural networks trying to squeeze interesting content out of them, they're actually evolving very quickly. But so far the controllability of neural networks is not enough to create meaningful content. Maybe later. But the work is interesting and I thought I'd share it. Faces generated by neural network, so all similarities are random. 首先,也是最重要的一点是,我的显卡至少有两个星期不能用了。因此,续集的所有工作都将暂停。一旦有机会,我会继续工作。 其次,正如你所看到的,我一直在深入研究神经网络,试图从中挖掘出有趣的内容。但就目前而言,神经网络的可控性还不足以创造出有意义的内容。以后再说吧。不过,这件艺术品很有趣,我想我应该与大家分享。人脸由神经网络生成,因此所有相似之处都是随机的。




so there will be no new post this month?


I will still try to get a post out before the end of the month. It just won't be 250 pages. I've done some of the work already, but it's not enough for a comic, and there are some connecting pages missing.