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先日、Booth・DiGiket・Gumroadにてダウンロード販売させていただいたビジュアルノベル作品「瀧勇太郎の生業」の英語・中国語版を鋭意制作中です。 日本語が堪能な各言語のネイティブスピーカー2名による翻訳+8°の翻訳監修がついた正規版です。Fansub等とは異なり原作にはない表現や記述もありますが、すべて私の意向を汲み取っていただき翻訳を進めております。 つきましては、日頃サポートいただいている海外のサポーターの皆様に、進捗報告を兼ねた「翻訳版チャプター1」のデータ配布を行いたいと思います。作品全体の作業進捗率はおよそ50%ほどですので、完成までは今しばらくお待ちください。 今回、翻訳にご協力いただいたのは以下のお二方です。 英語翻訳:zephyrkaze 中国語翻訳:EkisuiKou 緻密な打ち合わせのもと、日本語原文に寄り添ったクオリティの高い翻訳をしてしてくださっています。是非、完成版にもご期待ください。 ※この作品をはじめ、著作権を尊重しない悪意ある(または教養のない)方々による「作品の無断転載」が多く報告されています。私の身近なクリエイターの方々もこういった事案にひどく悩まれており、これらの行為は違法なだけでなく、作者の創作のモチベーションを著しく阻害する行為です。無断転載は絶対にしないでください。 ----------------------------------- Hello everyone. I wanted to let everyone know that we are currently working very diligently on the English and Chinese versions of the visual novel “Taki Yutaro’s Livelihood” which was recently released for download on Booth, DiGiket, and Gumroad. These versions of the game have been created with the help of two native speakers (one of English and one of Chinese) who are also proficient in Japanese and whose translations I supervised in order to create these official localizations. One aspect that sets these translations apart from fansubs or fantranslations that you may be used to is that although the English or Chinese version may feature expressions or descriptions not present in the original version, all of these changes have been made in consultation with me and according to my wishes. Therefore, as a special treat for my foreign supporters who support me day in and day out, in addition to this announcement on our translation progress, I would like to distribute the data for the translated versions of “Chapter 1”. Current progress on the entire work is at approximately 50%, so I ask for your patience as we continue working on the English and Chinese translations. I would also like to introduce the two people helping out with our translations at this time. English Translation: zephyrkaze Chinese Translation: EkisuiKou These two have produced very high quality translations while keeping in close communication with me and getting familiar with the original Japanese text. I believe the completed version will also most certainly live up to your expectations. *I am sad to say that many users have reported to me that this work (among others) has been republished on other sites maliciously and without my permission by those who don’t respect copyrights (or those who are unaware of how copyrights work). Other creators who I am close with have also been troubled by these sorts of incidents. I want to stress that not only is reuploading or reposting other people’s material to other websites an illegal act, it is also an act that highly impacts creators and destroys their motivation to continue producing new content. I implore you once again to not republish or repost my work on any site. ----------------------------------- 近日我在Booth・DiGiket・Gumroad數位販賣的視覺小說作品「瀧勇太郎の生業」,其英文版與中文版正努力製作中。 是由兩位日文能力很不錯的英/中母語翻譯者操刀,加上我8°的監修的官方正規版本。與市面上流通的第三方字幕組版本翻譯不同,有著與日文原作內容不同的表現手法與敘述內容,所有的部分都是有根據我本人的同意所做的翻譯內容。 此外,為了感謝長久以來非日文母語的海外支援者們,順便作為這次的進度報告,想在此發佈「翻譯版的第一章章節」部分的數位檔案。 目前翻譯進度大概到50%左右,還請多見諒並稍等候完成之時。 這次參與翻譯的兩位翻譯員為: 英文翻譯:zephyrkaze 中文翻譯:EkisuiKou 感謝兩位在彼此多次縝密的討論過程中,盡全力地能貼近日文原文只為了呈現高品質的翻譯內容給玩家。敬請大家期待完成版! ※不光只是這部作品,長久以來收到許多網友們的舉報,得知許多網站上有諸多不遵守著作權法、甚至是毫無水準的人們任意公開我的作品。不僅是我,我周圍許多熟悉的創作者們也都對於這種問題相當地苦惱。 此行為不僅違法,甚至還會嚴重損害到創作者今後的創作動力。請務必遵守著作權,不要任意在網路上公布非法轉載與發佈非法資源。




Surely, you might not like piracy, but that's how I found out about the game in the first place. People who want to support artists will do that, and those who don't - they don't. Thanks for the translation!


thanks for the translation! Hope to see more of your works translated in the future if possible. Would love to see your old comics translated. Especially the Carl Clover and Guy Cecil strips :-P


yay!!! hopefully that goes to gumroad once translated. im eager to get hands on one. :)


I will consider your suggestion. However, since I am not translating, I can't promise anything.


Once the translation is complete, we will re-upload the work on gumroad, so please wait.


Awesome!!! Can't wait to see it. Thanks for making translation version.


ありがとうございます、8°さん!! 私の日本語はあまり上手ではないので、英語版で安心します!! すでにフルバージョンを購入しましたが、日本語が読めません。 英語版が楽しみです!!


進捗 はいかがですか



