fantiaに移行して二重課金された方へ For those who have moved to fantia and have been charged twice (Pixiv Fanbox)
5/11 21:00追記 Ci-enもAI禁止になりましたので上記対応を見送らせてください
I am very sorry that despite my recommendation to move to fantia, the same AI ban was applied to fantia. If you have already moved to fantia and have been charged twice, please contact me through my message (not through the comments section) and I will send you a free ticket code for one month of ci-en's 600 yen plan.
(Although it is possible that Ci-en will also avalanche ban you from AI...)
5/11 21:00 Note: Ci-en has also been banned from AI, so please let me forgo the above response.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.