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Hey, thanks in advance for takin the time to read this. Love ya! Anywho, I got tired of waiting three days to make my art public. It was initially supposed to be extra incentive to get people to pledge, but honestly, i just wanna finish something and post it at the same time. I've found that I've forgotten to make a piece public after the three day mark or at all sometimes. That sux. So to prevent that and also scratch my itch for posting stuff as I finish them, going forward Gremlin supporters will have access to the original resolution of finished pieces. Everything else in the other tiers will stay the same. The previous full res illusts that were exclusive to the Gremlin Supreme and Pit Boss tiers will stay that way, exclusive. This is mostly because I'm too lazy to actually go back and change them. So yeah, that's all from me for now. Please keep supporting me and look forward to more art from me soon.


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